Sea, ship!

Qiao Ye kept whimpering, looking around like a wild beast.

Xiefeng looked at Rongbao and said, "Go pester me!"

Rong Bao said helplessly: "Eldest sister, my spirit body has no effect on him. This kid is very difficult to deal with, and he has too many tricks."

Xie Feng glanced at Rong Bao and said, "How many punches will you die?"

"No, but it hurts!" Rong Bao sighed, "I'll just go!"

Rong Bao's figure flashed and floated forward like a ghost.

In the state of the spirit body, the most obvious improvement in Rong Bao is the speed, floating in the air, much faster than the speed of the legs.

The next moment, Rong Bao came to Qiao Ye, and Qiao Ye didn't stop there, and punched Rong Bao directly.

Zila, Zila!

The sound of electric current surged around Rong Bao's arms.

With the lessons learned from the past, Rong Bao didn't dare to take it hard, and his figure flashed, bypassing Qiao Ye's fist, and came to Qiao Ye's side.


Rong Bao stretched out his hand towards the side, and a Lingbo was quickly condensed by Rong Bao, and blasted towards the side.


With a loud noise, Qiao Ye was hit by the Lingbo, and he slid to the side, and quickly stabilized his figure again.

Rong Bao didn't stop, stretching out his hand forward continuously.

One after another, the spirit waves blasted towards Qiao Ye's direction continuously, hitting Qiao Ye's body continuously, forcing Qiao Ye to retreat backwards. Every spirit wave could make Qiao Ye stagger.


And that's all!

After the continuous attack, Qiao Ye became very angry and roared at Rong Bao.

"Hey, boss, calm down." Rong Bao hurriedly said, "That bitch asked me to do it. The worst is him. It has nothing to do with me."

It's a pity, Qiao Ye didn't care what Rong Bao said, he raised his hand suddenly, grabbed the black halberd from the black smoke, and waved it forward vigorously.

The smoke moves with the halberd, and then...

Boom, boom, boom!

The black smoke swept across the front, and the spirit wave made loud noises continuously, and was then shattered one by one.

After shattering the Lingbo, Qiao Ye slammed her legs hard, jumped up, and jumped in the direction of Rongbao.

In one fell swoop, the black halberd fell in the direction of Rong Bao.

"Spirit Sword!"

Rong Bao quickly spread his hands, and two translucent imaginary spirit swords appeared in Rong Bao's palms, and then quickly crossed in front of him.


Qiao Ye's halberd fell down, making a crisp sound of gold and iron clanging. Immediately afterwards, the deck below shattered, and Rong Bao was smashed directly into the cabin, buried by a pile of rubble.

Fortunately, Rong Bao bought enough time, at this moment, a phoenix cry suddenly sounded.

Xie Feng suddenly made a move, and black flames ignited around him, and within the flames, three black flame phoenixes transformed into the air, spreading their wings into the air.

Xiefeng shouted in a low voice: "No cage!"


The world of consciousness!

Qiao Ye looked at the ground below. He didn't know when mountains and rivers appeared in this world.

Lush forests, streams, vast grasslands, and snow-capped mountains.

The world suddenly became rich and colorful, and became extremely beautiful, with dazzling and beautiful scenery everywhere.


The world has also become scary!

In the mountain forest, there was a roar of a beast, and then a fierce tiger with wings leaped out from the mountain. Wherever it passed, the birds were frightened, and the animals scattered!

In the river, a vortex suddenly appeared, surrounded by white waves, suddenly, a strange fish jumped out of the water, opened its mouth to spurt blood, its teeth were like sawtooth, densely packed in two rows, it looked hideous and terrifying.

On the grassland, a group of cattle and sheep passed by leisurely, but at this moment, the ground suddenly trembled, two huge cracks continued to spread, and then a huge head poked out, and under the crack was a huge mouth. , directly swallowed the herd of cattle and sheep into his stomach.

Even more terrifying...

It's at the end of the world!

Those living there are the most terrifying and powerful existences of this era!

In the sea to the west, the two giant dragons overwhelmed the river, screamed at each other, and then became entangled with each other, just because the two giant dragons passed by the sea surface, and the waves rolled up were like a tsunami, which was more than a hundred feet high.

There is a strange mountain at the end of the east. The mountain is like a pillar, rising from the ground and soaring into the sky, with no end in sight.

Suddenly, a golden-winged roc spread its wings, broke through the clouds, and kept going upwards. Its body was terrifyingly large, like a hill, but in the next instant, a huge bird's head protruded from the clouds. It was only a head. That's it, it was dozens of times bigger than the golden-winged roc, opened its mouth, swallowed the dates, and ate the golden-winged roc.

To the north is the sky full of glaciers. A woman came barefoot. She looked like a human being, but her body was as transparent as frost. Wherever the woman passed, the sky was filled with wind and snow, and all the animals hid in the caves. Trembling, but at this moment, there was a huge beast's cry, and the ice and snow on the mountain continued to slide down, and then a huge snow-white beast like a monkey jumped down from the mountain, holding an icicle in its hand, and smashed into the mountain. ice girl.

The land in the south is very barren, and the sky is so dark that it seems to be shrouded in thick thunderclouds all year round.

At this time, a thunderclap appeared, and a bolt of lightning pierced the sky.

The two ferocious beasts were located on the plain, roaring at each other, and their whole bodies exuded a terrifying aura.

These are two extremely powerful ferocious beasts, and they will choose one here to fight to the death, because the one that survives can become the king of this plain.

And the loser, of course...

Can only die!

Qiao Ye had a panoramic view of all this, and his heart was full of ups and downs. Soon, Qiao Ye realized what was going on in front of him.

In other words, Qiao Ye understands what era this is!

this is……

In the early days of the ancient times, everything was first formed...

The prehistoric era!

This is the era at the beginning of the world, and it is also the earliest era, the era when all things were born. The first to appear in this world were those extremely strong, fierce, and terrifying beasts. They wandered in this world, competing for natural selection. , the strong can survive, while the weak are doomed to be wiped out.


The sky has changed!

Qiao Ye suddenly found that the world became darker, the whole world began to change, and the beautiful scenery began to collapse continuously!

On the surface of the sea, tsunamis continued to appear, and the storm began to fall continuously.

In the forest, the mountain began to slide continuously, and the mud flow was raging, breaking the trees.

In the wilderness, the earth began to tremble, frequent earthquakes, and countless cracks appeared, making the land full of desolation.


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