Qiao Ye said, "So, Polaris?"

Xiaoji said: "Polaris has reached its limit. She can only be regarded as a first-class royal beast, not even the top. Fortunately, she mutated once and then reached the top. Then I distributed the original power of the earth to the top." She is a little bit, she has barely entered the divine realm, but she can't go any further."

Polaris' immediate combat power is very good, but its potential is mediocre. It can even be said that the potential that can be dug out has already been dug out. Even so, in terms of potential alone, Polaris is far inferior to Sibuxiang.

Xiaoji said: "However, Polaris has an advantage. He is not a beast-shaped beast. She was born from a crystal and belongs to the origin of heaven and earth, but it belongs to a relatively weak origin of heaven and earth. Therefore, Polaris still has a breakthrough self. opportunity."

Qiao Ye said: "The Qi clan?"

Xiao Ji nodded and said, "Success or failure depends on her fortune."

In Xiaoji's eyes, Polaris is still very caring. It is not so much that Polaris always listens to Qiao Ye, but rather as listening to Xiao Ji. Polaris never wanted to be Qiao Ye's beast at first. She became Qiao Ye because of Xiao Ji. It is also because Xiao Ji made Polaris obey, so Polaris is obedient.

That being the case, with such an opportunity, Xiaoji is also willing to fight for Polaris.

Rong Bao became interested, and approached Qiao Ye and said, "Brother, are you selling it? After countless years, the Qi clan reappeared in the world, and it will definitely sell for a good price."

Qiao Ye glanced at Rong Bao and said, "Are you looking for a beating?"

"If you don't sell it, you don't sell it. Why are you so fierce?" Rong Bao said, "These four don't match each other..."

Qiao Ye stretched out her hand and squeezed out the black halberd, Rong Bao turned around and ran away without hesitation.

"Let's go!" Qiao Ye said, "Let's rest, don't you know what's going on?"

Xiaoji and Xiefeng nodded, and then entered the cabin.

This three-masted sailing ship is quite luxurious. In addition to a large public cabin, there are seven or eight independent cabins. Therefore, everyone does not need to be crowded together, but can find a room they like.

Of course, just in case...

Qiao Ye said to Rong Bao, "You went to sleep in the watchtower tonight."

"Damn!" Rong Bao said, "Why is this kind of hard work mine?"

Qiao Ye said, "Then let's talk about your plan to sell my dog?"

Si Buxiang immediately jumped onto Qiao Ye's shoulder and grinned at Rong Bao.

You bastard, you actually want to sell your dog master?

Rong Bao spread his hands and said, "I'll just sleep."

Qiao Ye nodded in satisfaction, and then entered the cabin.

There was nothing to say all night, but it was quite peaceful!

The next day, when the sky just dawned, Qiao Ye went onto the deck to stretch.

Surrounded by a vast ocean, the sea surface in the morning, there is still some mist looming, the blue sea and blue sky, the waves are magnificent.

Qiao Ye couldn't help but murmured, "It's good to be able to get to the place so smoothly."

Although there are no exact coordinates on the sea chart, according to the old drunkard, it took about three to four days from the previous island to the island of their destination, and only one night has passed now, so, Still have to stay at sea for several days.

But at this moment...

A tool spirit suddenly ran up to Qiao Ye and chattered.

Qiao Ye asked in astonishment, "What's going on?"

The Qi Ling was also a little crazy, in the state of the Qi Ling, he couldn't speak human words, only Wu Ji could understand the Qi Ling's words.

Therefore, the tool spirit could only draw with dancing gestures, and then pointed to the southwest.

Qiao Ye understood a little, and couldn't help saying, "Is there something in the southwest?"

The tool spirit nodded hurriedly.


"Hey, Rong Bao!"

Qiao Ye yelled twice in the direction of the watchtower. After receiving no response, Qiao Ye picked up a wooden barrel from the deck and threw it into the watchtower.

"Ah, the enemy is attacking..." Rong Bao drooled and poked his head from the watchtower: "The enemy is attacking!"

"The enemy is attacking!" Qiao Ye shouted, "Look to the southwest with clairvoyance!"

"Southwest?" Rong Bao picked up his clairvoyance and said, "What's the situation?"

After a while, Rong Bao poked his head out quickly, and shouted down: "There is indeed a situation."

"Nonsense!" Qiao Ye said, "I'm asking you what's going on."

Rong Bao said: "It's hard to say, the sea in the southwest is a piece of golden light."

While talking, Rong Bao slid down from the mast.

At this time, Xiaoji and Xiefeng also came out from the cabin, Xiefeng said: "It's noisy, what's the matter?"

Qiao Ye said: "A large piece of golden light appeared on the southwest sea."

Xiefeng said: "It's not positive, just leave it alone."

The Qi Ling held the chart and chattered, pointed to the chart, and pointed to the southwest.

Xiefeng looked stunned, and Qiao Ye said: "He means that it is easy to deviate when sailing at night. This morning he is responsible for adjusting the direction and returning to the original route. After the adjustment, we should be heading southwest, but I don’t know what’s going on in the southwest right now?”

Rong Bao was surprised: "Isn't it? Can you understand what he said?"

"I don't understand." Qiao Ye said, "But by looking at the hand gestures, I can half guess and understand the meaning."

The tool spirit pointed his thumb at Qiao Ye's pen, which meant that Qiao Ye was right.

Xie Feng said: "Why don't you ask Senior Wu Ji to take a look?"

"Don't disturb her." Xiao Ji said: "It will take at least twelve hours to complete the refining of the weapon pattern of the weapon family."

Qiao Ye pondered for a while and said, "Go over and have a look, it's just something strange, and the golden brilliance may not be dangerous."

While talking, Qiao Ye gestured to the weapon spirit.

In Qi Ling's state, even though he couldn't speak, Qiao Ye could still understand what Qiao Ye said. Since Qiao Ye said there was no problem, the Qi Ling didn't say anything more, and ran to inform the helm It's working.

The ship moved forward slowly, piercing through the mist ahead, and soon, the golden sea area appeared in front of them.

The sea surface of that sea area has a golden light, not very dazzling, but a kind of introverted brilliance. Apart from the light, the surface of the sea water seems to be coated with a golden film.

Qiao Ye pondered for a while, and shouted: "Four different!"

Sibuxiang immediately yelled, jumped up from the deck, and landed on Qiao Ye's shoulder.

Qiao Ye casually stretched out his finger and pointed at the sea surface, and with a tacit understanding, he leaped forward directly, and then his body continued to grow, and then a frost mist sprayed out, freezing the sea surface.

Qiao Ye jumped out of the railing and came to the ice, then stretched out her hand to stroke the sea water, with a somewhat puzzled look on her face.

that sea water...

It's just ordinary sea water!


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