Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1903 Attack and Defense


Qiao Ye stepped on the ground fiercely, crushing a piece of the ground, and then rushed forward.

Just at this very moment...

Huo Tong drew the arrow fiercely, and fired in the direction of Qiao Ye!

The three-eyed race is not a very large race of creatures in the Primordial Void, but their reputation is still quite large.


The three-eyed tribe has produced arrow gods from generation to generation!

From birth to death, the three-eyed people always use the same weapon, bow and arrow!

And in the Primordial Void, anyone who can enjoy the name of the God of Arrow must be from the Three-Eyed Clan. In this world, no one is more accurate than the Three-Eyed Clan, and no one knows how to bow and arrow better than the Three-Eyed Clan. weapon.

The black feathered arrow turned into a streamer again and hit Qiao Ye's face directly, but...

Around Qiao Ye, a large area of ​​flames suddenly appeared, burning crazily.

Black Feather Demon Sky Falling Phoenix Armor's Flame of Phoenix Cry activates!

Flame of Phoenix Cry: Wearing the Black Feather Demon Skyfall Phoenix Armor to fight, as it moves, the Black Feather Demon Skyfall Phoenix Armor will continuously release flames, causing burns to enemy targets in any area.

The flames of Fengming couldn't directly burn and destroy the black-feathered arrow, but when the black-feathered arrow penetrated the flame, it was affected by the flame, and the trajectory of the feathered arrow obviously deviated.

While running, Qiao Ye tilted his head slightly, and the black streamer flew out against his cheeks.

The next moment, Qiao Ye came to Huo Tong, raised the black halberd and stabbed it out forcefully!


The black halberd hit Huo Tong's chest, piercing Huo Tong's body instantly!



Qiao Ye didn't feel the reality of the attack at all!

Sure enough, just as Qiao Ye thought about it, Huo Tong's body turned into a halo and dissipated.

at the same time……

The sound of strong wind whistling again came from above Qiao Ye's head, and the dense rain of arrows struck again, pouring down towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye fell on the black halberd, let out a low growl, and then punched it into the air.

Phoenix Magic Strike: Your attack will be accompanied by Phoenix Magic Flame. Every twelve times you use it, it takes twelve hours to reshape the Phoenix Magic Flame.

With that punch, the flames burning all around suddenly rose into the air, continuously condensed in the air, and turned into a flame phoenix, spread its wings, and soared into the air.


There is a loud noise!

The flame phoenix exploded in the air, completely annihilating the falling black-feathered arrows.



Just as Qiao Ye resolved the rain of arrows, a black-feathered arrow flew out from the side, brushed against Qiao Ye's cheek, and was nailed to a big tree behind him.

Qiao Ye wiped her cheek with her hand, there was blood on her fingertips!

Although it's just a scratch, but if it wasn't for the flames burning in the surrounding area when wearing the black-feathered demon heavenly phoenix armor, which slightly changed the trajectory of the black-feathered arrow, then this arrow should have been nailed directly into Joe. Leaf's head.

Qiao Ye immediately raised her head and looked in the direction where the black feather arrow flew out, trying to locate Huo Tong, but finally shook her head!

"Sure enough, a good shooter must also be a good lurker!"

Qiao Ye didn't feel Huotong's aura at all. Obviously, at that moment, Huotong completely covered up his aura, and then wandered in the forest.

This is not a strange thing.

Qiao Ye has the Black Feather Demon Heavenly Falling Phoenix Armor, two of which are that as long as he wears the Black Feather Demon Heavenly Falling Phoenix Armor to fight, an area around Qiao Ye will burn with flames.

The second characteristic is that Qiao Ye's physical body will be greatly strengthened within the range of flames burning.

Therefore, it is obviously quite unwise to confront Qiao Ye head-on.

What's more, it is indeed too difficult for someone who uses bows and arrows to fight head-on with him.

Just as Qiao Ye was thinking, a streamer of black-feathered arrows emerged from the forest again and struck towards Qiao Ye.

This time, Qiao Ye was prepared and leaped backward immediately.


Huo Tong obviously predicted the direction of Qiao Ye's dodge, and the second arrow arrived in front of Qiao Ye in an instant, hitting Qiao Ye's bright red face directly.

At the critical moment, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand fiercely, and grabbed the black feather arrow. The tip of the arrow was no more than half an inch away from Qiao Ye's throat.

After receiving the next arrow, Qiao Ye raised his hand violently, and threw the black feather arrow back forcefully.

Bang, bang, bang!

The black-feathered arrows pierced through the trees continuously, nailing the trees one by one.


Still unable to force Huo Tong out, it was obvious that Huo Tong had shifted position when Qiao Ye started.

"It seems that the person must be dug out first!" Qiao Ye closed her eyes slightly, and said, "Yuan!"

Circle: The domain ability created by mental power perception and state of mind can form a circular range with a diameter of 15 meters as the domain range. Within the range of the domain, all avoidable attacks cannot hit.

Qiao Ye listened attentively, feeling everything around her.

The diameter range of \u0026 meters is obviously not enough to find the fire pupil.

The three-eyed tribe is a natural shooter, one of the reasons is that their third eye has extremely terrifying vision.

The furthest range of Huotong can even reach three thousand meters.

Of course, that is only the theoretical maximum range. After all, the accuracy will inevitably be affected if it is too far away. Secondly, even if the accuracy is not a problem, you still need to look at the surrounding environment.

In the open plain environment, if you can still be condescending, then three kilometers is naturally not a problem.

However, it is impossible to extend the range to 3,000 meters in the mountain forest environment. Even 1,000 meters is enough, and 500 meters depends on luck.

Because there are too many shelters, and it is difficult to find the angle when it is full of trees. Therefore, normally, the fire pupil will open its bow at a position of about 200 meters at most, so that it can find a suitable angle to attack. , and guarantee a considerable degree of accuracy.

At this moment...

Qiao Ye turned around sharply, sweeping the black halberd in his hand.


The black halberd hit the black feathered arrow and sent it flying with a single halberd.

Huotong's arrow is very fast, very fast, every time he finds it, the arrow has already arrived in front of him, and it is not easy to dodge it.

However, with a circular domain, as long as he entered 15 meters, he could know the location of the black feather arrow, so Qiao Ye would have a chance to block and dodge!

After picking up the arrow with a halberd, Qiao Ye charged directly in the direction of the arrow without any hesitation.

Huotong, who was hiding behind the tree, wanted to switch positions immediately, but at this moment...

Linglong Qingluo (Treasure Phantasm) (Tianxia): Made of one hundred and thirty-three pieces of bluebird tail feathers, it was made by Fu Zhe, a master in the bloodline of bluebirds, and is the most powerful hidden weapon in the lineage of bluebirds.

Blue Sky Falling Blossoms: Shoot out one hundred and thirty-three tail feather blades at once, covering the fan-shaped area in front.


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