Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1897 Little Ji Arrives

The rising height of the colored smoke is limited, and when Qiao Ye and Rong Bao climbed to a certain height, they escaped from the colored smoke.

Those savages who retreated from the colored smoke naturally saw where the two were.

Without any hesitation, those savages ran immediately, rushed up the cliff at high speed, and then continued to climb up.

Rong Bao looked down, and then scolded his mother: "This group of guys not only run fast, but how can they climb so fast?"

"Nonsense, people live on the edge of the cliff and climb the cliff every day, can you not be happy?"

As Qiao Ye spoke, he raised the black halberd and threw it downward.

The savage was quite stubborn, he just stuck his neck and didn't dodge, and then...

It turned out that the opponent's head was made of real iron. After the black halberd hit the opponent's head, there was a bang, and then the black halberd was broken apart.

Qiao Ye's people are numb, what the hell are these guys, no matter how high their cultivation base is, they won't be ineffective for all attacks, right? This is pure rogue.

Xiefeng poked her head on the cliff and shouted loudly: "The stripes painted on their bodies should be arrays. Try to erase those stripes."

Just as Xiefeng yelled, the two savages had already chased after him, and they stretched out their hands and grabbed Qiao Ye and Rong Bao.

Qiao Ye quickly twisted her body, while avoiding the opponent's palm, she stepped directly on the opponent's head.

Rong Bao gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand suddenly, and fell down.

However, when passing by the savage, Rong Bao stretched out his hand fiercely, hugged the savage, and then stretched out his hand to rub the savage's chest fiercely.

The stripes on the savage's chest were not rubbed off at all, but the savage enjoyed being rubbed a little bit. This little expression was quite satisfying.

Rong Bao scolded: "You pervert!"


In the next moment, Rong Bao was hit on the face with an elbow, and he fell off the cliff and landed firmly on the ground.

Several savages quickly stepped forward, twisted Rong Bao's arm, and pressed it to the ground desperately.

Rong Bao raised his head and said in pain: "You are lying, it is useless at all."

Xiefeng spread her hands, she was just making a suggestion, whether it is useful or not is none of my business.

On the other side, Qiao Ye kicked a savage off the cliff, and then continued to climb up with hands and feet.

Rong Bao shouted: "Don't go, aren't you here to save me?"

Qiao Ye said: "Let's think about how to deal with these guys first, and come to rescue you after we think about it."

Rong Bao said cursingly: "When you figure it out, the day lily will be cold, and I will make bone broth and stew."

"You have a thick skin, not so easy to cook!"

While the two were talking, Qiao Ye suddenly felt a gust of wind coming towards him. Looking back, he saw a savage lifting a boulder and throwing it towards him.

Qiao Ye quickly turned her body around, grasping the rocks of the cliff with one hand to stabilize her body, and at the same time swept out the black halberd in her hand.

With a bang, the boulder was chopped into pieces by Qiao Ye.


The moment Qiao Ye smashed the boulder, a savage rushed out.

Behind that boulder, there was actually a savage lying on his stomach.


The savage slammed into Qiao Ye straight, and hit Qiao Ye's face with his forehead, smashing Qiao Ye into a mess, then hugged Qiao Ye and pulled Qiao Ye from the cliff. pulled down.

With a bang, Qiao Ye also followed in Rong Bao's footsteps and hit the ground firmly.

Rong Bao gloated and said, "Let you run away, let's end together!"

"You are stupid!" Qiao Ye scolded, "I ran away, you still had some hope, but now there is no hope."

Rong Bao was stunned and said: "That's right!"

at the same time……

The moment Qiao Ye fell to the ground, the surrounding savages rushed up and surrounded Qiao Ye in an instant.

Qiao Ye quickly stretched out his hand and slapped the void in front of him, and the tail feather blades around his body exploded instantly.

Blue Sky Falling Blossoms: Shoot out one hundred and thirty-three tail feather blades at once, covering the fan-shaped area in front.

As a treasure of world quality, this Linglong Qingluo is indeed quite powerful, but...

Dang clang, clang clang, clang clang!

The scattered tail feathers covered the sky and covered the sky, densely packed, and there was nowhere to hide. When it hit the cliff, the cliff was directly blasted into big holes with a diameter of at least three meters and a depth of one meter.


Those tail feather blades kept hitting those savages, but it had no effect. Those savages were covered with copper skin and iron bones, and those tail feather blades were bounced off instantly when they were hit.


Those savages just resisted the attack of the tail feather blade so hard, and slowly approached Qiao Ye, and the encirclement became smaller and smaller.

Qiao Ye also had a look of helplessness. She had fought numerous battles, big and small, and could be considered a battle-tested man. Is the result going to be explained here today?


Still being stripped naked to make soup, so miserable, God damn me!

Seeing that Rong Bao had been restrained, Qiao Ye had nowhere to escape, but at this moment...


Suddenly there was a buzzing sound in the sky.

The buzzing sound was a bit harsh, making people involuntarily show pain, and then looked up!

That day, a stream of light unexpectedly appeared in the sky, continuously wandering in the air, outlining and drawing a formation.

Those savages seemed to be terrified of the formation, leaving Rong Bao and Qiao Ye behind, running towards the rear, and just escaped.

But at this moment...

Boom, boom, boom!

The loud roaring sound continued to appear, the ground trembled continuously, and then it continued to crack, and rocks rose up one after another, barring them in front of those savages.

Qiao Ye's eyes lit up and said, "Xiao Ji?"

In front of the stone wall, in the cracked ground, Xiao Ji walked up directly from the ground.

At this moment...

The patterns in the sky were outlined, and countless beams of light fell from the sky and fell on the bodies of those savages.

Those savages showed extremely painful expressions on their faces, struggling continuously in the beam of light, and then...

The stripes on those savages gradually began to fade until they disappeared completely.

next moment...

Xiaoji stretched out her hand and pressed forward, the stone wall behind her seemed to dissolve, turning into countless mud, and then solidified from the state of mud, turning into stone thorns one by one, flying out towards the front .

Puff puff!

As the stripes on their bodies gradually disappeared, those savages seemed to lose their magic, and were constantly pierced through their bodies by those stone thorns.

Bright red blood splattered continuously, spreading all over the ground.

A savage shouted: "Leave us alone..."


A stone thorn hit the savage's head, directly piercing the opponent's head.


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