Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1904 What about my attack?

Although Linglong Qingluo was said to be a hidden weapon, Qiao Ye didn't intend to use it as a hidden weapon at all. He just took it out and swept it forward.

In the next moment, the tail feather blade spread out and frantically scattered forward.

bang, bang, bang...

The trees in front were continuously pierced, and some trees even fell down instantly because of the continuous hits.

Qiao Ye jumped up and jumped over the broken logs, the black halberd in his hand slashed forward and said, "I found you!"


The halberd fell, and the smoke wrapped around the halberd turned into a smoke blade, which fell forward.

Huo Tong's reaction was quick, and he quickly dodged to the side, and then with a bang, a huge slash mark was cut on the ground.

At the same time, Huo Tong drew three arrows in a row and aimed at Qiao Ye.

"You don't necessarily have the upper hand if you get closer." Huo Tong looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Although this means that you can attack me, it also means that you can't avoid my arrows!"

At such a short distance, would the fire pupil miss it?

of course not!

The next moment, the fingers holding the bowstring were released, and the three black-feathered arrows turned into streamers and shot forward.


Dang clang, clang clang, clang clang!

The three arrows hit Qiao Ye's chest, and Huo Tong's eyes widened instantly.

After the three black-feathered arrows hit the black-feathered Demon Sky Falling Phoenix Armor, they were bounced off and fell to the ground.



The black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand was sent forward, piercing Huo Tong's lower abdomen.

Huo Tong's complexion changed, blood dripped from the corner of his mouth, he looked at Qiao Ye and said tremblingly, "Can't my arrow hurt you?"

Qiao Ye said: "After all, it is the armor handed down from the Phoenix lineage from ancient times. How could it be easily broken?"

Huo Tong said: "Then why are you hiding?"

Qiao Ye said: "Don't hide, why do you think you can shoot me? You don't think you can shoot me, how could you choose to fight instead of running away?"

Huo Tong raised the corners of his mouth, smiled bitterly, and grabbed Qiao Ye's wrist.

"Listen to me..." Huo Tong gasped while coughing blood: "In addition to the witch priest named Yizhuo, there is also a witch priest and a witch spirit. They are chasing and killing Yizhuo, and they have masters under their command. I was planted with a Gu, and I was one of them, if I disobeyed, I would die..."

Huo Tong suddenly coughed up blood, his face pale.

"I tried my best to find a way to survive, but unfortunately, I didn't succeed!"

Huo Tong curled the corner of his mouth again at Qiao Ye, then knelt down on the ground, completely losing his voice.

Qiao Ye pulled out the black halberd, supported Huotong's body, laid the body flat, and finally closed Huotong's eyes.

Some opponents are worthy of respect, especially pure enemies like Huo Tong.

Is it wrong to want to live?

Of course not, the difference is that Qiao Ye is alive and Huo Tong is dead.

Qiao Ye didn't delay for too long, and quickly got up and ran forward.


After running about fifty meters, Qiao Ye suddenly heard a "rumbling" sound from the ground.

Qiao Ye looked down, the ground was trembling, and soon, the sand on the ground turned into an arrow.

Qiao Ye realized in her heart that it was Xiao Ji who discovered her and then gave her guidance.

Qiao Ye immediately started running along the arrow.

Quickly through the mountain forest, near the top of the mountain...


There was a huge roar, and then a cloud of sand and dust rolled up, and a huge stone wall rose from the ground.

Xiao Ji is fighting!


"Little lady, stop struggling!"

"Yes, tell us obediently, where did the witch priest go, we turn around and leave now."

Standing in front of Xiao Ji were two men.

One man was wearing a tight black military uniform, and the other was wearing a large white robe, both of them looked about twenty-five or twenty-six.

If Rong Bao was here, he would be able to recognize these two people at a glance, they are black and white spirits!

The Black and White Lingsha, like Rong Bao, belonged to the evil spirit family, and came from Demon City, a well-known force in the evil spirit family.

The two are the heirs of the elders of Demon City. Heisha Ye Wuya practiced the blood-swallowing demon skill, and Baisha Yezijiu practiced Da Luo Xuanjin. The strength of the next challenger.

However, these two people have never actually won the ring, because the Heavenly Dao Arena does not allow two people to be in the ring at the same time.

And this is where the strength of the two lies.

Ye Wuya and Ye Zijiu are twins. They have a tacit understanding since they were young. Their joint attack skills are very terrifying, but if they are separated, their strength will be greatly weakened.

It's a pity that the two are standing together now.

Xiao Ji didn't pay attention to the two of them, but stretched out her hand and waved forward, a stone wall rose up, pushing towards the direction of the two of them.

"How many times have I said it..." Ye Zijiu stretched out his hand forward and said, "It's useless!"


Ye Zijiu pressed his palm against the stone wall, and then the stone wall shattered.

And, very weird...

The shattered stone wall was not broken irregularly, but neatly, as if cut by a knife, and turned into cubes one by one, even, it was as precise as measuring the cut with a ruler. from.

Ye Zijiu said with a hippie smile, "Your attack is useless to me!"

"So, what about my attack?"

Qiao Ye's voice sounded at this moment.

Ye Wuya and Ye Zijiu also looked at the sky for the first time, and then saw Qiao Ye jumping out from nowhere, waved the black halberd in his hand, and the halberd blade slashed in the air, and then a blade of smoke appeared, facing towards the sky. It fell in the direction of the two of them.

Ye Zijiu and Ye Wuya quickly changed positions, and then Ye Wuya came to the front and slammed out with a palm.


Ye Wuya raised his palm and slapped Yan Ren, and then the Yan Ren suddenly burst and scattered in all directions.

Ye Wuya smiled and said, "Here comes another one."

Ye Zijiu said: "Ten are useless."

"Yes!" Ye Wuya said: "But people are too polite now, what can we do if we insist on giving it away? We are also very helpless!"

Qiao Ye said, "Is that enough cross talk?"

Ye Wuya and Ye Zijiu said together: "We advise you to retreat, the woman's attack is useless to us, so what if you are added?"

"Then what if I'm the one?" At this time, Rong Bao walked out of the forest, glanced at the two of them, and then said happily, "So it's you two beetles, long time no see. But the tone seems to be good at it!"

Ye Wuya and Ye Zijiu's expressions changed slightly, and then they said, "Rong Bao, why are you here?"

Rong Bao said: "Where I go, do you care?"

Ye Zijiu said: "Rong Bao, this matter has nothing to do with you, it's best to stay out of your own business."


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