Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1941 The Origin of Everything

Qiao Ye said: "Even if you don't rely on any influence, your reputation should be enough to win the trust of any influence. As long as you spread this matter, the other party will be very troublesome."

Qingmei said helplessly: "Yes, I have thought of this method a long time ago, but I have no way to convince others."

Xiefeng said: "Is your cultivation not high?"

Qingmei nodded and said: "Although the effect of that technique is similar to that of the incarnation outside the body, the difference is still obvious. First, the cultivation base is determined by the avatar created, not my cultivation base. The appearance of the external avatar is myself, but the avatar needs to be made of spiritual materials, and the appearance can actually be changed, which leads to the avatar being different from mine. The most important point is that the avatar can practice other martial arts and martial arts instead of me. Similar skills and martial arts."

Rongbao, Yizhuo and Xiefeng were shocked in an instant: "Can you practice on your own?"

Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji didn't respond because they didn't understand. The Canglan Star has been in decline for too long, and they don't even have one above the Divine Realm. How can they know what kind of supernatural powers such as incarnation outside the body require at least Ning Xinqing to cultivate? .

But others are different!

Although there are many kinds of cultivation techniques for incarnation outside the body, there are some differences in details according to different types, but there are some inevitable characteristics that are the same.

The first is that one must practice peacefully and purely in order to be able to practice.

The second is that the cultivation level of the incarnation outside the body must be lower than that of the deity.

The third is that the incarnation outside the body can be cultivated to improve the self-cultivation of the deity, but the cultivation of the incarnation outside the body depends on the deity, and what the incarnation outside the body learns is what the deity learns.

However, Qingmei's incarnation can practice martial arts by itself, which is completely different from the deity!

Qingmei didn't hide anything: "The cultivation of this exercise to the highest level is called understanding by analogy. It's just the opposite of ordinary incarnations. What a general incarnation learns comes from the deity, and the magic of this exercise is that the deity can absorb it. Become an incarnation, and obtain the martial arts and martial arts learned by the incarnation."

Everyone was extremely surprised, Rong Bao couldn't help but said: "What a powerful technique!"

Although the initial incarnation of Qingmei's technique may be weaker, and it takes more time to grow compared to ordinary incarnations outside the body, but once it grows up, it is far better than ordinary incarnations outside the body. The two most important points are potential and feedback.

The incarnation outside the body has no "future" at all, because everything depends on the deity, but Qingmei's incarnation can practice martial arts and martial arts by itself, which represents extremely potential and an uncertain future!

In addition, the incarnations outside the body are all made by absorbing spiritual power from the deity. The stronger the deity, the stronger the avatar, but the incarnation of Qingmei is the opposite. Because it can practice on its own, it does not rely on the deity. In this way, when the avatar is strong enough, it can also feed back the deity to strengthen the deity's strength!

Qingmei was expressionless, and didn't take this praise to heart, but continued: "The problem now is that my incarnation is different from mine in appearance, and my cultivation is far inferior to mine. Compared with the beast race, they can survive and roam in the primordial void without breaking the divine realm, but there are still many restrictions on where they can go. Moreover, no one believes that this kind of cultivation is my incarnation. It’s not the same, and even the only method that can be proved doesn’t work anymore.”

Xiefeng said: "So, although you know some of the situation outside, you can't use your avatar to do anything, can you?"

Qingmei nodded and said: "It's not completely useless, but it's difficult."

Rong Bao spread his hands and said: "So, we are still trapped here to death, right?"

Qingmei said: "The deceased senior asked me to find a human being."

Qiao Ye said speechlessly: "What do you want me to do? What can I do? I can't get out either!"

Qingmei said: "Wu Ling is good at psychic communication and has the ability to predict. Since he said he needs to find you, it must be because of what he saw, or you have abilities that others cannot."

Yizhuo nodded in agreement, "Unless there is a second human being here."

Qiao Ye spread his hands and said, "That possibility is obviously smaller."

Rong Bao said: "Didn't you absorb that ball of light? According to our previous thinking, that ball of light should be able to stop the corpse!"

Everyone looked happy, how could they forget about this matter.

Qiao Ye said: "Could it be possible that I can make the zombies fear me now? The light ball doesn't seem to have this effect."

Rong Bao asked curiously, "What's the effect of that?"

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "Unconsciously, I saw the origin of all things!"

Yizhuo's eyes lit up and said: "Tell me carefully!"

Qiao Ye said: "That is, the whole world was born from the chaos of nothingness, from nothing, and then fell. I saw the process of the earliest beasts evolving into beast races, and then the human race appeared and began to split. It turned into various tribes, and became humans, witches, spirits, and demons. The four races stand side by side, gradually reaching the peak, and gradually declining."

Yi Zhuo said: "As expected, I felt a very strong primitive feeling when I saw that ball of light before. It seems that there is a very ancient power in it."

Qiao Ye said: "But I didn't feel the power related to corpse monsters, so I don't know why that ball of light can expel corpse monsters."

Rong Bao said: "Maybe it's purely because of this powerful force."

Xiao Ji suddenly said: "Maybe I found the wrong one."

The others looked at Xiao Ji suspiciously.

Xiao Ji said: "That ball of light should be the best treasure on that ship, but it's not the only treasure. Just because the zombies don't dare to approach the ship, it doesn't mean that it's the ball of light that they fear."

Everyone suddenly realized that such a statement was quite reasonable, the cabin was sealed off by formations all over the ship, and there was no telling what was still in the cabin.

Xiefeng said: "That's a way of thinking. As long as we can enter the cabin and see what's there, we can know whether there are other things at work, or it's just because of that light ball."

Rong Bao said: "So, we still have to run back?"

Xiefeng said: "If we want to go back, now might be a good opportunity. Jin Qianchen is still entangled with those people. We shouldn't be found when we slip back into the cave."

Qingmei said: "Is the cave you are talking about at the seaside where you fought before?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "It's about 1,500 meters away from the sea."

Qingmei said: "I can take everyone back to the neighborhood."

While talking, Qingmei took out the seven-colored glazed mask treasure.

Qingmei said: "This thing can record the coordinates of the places I have been to. As long as it is a place where the coordinates have been recorded, and as long as it does not cross the Primordial Origin, it can carry out spatial teleportation."


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