Two savages came to Rong Bao, one on the left and the other on the right, and directly swept their legs to attack Rong Bao.

Bang, bang!

Rong Bao raised his arms to block his feet, and then flew out, hitting the ground and rubbing his hands vigorously.

The next moment, seeing the savage approaching, Rong Bao hurriedly stood up from the ground with a carp, and then punched forward.

"Smash Bandits and Destroy Demons!" Rong Bao let out a low growl, raised his fist and said, "Dragon fights in the wild!"

Rong Bao punched out, the wind of the punch was like a dragon's howl, and then a black light billowed in front of Rong Bao, and soon turned into a black dragon, coming towards the front.



A savage stepped forward, straightened his chest and took a blow from Rong Bao. The dragon shadow hit the savage's chest, but the savage was fine.

Rong Bao scolded his mother in his heart.

He didn't know whether to say that these savages were strong or not.

These savages don't know any kung fu skills at all, because Rong Bao has never seen the other party use them, and his whole body is clean and smooth, and he doesn't have any treasures in his hands.

The cultivation level is even more outrageous, and Rong Bao can't feel the other party's cultivation level.

But these savages are tough!

The bodies of those savages are unbelievably strong, at least the orcs in the realm of freedom, after showing their real bodies, the physical strength is almost the same, which is extremely terrifying.

But if it's just that, Rong Bao is not afraid, even if the orcs with a high level of self-cultivation show their real bodies, they may not be Rong Bao's opponents.

But the problem is that this group of guys don't know how to do it. No matter what kind of attack they are, they just hit it hard, and then those attacks will be nullified, and it's okay to hit the opponent.

How can I fight this?

You can never win a man who is not afraid of your attack!

Rong Bao had no choice but to turn around and run again. Since he couldn't go back from the suspension bridge, he climbed the mountain. There was a cliff behind him, and Rong Bao ran up the cliff without even thinking about it.

However, just as Rong Bao jumped up the mountain wall, a palm stretched out from below, grabbed Rong Bao's ankle, pulled Rong Bao off the cliff abruptly, and hit the ground with a bang.

Rong Bao said with a mournful face, "Can you stop eating me? I have a lot of elixir and spiritual materials here. Isn't eating those things better than eating me?"

As soon as Rong Bao finished speaking, a group of savages surrounded Rong Bao and stepped on it.

Rong Bao quickly shrank his body, and then said: "I haven't showered for several days, it stinks!"

Those savages raised their feet again, as long as Rong Bao opened his mouth, he would kick violently.

"Damn, you grandsons!" Rong Bao cursed, and then said pitifully, "Can you stop stepping on your face?"


A big foot stepped directly on Rong Bao's face.

The next moment, those savages squatted down, and they were about to strip Rong Bao's clothes off, and then put spices and salt on it, and throw them into the cauldron.

Rong Bao wanted to die already, if he was also a character on the vertical and horizontal side, how could he be eaten by someone at the end of the day?

"Qiao Ye, you son of a bitch!" Rong Bao thought about it, and with grief from his heart, he cursed, "I'm going to lose your father!"


Suddenly, there was a roar on the cliff, and then a pillar of smoke descended from the sky, slamming hard on the ground, shaking those savages away.

With a bang, Rong Bao also fell to the ground firmly.

On the cliff, Qiao Ye and Xie Feng poked their heads out.

Qiao Ye looked down and said, "Who is whose father?"

Rong Bao cursed, "You are father, why are you here now!"

Qiao Ye said to Xiefeng: "Let's go, I didn't see Rong Bao, let's search in another place."

"Don't go, don't go!" Rong Bao hurriedly shouted: "You are my father, go ahead!"

Qiao Ye sneered, and then jumped down from the cliff. Seeing those savages approaching, he immediately swept forward with a halberd.

In an instant, black smoke billowed all around, and quickly turned into a huge crescent-shaped smoke blade, which was cut forward.


Bang, bang!

The smoke blade slashed at the bodies of those savages, and after a muffled sound, it dissipated without hurting them at all.

Qiao Ye was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes sank, and he waved the black halberd again!

The first form of the six evil spirits without life!

Severe evil wind and cloud: a halberd across the sky, attracting the vision of wind and cloud, sweeping all directions.

The black smoke on Qiao Ye's body erupted suddenly, and it became even more terrifying in an instant. At the same time, in the next instant, the black smoke became more sinister and terrifying. Just standing in it can make people feel The feeling of trembling was transformed into evil spirit by Qiao Ye.


As Qiao Ye raised his halberd and slashed forward, black light burst out suddenly, full of momentum!

In the sky, a vision suddenly appeared, the wind was surging, Qiao Ye blasted out, the sound of thunder appeared loudly, and fell towards the bottom, and then a halberd light blasted out, falling towards the front.


The halberd slashed the body of a savage, and the savage involuntarily stepped back a few steps, then shook his body, regained his footing, slowly raised his head, and looked at Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye said with a look of astonishment, "What's going on?"

"All attacks are ineffective, at least I attacked them before, and the attacks were ineffective." Rong Bao said helplessly: "Brother, use your little brain, if you think these guys are easy to deal with, how could I be attacked?" They caught it, and almost stripped it naked, and it was eaten as soup?"

After a moment of silence, Qiao Ye said, "I think a pot of soup should be enough for them."

Rong Bao wondered, "What do you mean?"

Qiao Ye said: "Literally!"

Qiao Ye turned around and ran, stepping on the cliff to get back to the top of the cliff.

But at this moment, a savage lifted a boulder from nowhere and threw it in Qiao Ye's direction.

Qiao Ye quickly stepped aside, the boulder hit the cliff, and with a bang, it fell apart.

At the same time, the speed of those savages was also extremely fast. As soon as Qiao Ye's side landed, the second savage came up and punched Qiao Ye with his fists raised.


Qiao Ye crossed his arms and received a punch. Feeling the force, he backed up involuntarily.

Qiao Ye grinned involuntarily, the strength of this savage is extraordinary!

Rong Bao looked at Qiao Ye who came back to him and said with disdain: "You think it's so easy to run away? If it was so easy to run away, I would have run away long ago. These guys run away so fast."

Qiao Ye said, "I never thought I could run faster than them."

Rong Bao felt bad, and said cautiously: "What do you mean?"

Qiao Ye said: "I can run faster than you."

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, he started to run towards the side of the mountain.

"Damn!" Rong Bao cursed, and then chased after Qiao Ye, "Brother, I ask you to be a human being!"


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