"Hey, can these guys talk?" Rong Bao asked in surprise, "I always thought they were chatty, they couldn't speak human language at all."

Xiao Ji stepped over the corpses on the ground and said: "They belong to the Qiling clan, they refine their bodies into weapons, and in the state of Qilings, their bodies are indestructible, and they will also lose their vitality. They cannot speak human words, They can't feel temperature, have no emotion, don't know fear, they are very powerful, but after breaking away from the spirit state, they are not to be feared, they are very weak."

Xiefeng jumped down from the cliff and said, "Qi Ling? I seem to have heard of it. Is it from the Wuji lineage?"

Xiao Ji nodded.

Qiao Ye stepped forward to look at Xiao Ji and said, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Xiao Ji smiled and said, "They saved me."

Xiao Ji turned around and looked back, only then did everyone realize that Xiao Ji didn't come alone, there were five or six people behind her.

Most of them were dressed exactly like the savages they had seen before, only wearing animal skin skirts, naked, with dense stripes painted all over their bodies.

However, one person was an old woman, wearing a long robe and holding a wooden staff in her hand. When she looked up, she could see a ruby ​​on her forehead.

Qiao Ye and the others seemed a little vigilant, Xiao Ji said: "They won't do anything."

The old woman stepped forward and said: "The old man's name is Yizhuo, why don't you sit down and talk about it?"

Qiao Ye and the three looked at each other, then nodded and said, "Okay!"

Yi table stretched out his hand and said, "Please!"

Xiefeng walked and said, "Are you from the Wuji lineage?"

Yizhuo nodded and said, "Yes."

Rong Bao asked curiously: "I've heard of Wu Ling, is Wu Ji a branch?"

"No, to be precise, both are branches." Xiefeng said: "When the witches were in the ancient times, they were a very large race, which can be said to be second only to the human race on the Canglan Star. However, compared to The human race and the witch clan declined earlier. In the age of the end of the ancient times, the witch clan declined. Therefore, people knew very little about it later. The only famous one is the witch spirit, because the witch spirit lineage can transform the spirit body , so, more people survived from the ancient times.”

Yizhuo was a little surprised and said: "Little girl, you know a lot about us."

Xiefeng smiled and said, "I saw it in a book about ancient and modern classics."

Yizhuo nodded and said, "Do you know anything else?"

Xiefeng continued: "There are a total of twelve branches of the witch clan, but among them are the branches, the main three are witch sacrifices, witch spirits, and wizards. The three branches are good at different things. Wuling is good at Psychics and curses, wizards are good at formations and tricks, witch priests are good at refining sword sacrifices, if it is related to witch sacrifices, these people who can't be killed should be weapon spirits, right?"

Yizhuo nodded and said, "That's right, they are all weapon spirits."

Rong Bao said curiously: "I know that powerful treasure weapons have spirits, and they are called "Qi Ling", for example, Qiao Ye's dragon head guillotine, but the "Qi Ling" you mentioned should be different from what I said. "

Xiefeng said: "Refining weapons with the body is a very profound method among witch sacrifices. It can refine living beings into utensils. The living beings in the state of utensil spirits are almost immortal. Of course, it is not without flaws. , just like just now, you can kill it by wiping the weapon pattern."

Rong Bao said: "I see."

Xiefeng said: "I'm curious, there are still witch priests alive in this world. According to historical records, the bloodlines of both wizards and witch priests should be severed."

Qiao Ye added: "And, from the information we have learned, this place should be a deserted island."

Rong Bao said: "I don't think there is any fuss about this matter."

Xiefeng blinked her eyes in doubt and asked, "Isn't this something surprising?"

Rong Bao pointed to Qiao Ye and said, "Hey, how many years have you not seen anyone? Now there is a person standing in front of you. Since there are still living humans in the human race, and there are living witch sacrifices in the witch race, you can Not unacceptable, right?"

Xiefeng is speechless, this is a proper fallacy, the two have no connection, but I really don't know how to refute it.

Yi Zhuo said: "Witches and wizards are indeed about to become extinct, but they are not extinct yet. There are about four or five hundred people in total, and they have been living in seclusion in the void of Hongmeng. As for this island, it is indeed a desert island. The place where our witch priest lives in seclusion is in the depths of the sea of ​​one hundred yuan, a place in the sea of ​​one hundred and ten yuan, not this place."

Qiao Ye asked curiously, "Then why did you come here?"

Yizhuo looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Because, destiny!"


Now that Qiao Ye hears these two words, her head hurts, because she can't help but think of Jiang Liuxue.

Yizhuo said as he walked: "The rise and fall of the world is a fixed number. Since the ancient times, reincarnation has been created and broken one after another, and this is the destiny. Although our witch priests did not change their fate against the sky and break the reincarnation. However, I hope to at least be able to occupy a place in the shattered world."

"Old lady..." Rong Bao just opened his mouth, remembering that he seemed to have saved himself just now, and the most important thing is that the five or six artifact spirits are obviously not easy to deal with, so Rong Bao hurriedly said decisively: "Old man, you Can you tell me something we can understand?"

Yi Zhuo glanced at Rong Bao and said: "Then let's start from now, the Kuroshio is about to appear, the hundred yuan sea will soon burst, and everyone who stays here will die."

Rong Bao was stunned and said, "Huh?"

Xie Feng was also surprised, but Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji were not surprised, Jiang Liuxue came back again, so this kind of thing was predictable.

While speaking, several people had already walked up the cliff along the mountain path, and then entered the forest.

It can be seen that a small camp has been built in the mountain forest, and many spirits are working in the forest, cutting down trees, or moving stones, and building some huts.

Yi Zhuo led everyone into a wooden house and said, "I came here just to save Hundred Yuan Zhihai."

Rong Bao said: "What is the Kuroshio? Is it so powerful?"

Yizhuo shook his head and said: "I don't know what it is, but, according to the result of Wu Ling's psychic channeling, we saw the Kuroshio Current, and at that time, the entire hundred-yuan sea would turn into pitch black, and the black seawater Wherever it passed, the houses collapsed, the earth sank, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and all living beings perished."

Rong Bao said, "Why does the more you talk about it, the more mysterious it becomes?"

Yi Zhuo said: "This is Wu Ling's ability to foresee the future. Now that he has seen it, it means that this future may appear, and it will never be wrong. And according to the results of psychic communication, the Kuroshio is just the beginning, it is everything. The beginning of the dispute, not the end."


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