Qiao Ye looked at the octopus and said in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

The octopus laughed and said, "It just so happens that I also have a question to ask you. In that case, what about our exchange? I will answer your question. Correspondingly, you have to answer mine."

"You can call me Ba Chi!" Ba Chi said, "Why do you appear here? Shouldn't the humans on Canglan Star be extinct?"

Qiao Ye said, "These are two questions."

"To be picky, I'll just answer your two questions."

"The first question, I came here across the void of the primordial realm. Do you still need to ask such a simple question?" Qiao Ye said: "The second question, if you mean your companions, they are all dead."

Ba Chi raised his eyebrows and said: "Gu Diao, Zhu Huai, those guys are all dead?"

"It's your turn to answer my question." Qiao Ye didn't answer, but asked instead: "Who are you?"

"We are disasters, disasters that have engulfed the world from ancient times to the present." Ba Chi said: "Of course our appearance is to end everything."

Qiao Ye said: "The reason why you appeared in the Hundred Yuan Sea?"

Ba Chi's tentacles danced, and laughed loudly: "I'm not afraid to tell you, Canglan Xing is the first, followed by Starfish, what I mean, do you understand?"

Qiao Ye's eyes sank, and he said, "The guys you asked are all dead. Next question, what do you plan to do with Hundred Yuan Zhihai?"

"Little devil, you are very cunning and want to lie to me about a question, but I don't care." Ba Chi said: "We will set off a black tide, where the black tide passes, everything will be annihilated, and those creatures infected by the black tide will be like Like the plague, turned half-dead."

Qiao Ye said: "The corpse monster!"

Ba Chi laughed loudly and said, "That's right, it's my turn now, how did they die? Why didn't human beings become extinct!"

Qiao Ye said, "I killed it!"

Ba Chi said contemptuously: "Little ghost, if you lie, this game will be meaningless."

Qiao Ye said: "I killed Xingming and Ghost Che, and I cut off two clones of the bone carving."

Ba Chi said: "Impossible. Although your strength is not weak, you can still be on par with them if you are great. How could you even kill Xing Ming and Gui Che, and even cut bones and carved two clones?"

Qiao Ye said: "Because they are hungry after being banned for countless years!"

Although Ba Chi had no expression, at this moment, Qiao Ye felt that its expression froze for a moment.

After a while, Ba scolded, "I want to know everything!"

Qiao Ye grinned and said, "Then you also paid a considerable price."

Ba Chi said: "What do you want to know?"

Qiao Ye said: "How can we stop the Kuroshio?"

"Hahahahahaha..." Ba Chi laughed loudly after hearing this and said, "Little devil, do you think you can stop the Kuroshio? Well, since you want to know, then I will tell you, as long as you kill the Kuroshio The tide will naturally be able to stop the Kuroshio."

Qiao Ye showed a bit of confusion on his face, "The Kuroshio is a beast?"

Ba Chi didn't answer, but said: "It's my answer."

Qiao Ye said: "They act against the sky, why do you think they were banned, and why were they killed?"

"You mean the way of heaven? Impossible, the way of heaven can't..." Ba Chi suddenly laughed loudly and said, "I see, that's how it is!"

If you know it, just say it!

Qiao Ye couldn't help baring her teeth. In fact, she really wanted to know about Ye Xuan.

Ba Chi looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Little ghost, I am very satisfied with your answer."

"I'm also very satisfied with your answer." Qiao Ye said with a smile: "So, shouldn't it be over?"

Ba Chi said: "You are quite smart."

Why did Ba Chi answer Qiao Ye's question? Or even casually tell Qiao Ye about the Kuroshio?

Why did Qiao Ye answer Ba Chi's question? Even, didn't he hide everything on Canglan Star?


Even if the dead knew the answer, it was meaningless!

Ba Chi didn't intend to let Qiao Ye leave alive!

Hate coincidence...

Neither did Qiao Ye!

"Since it's time to end!" Ba Chi roared angrily, "Then you go to die!"

Suddenly, the tentacles hanging in the air crazily fell downwards, approaching Qiao Ye and Rong Bao.

"Damn!" Rong Bao cursed, "I heard you two talking nonsense, but in the end you still want to fight!"

While talking, Rong Bao reached out and pushed forward.

In the next moment, the evil images on all sides moved and pushed forward with both palms.

However, this time, the four-faced evil image did not hold back!

After Ba Chi showed his real body, his strength improved obviously, and the four-faced evil image was pushed away by a single blow. Immediately afterwards, the surrounding tentacles struck and quickly bound the four-faced evil image's body.

With the continuous tightening of the tentacles, the body of the four-faced evil image was continuously squeezed, and finally...


The body of the four-faced evil image exploded, turning into countless halos and dissipating.


Rong Bao took a few steps back while clutching his chest, and then opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Qiao Ye clenched her teeth, and then veins appeared on her neck, and she punched the ground hard.

Becoming a demon: The world does not allow me, so I fall into a demon, enter the flesh with the power of gods and demons, shape the demon body within a certain period of time, and fight in the incarnation of gods and demons.

A large cloud of black smoke appeared, swirling around Qiao Ye's body.

After a while, the black smoke spread violently towards the surroundings. After Qiao Ye reappeared, a pair of lightning-shaped horns appeared on both sides of his forehead. It can be seen that a pair of eyes has become extremely strange, and the pupils of the eyes have become two circles, hollow and dull.

New Enchanted Form!

With the improvement of Qiao Ye's cultivation base and the strengthening of Dazzling Heavenly Demon, new forms will appear whether it is the phantom of Heavenly Demon or the state of enchantment. However, these two abilities are random and cannot be controlled by Qiao Ye's will That's all.

And now Qiao Ye has entered a new enchanted form...

"This can only mean..." Qiao Ye looked at Ba Chi and said, "You are very unlucky!"

Qiao Ye looked at Ba Chi's flying tentacles, and then...


The tentacle exploded suddenly, and half of the tentacle fell from the air and hit the deck.

Ba Chi groaned in pain, then looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Pupil surgery?"

Qiao Ye didn't speak, but just looked at Ba Chi.

next moment...

Ba Chi felt that his vitality suddenly began to drain rapidly!

Yes, Ba Chi guessed right!

The most terrifying thing about Qiao Ye's enchanted form this time is those weird eyes!


"Ah!" Ba Chi suddenly roared angrily, raised the tentacles around his body, and shouted at Qiao Ye: "Very powerful eyes, but this level alone can't kill me!"


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