The black light emanating from the tentacles is a bit evil!

Especially when it merged with Qiao Ye's dual-domain demonic energy, the two streams of energy continuously merged and collided, making the whole space look gloomy and depressing.

next moment...

The tentacle swept around and directly engulfed a large number of corpses.

After those corpses were rolled by the tentacles, they immediately struggled, waving their limbs continuously, and then...

During the struggle, evil auras continued to emerge from the bodies of those corpse monsters. Immediately afterwards, the flesh and blood on their bodies began to rot and dry up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into mummies one by one.

While the corpse continued to turn into a mummy, the tentacles swelled up visibly, becoming thicker and more terrifying.


The tentacle suddenly let go, and then those skeletons that had lost their flesh and blood continued to fall from the air, hitting the deck, and then the tentacle swept vigorously, approaching the evil images on all sides.


The tentacle smashed towards the four-faced evil image, and the four-faced evil image was not to be outdone, and directly raised its palm to meet it!

After the tentacle became thicker, the four-faced evil image had already held the tentacle, and could only stick to the tentacle and push forward.


On par!

The strength of the tentacles has also increased significantly, and it keeps pressing down forward, pushing the evil images around to the rear.

Rong Bao's expression also became ferocious, this thing is so cruel?


It's not over yet!

Bang, bang, bang!

The surrounding tentacles kept coming closer, hitting the tentacles in front of them one by one. Such continuous overlapping made the evil figures on all sides face greater pressure, their bodies were constantly pushed out, and their legs rubbed off the deck. However, there was a harsh friction sound.

Rong Bao gritted his teeth and said, "Qiao Ye, your uncle is dead? Where are you?"

"Oh? Do you need help?" Qiao Ye's voice appeared directly in front of her: "If you don't tell me, how would I know you need help!"

Qiao Ye jumped up, stepped on the tentacles and ran towards the top. When reaching the top, Qiao Ye jumped up.

The map of the God of War, a blow from the universe!

Heaven and earth in the palm, heaven and earth in one blow: Heaven and earth are in the palm, the sun, moon and stars are in the hands, everything in the universe is one blow, destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

Qiao Ye held the black halberd upside down in mid-air, and raised her palm forward.

The next moment, the sun and the moon flow!

A small moon and a small sun appeared in Qiao Ye's palm.

The sun and moon whirled continuously in Qiao Ye's palm, and then Qiao Ye sent the sun and moon towards the sky.

Two rays of light, one red and one white, appeared and scattered in the air.

The moonlight is cold and the sun is hot!

Two beams of light fell from the sky and hit those tentacles fiercely!

Accompanied by a loud roar, the entangled tentacles broke apart.

Rong Bao also roared at this moment, took a step forward, and roared: "Four evil cuts!"

The four evil images stepped forward, crossed their arms, turned their arms into sharp blades, and slashed forward forcefully.

Puff puff!

Two beams of light that intersected into a cross passed by, and those tentacles were cut off in an instant, and smashed onto the deck one by one.

Rong Bao sneered and said, "Playing with the young master? Are you a monster?"

Qiao Ye cast a glance at Rong Bao and said, "You're panting like a dead dog, how dare you say that?"

Rong Bao said: "So what? A few more times are more than enough, enough to kill this guy completely."


As soon as Rong Bao finished speaking, there was a loud noise from the position of the cabin, and then a piece of the top of the cabin exploded.

Two tentacles drilled out and pressed against the decks on both sides. They were thicker than before, and, unlike ordinary tentacles, these two tentacles turned out to be blood-red in color.

Qiao Ye glanced at Rong Bao and said, "Who is Crow's Mouth?"


At this time, there was another huge roar and loud noise in the position of the cabin, and then a huge monster slowly rose from the cabin.

"It turned out to be an octopus?" Rong Bao wondered, "Do octopuses also have hair?"

It drilled out from the cabin, and it was a brown-black octopus with dense black fluff all over its body.

After Rong Bao finished asking, he found that Qiao Ye had ignored him, and couldn't help looking sideways, only to realize that Qiao Ye was stunned there.

"Hello!" Rong Bao pushed Qiao Ye and said, "Why are you in a daze?"

Qiao Ye agitated her Adam's apple and said, "Evil beast!"

"Huh?" Rong Bao said, "I've heard you mention this thing many times, what exactly is it?"

Qiao Ye said: "It's hard to explain clearly, it's just a very troublesome thing."

Qiao Ye finally understood why he had a familiar feeling when he saw those tentacles before, it turned out to be an evil beast!

at the same time……

The huge octopus shook its body suddenly, and then, the fluff on its body suddenly stood up.

Qiao Ye said, "Run!"

In the next moment, those fluffs suddenly turned into needles, which flew out in all directions.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff!

Those fluffs were nailed to the deck continuously, making the sound of "Ding, Ding", and it was densely packed in the blink of an eye.

Qiao Ye and Rong Bao trotted all the way to the rear, but found that the fluff was shooting at an unimaginably fast speed, Rong Bao simply gritted his teeth and threw out a treasure.

The treasure was a red cloak. After being thrown forward by Rong Bao, it swelled in the wind, and soon became huge, like a huge curtain, covering Rong Bao and Qiao Ye behind.

Those fluffs kept hitting the cloak, and then hit the cloak one by one, but they still couldn't penetrate it.

After a while, when the shooting fluff stopped, Qiao Ye immediately jumped up, slashing forward with the big halberd in his hand.

The first form of the six evil spirits without life!

Severe evil wind and cloud: a halberd across the sky, attracting the vision of wind and cloud, sweeping all directions.

The moment Qiao Ye swung out with a blow, the black smoke all around quickly condensed in front of the halberd blade, continuously transforming into evil spirits.

Then the evil spirit swept towards the huge octopus, turning into a giant blade!

However, at the moment when it was about to hit, the tentacles of the octopus quickly came back and overlapped in front of it.


Qiao Ye slashed on the overlapping tentacles, and was blocked by the opponent. Then, those tentacles spread out, and the huge octopus reappeared. Looking at Qiao Ye, he said, "I really don't know what to do." Thinking of being able to see humans here, I thought you should have been extinct long ago."

Qiao Ye's pupils shrank crazily at this moment!

This guy can speak out?

Doesn't this mean that the other party is not an ordinary evil beast, but an intelligent creature?

That is to say...

This guy in front of him is the same level of evil beasts as the six evil beasts raging on the blue star!


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