Qiao Ye held up the sea water, and the sea water in his palm was an ordinary color, but when the sea water fell back from Qiao Ye's hands, it immediately turned into a golden color again.

However, apart from the color of the sea water, there is nothing special about it.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the boat: "It's blood!"

Qiao Ye looked up, but it was Yizhuo who walked into the cabin.

Qiao Ye jumped back onto the boat and said, "Blood?"

Yizhuo nodded and said: "The Yuanhai clan, the blood of the imperial clan!"

Rong Bao shook his head and said: "The Yuanhai clan must know about it, but, does the Yuanhai clan have an emperor clan? As far as I know, every Yuanhai area in the Hundred Yuan Sea maintains order in the form of a guard house. Here There is no country, and there is no so-called monarch, so why come to the imperial family?"

"The Yuanhai family is the imperial family of the hundred-yuan sea. Ever since there was a hundred-yuan sea in this world, there has been the Yuanhai family." Yi Zhuo said: "This is why the Yuanhai family is called the hundred-yuan sea." The reason for the Haidi Clan is not that they are some kind of king, but, in the long years, the blood of the Yuanhai Clan is no longer so pure because of intermarriage. This category is the general Yuanhai Clan, and they are also normal people The known Yuanhai Clan, and the Emperor Clan of the Yuanhai Clan, has always maintained the tradition of marriage within the clan and maintained the purest blood. Their blood is different from the general Yuanhai Clan. Their blood is golden and insoluble in the water."

"Not soluble in water?" Qiao Ye said, "No wonder the sea water you picked up is sea water. The blood should have sunk under the sea water, right?"

Yi Zhuo nodded and said: "The emperors of the Yuanhai clan are in a semi-reclusive state, and they usually roam between the sixty-second and seventy-second seas, why do they appear here? Such a large area of ​​the sea is dyed red, which means that many people have died!"

Rong Bao said: "Then shall we continue to move forward?"

Qiao Ye said: "Of course, continue. Does their death have anything to do with us? It's not a strange thing to encounter danger at sea. It may also be a personal grudge or something. As long as it doesn't affect our continued voyage, it's fine."

Yizhuo nodded and said, "Go ahead!"

Qiao Ye said: "Senior, Polaris?"

"It's not over yet." Yi Zhuo said: "I heard the movement and came out to take a look, but it doesn't matter, the refining of the weapon pattern has been completed, and the next step is to complete the transformation of the weapon family, even if I don't stare at it. It doesn't matter."

Qiao Ye nodded and said nothing more.

The ship is sailing, pushing away the golden sea.

However, if the golden radiance is really blood, it means that something must happen in this sea area, so everyone is still a little more vigilant.

About a quarter of an hour later, Rong Bao poked his head out again from the watchtower: "There is a boat, a big one!"

In fact, there was no need for Rong Bao to speak, everyone saw it, because the ship was too huge.

The entire body of the ship is golden, and the number of white sails has reached a terrifying nine. There are oars on both sides of the ship, and there are two densely packed rows. The number can reach at least two or three hundred. One hundred meters, just looking at it like this, it feels like a giant.

Yizhuo pointed to a mark on the side of the hull and said: "The golden waves and the jumping figure are the exclusive marks of the Emperor Clan in the Yuanhai Clan."

Rong Bao said, "Shall we go and have a look?"

Yi Zhuo said: "First of all, we have to make a confirmation. Although we saw golden blood before, it doesn't mean that there is no one on that ship now, or, even if a battle broke out, Yuan Hai may be the one who survived to the end. What about the family?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "It makes sense!"

A Qi Spirit stood at the bow of the ship, took out two small flags, waved the flags, but there was no response from the big golden ship.

"No response." Yi Zhuo said: "Since there is no response, you can go to the boat to have a look, or just go there. I personally prefer the latter, so don't waste time."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Go straight."

Rong Bao was dissatisfied and said: "Hey, such a big ship must have good things. You belong to others and don't take the treasures right in front of your eyes."

Qiao Ye said: "But it may also be dangerous. If no one is on it, it means that the Yuanhai clan may be dead. Under normal circumstances, I don't mind going to explore treasures. However, our buttocks are not clean right now. Someone is chasing after you."

Rong Bao spread his hands and said: "You all said that, what else can I say?"

Qiao Ye waved his hand at Qi Ling beside him and said, "Go past that boat, don't worry about that boat."

The spirits continued to sail, bypassing the big boat of the Yuanhai clan, and prepared to move on.


Trouble is often annoying because when you don't want trouble, trouble likes to find you.

Moving forward from the side of the big boat of the Yuanhai clan, everyone was a little nervous at first, the boats staggered, and nothing happened in the middle, which made everyone slightly relieved.

But at this moment...

Xiefeng suddenly shouted: "Something jumped over!"

Everyone raised their heads involuntarily, and then saw a figure jumping from the big ship, and then...


A man landed on the deck and stepped on a piece of the deck abruptly.

The next moment, the man raised his head!

The man's face was covered with blood, and there was a terrible wound on his neck. The wound pierced into the bone three points, almost beheading the man's head.

At the same time, there were densely packed wounds on the man's body, at least a dozen of them, on arms, shoulders, chest, abdomen, everywhere.

With such a serious injury, it is hard for people to believe that the other party is still alive, but in fact...

The other party is indeed dead!

"Corps!" Qiao Ye yelled, then looked up and said, "There are more!"

On the big boat, figures kept appearing at this moment, and then they jumped towards the boat of Qiao Ye and the others.

Rong Bao immediately sacrificed a treasure, but it was a black whip, and then Rong Bao swung it vigorously, and the whip turned into a black phantom serpent, swaying continuously in the air, rolling the falling figures into the air. He got up and slammed into the hull of the big ship.

Even so, several figures landed on the deck.

Bang, bang, bang!

Those ghouls were all members of the Yuan Hai clan, and they were all dead at this moment. They had many wounds on their bodies, some of which were fatal, and they belonged to the kind of injuries that would make life impossible at first glance.


Qiao Ye glanced at those corpse monsters. If he was right, this member of the Yuanhai clan should have died not long ago.


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