Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1935 The Beginning of Everything

Have the opportunity!

Qiao Ye needs a chance!

The call of the outside world is an opportunity!

As long as Qiao Ye can regain his sober consciousness from the killing intent, he will have the opportunity to use his will to suppress the killing intent of the Supreme Realm.

But it's not going to be easy!

Rong Bao also practiced the Supreme Killing Realm, so it was clear that Qiao Ye couldn't hear anything right now.

Qiao Ye will fall into the endless darkness and struggle continuously, and when the darkness completely swallows Qiao Ye, Qiao Ye will also be completely swallowed by the killing intent, and will never be able to return to a normal state.

However, simply calling out obviously didn't work.

Qiao Ye didn't hear Rong Bao's voice at all, but punched Rong Bao continuously.

It's just that pure fists obviously have no effect on Rong Bao in the spirit state. Qiao Ye's fists continuously penetrated Rong Bao's body and fell into the empty space.

"Hey, listen to me!"

"Calm down, think about the daughter of heaven, think about your wife."

"You don't intend to sink here, do you?"

Rong Bao yelled endlessly, planning to use this method to wake up Qiao Ye, but at this moment...

Suddenly, a large halo appeared on Qiao Ye's body, but a large aura appeared out of control, and then quickly condensed behind Qiao Ye's back, forming a magic map.



Qiao Ye punched again, this time, an electric current suddenly wrapped around Qiao Ye's arm.


When the fist hit again, Rong Bao's ethereal state no longer took effect, but opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body was blasted backward.

Rong Bao's whole body fell on the side rail of the ship, and his whole body was entangled with electric current.

Although ordinary attacks are ineffective against Rongbao, it is different to use the Wanfa Lingtu to attack. Lingyun and spirit body are actually the same type of existence, and they can touch each other.


Black smoke poured out of Qiao Ye's mouth, and he strode towards Rong Bao with big strides.

A flash of sword light shook the sky, but someone raised the sword and slashed at Qiao Ye again.

Rong Bao was able to entangle Qiao Ye before, but the others also stopped. Their purpose was to prevent Qiao Ye from destroying the ship in the battle with Jin Qianchen. If Rong Bao could entangle Qiao Ye, there was no need to continue to attack attack.

However, if Rong Bao couldn't hold him back, it would be another matter. They had to stop Qiao Ye from going crazy.

Looking up at the sword light falling in the air, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand directly!


Qiao Ye took the several feet long sword light with her bare hands, and then squeezed it hard, crushing the sword light hard.

But at this moment...

A spear stabbed from Qiao Ye's back, but it was Xiao Ji who killed it!

Qiao Ye suddenly turned around, raised her arm to sweep, and bumped into the ice crystal gun transformed by Polaris.

Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji looked at each other briefly, and at that moment, pain appeared on Qiao Ye's face.

Xiao Ji said, "Look at me, wake up!"

Qiao Ye covered her head with one hand, and kept backing away, but the black smoke billowing from her body became thicker. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye suddenly raised her head, her eyes were red!

The next moment, Qiao Ye punched out!

The surrounding black smoke quickly condensed and turned into a fist, blasting at Xiaoji.


Xiefeng let out a soft scold, jumped onto the deck, then waved his hand, and the same cloud of black smoke swept away, blocking Xiaoji's way.

With a bang, two groups of black smoke collided!

After the collision, the black smoke spread out quickly, forming an impact towards the surroundings!

The masts on the ship fell down one by one the moment the black smoke passed by.


In a dark world, everything is nothingness!

Qiao Ye felt that his whole body was floating, and the black world around him was like a huge ocean. He was lying in the middle of the ocean, and then his body kept rising and falling.

Everything was dark and silent.

It makes people feel painful, can't hear anything, can't hear anything.


In that dark world, a ray of light suddenly appeared.

The light was neither strong nor dazzling, perhaps because it appeared in the dark world, the light was particularly dazzling.

Qiao Ye couldn't help raising her hand to cover up the light, and then...

Qiao Ye felt a strong breath of life!

In the silver-white light, a strong breath of life was revealed, gentle, warm, and genial...

Qiao Ye slowly lowered her arms and looked into the white light.

In the white light, there seemed to be something wriggling, and then it began to grow larger. Only then did Qiao Ye realize that it turned out to be a small piece of soil.

"Hongmeng Rare Earth?"

The soil slowly grew bigger, and then...


When the Hongmeng Rare Earth swelled to a certain extent, a starburst suddenly appeared.

The pitch-black world was surrounded by a large piece of light, and the surroundings were filled with incandescent light.

I don't know how long the brilliance lasted, and then it began to gradually dissipate. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye was truly amazed.

It is really……

So beautiful!

The light did not dissipate, but in the pitch-black world, there were still dots left, which continued to extend forward, and finally turned into a galaxy.

After the starburst, the Rare Earth of Hongmeng did not blow up because of this, but became even bigger, and finally...

Turned into a big star!

Azure blue, extremely clear and clean!

"Blue Star?"

Qiao Ye's eyes were a little blurred. After all, the big star in front of him could be regarded as his hometown.

At this moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly felt something strange, a feeling of resonance.

When the blue star appeared, Qiao Ye could feel a kind of power flowing through his body, which overlapped with the power generated when the big star first formed after the star exploded.

"That ball of light?"

Qiao Ye calmed down in confusion, wanting to feel the existence of that power, but at this moment...

The surrounding starry sky suddenly flowed, and Qiao Ye felt his consciousness start to drift, directly entering the blue star.

The newly formed starry sky was empty, barren and desolate.

Ocean, land, only these two things.

There is dead silence in the sea, and there is nothing below the waves.

The land is barren, with no vegetation, let alone living things, no humans, and no animals.

But everything will always get better!

Qiao Ye flew over the ocean and land.

The sun sets, the moon rises, the moon sets, the sun rises...

Between the alternation of the sun and the moon, countless years passed by, and the days passed day by day, and then...

Mountains and rivers, all things are born again!

I don't know when it started, the dead sea gradually turned blue, and towering trees began to grow on the barren land, pay attention!


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