Night falls!

Everyone gathered in the cabin, looking at the dozens of simple boxes in front of them.

To say that pirates are really a profitable business, there are all kinds of spiritual materials in the boxes, and there are three boxes of various treasures.

Everyone was amazed at this, and then...

Then there is no more!

Yizhuo has no interest in these things at all. After all, he is a superior person, and a superior person has a superior demeanor. Moreover, the Wu clan is quite special. Their cultivation method makes most of the treasures unusable. Therefore, the treasures of the Wu clan The tools are all refined by themselves, and the treasures of the Wu clan are hardly handed down. After all, most of the treasures of the Wu clan cannot be used by outsiders, and only a very small number of them can be used.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable to say that the fall of the Wu Clan is not unreasonable. Popular things are easy to spread, while niche things are easily annihilated in the long river of time. This is the case of the Wu Clan, and their inheritance is therefore difficult to continue .

Yizhuo is not interested, and of course Xiaoji is not interested either. Those spiritual treasures are not of much use to her, unless they are related to the origin of the earth.

Also not interested is Xiefeng, to put it bluntly, she doesn't like her.

Qiao Ye was very interested because he could absorb it.

Rong Bao was also very interested, but soon lost interest.

"I can't get out of this shitty place!" Rong Bao wanted to cry without tears: "There is no way to sell things with you!"

Rongbao is not interested in things, but mainly interested in picking things up for nothing and doing business.

So, Qiao Ye accepted it very bluntly.

"You have absorbed nine-jointed bamboo (third grade), absorbing martial soul value: points."

"You have absorbed konjac water chestnut flower (second grade), absorbing martial soul value: points."

"You have absorbed the gold inlaid jade general sword (first grade), absorbing martial soul value: points."


Qiao Ye didn't leave anything behind, because although there were a lot of things, none of them were above first-grade gadgets. Even if everyone in the Primordial Void was rich, it wouldn't be possible for everyone to have all the gadgets above first-grade Beijing.

To put it bluntly, the gang of Duoliu Jietian cannot be used as a reference. After all, most of them are wealthy and powerful, and the promising young people in the clan have different resources from ordinary people.

The world in Primordial Void is relatively rich, but the average level is much higher than that of Canglan Star.

After absorbing the things, Qiao Ye didn't think too much about it. Right now, he needs as many martial souls as there are stars in the sky to improve his cultivation level.

When he was in Canglanxing, Qiao Ye was almost in a state of wanting nothing, and it was impossible to rely on the jade card to absorb and improve his cultivation in this life.

But after coming to the void world of Hongmeng, it is okay, but it is still a long way. If you buy yourself a thousand of these pirate ships, or buy yourself two hundred from a local tyrant like the blue bird, then you can break through immediately. To the realm of great freedom.

Therefore, at present, relying on absorption, it is still necessary to be strong in blacksmithing, and Qiao Ye's own cultivation speed is not slow.

"Let's set a time for closing the night." Rong Bao said, "I'll watch the first half of the night?"

"No need." Yi Zhuo said: "My Qi Ling doesn't need to sleep or practice, they will take good care of the boat."

"So awesome?" Rong Bao asked curiously, "Are they still living beings?"

"Half and half." Yi Zhuo said: "It's all their own choice. Most of the time, they are people with limited talents and congenital deficiencies. Their upper limit of cultivation is there. If they want to go further, they can only borrow external force , Artifact Spirit is a very good choice, it can make them stronger and prolong their lifespan, especially the latter, which is very tempting for people with low cultivation.”

Rong Bao said: "But, they eat people."

Yi Zhuo glanced at Rong Bao and said, "Who told you that Qi Ling eats people?"

Rong Bao said: "Hey, I was almost stewed by them."

Yi Zhuo said: "Probably to scare you, so that you can be obedient and answer their questions, anyway, the spirit of the weapon does not eat people."

Qiao Ye said: "It's all in the past, don't mention it."

Rong Bao said dissatisfied: "You are not thrown into the pot, of course it doesn't matter, I have a shadow in my heart."

"How come you have so many things, haven't you been thrown in yet!" Qiao Ye said: "It's really impossible, you almost took a hot spring."

Rong Bao said, "Your hot spring still puts salt and pepper?"

"I'm too lazy to talk to you." Qiao Ye said, "Going to sleep."

"Wait a minute!" Xiao Ji looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Let Polaris come out."

Qiao Ye asked suspiciously, "What?"

Xiao Ji shook her head and didn't say much. Qiao Ye didn't doubt him, and directly released Polaris from the beast cage.

"Wow!" Rong Bao said, "You're so good at hiding, how can you get so many beauties?"

Xiao Ji looked at Polaris and said, "Show your true body!"

Polaris nodded, his body exuded brilliance, and soon turned into a translucent ice crystal.

"This..." Rong Bao looked at Qiao Ye and said, "You have such a heavy taste?"

Qiao Ye said: "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a dead person!"

Yizhuo looked at Polaris and said, "She can."

Xiao Ji nodded, and then said to Polaris: "This is your good fortune, thank you senior."

Polaris saluted and said, "Thank you, senior."

Yi Zhuo said: "It happens that there is nothing to do while sailing at sea, so come with me."

Seeing Yizhuo enter the cabin with Polaris, Qiao Ye wondered, "What's going on?"

Xiao Ji said: "She can refine the Polaris into a clan of weapons."

Qiao Ye said: "The Qi family? The Qi spirit?"

"No, there really was a Qi clan in ancient times." Xiefeng said: "However, the Qi clan is closely related to the Wu clan. After the Wu clan fell, the Qi clan disappeared."

Rong Bao said: "In this way, I seem to have heard that the Wu Clan can refine some creatures bred from the origin of heaven and earth into a tool clan. This tool clan is quite a fork. They can transform into weapons , and each of the transformed weapons is no less than a treasure of godly quality, and often has some special effects."

"It sounds like a weapon spirit." Qiao Ye said, "I'm not referring to those savages before, but the weapon spirit that has become a magic soldier, the kind of weapon spirit contained in the dragon head guillotine."

"Don't tell me, it's very similar to that weapon spirit." Xiefeng said: "At that time, some people thought that the tool clan was crooked and called them man-made weapon spirits. Evil way, nothing but the Witch Clan, and it is undeniable that some weak creatures born in the origin of heaven and earth have a low upper limit, and they themselves are willing to become the Tool Clan, so as to break through their own shackles and become stronger."

Xiao Ji said: "The only problem is that the Qi clan needs its master to display its strength. It is true that becoming a Qi clan can be stronger, but they must always be attached to others."


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