Qingmei's treasure was really useful, and everyone returned to the seaside soon.

The battle at sea was still going on, Jin Qianchen was more ferocious than imagined, and he did not lose the wind against twenty or thirty enemies by himself.

However, since everyone's eyes were on the boat right now, it was easy to return to the cave.

A part of the cave has collapsed, but fortunately the position of the ship is still intact. After finding the ship again, Yizhuo quickly checked the hull, and then said: "Give me a moment of incense, the damage of the hull will make the formation There is also damage, and right now I am 70% sure of breaking the formation."

In fact, it is also possible to break the formation violently. You can break the formation by forcefully breaking the hull of the ship. However, the consequences of breaking the formation with this method are unpredictable. Who knows if everything in the cabin will be destroyed?

Yizhuo quickly got busy, but this time it was much smoother than before. The formation patterns on the ship were continuously broken, and after losing the protection of the formation patterns, everyone quickly shattered from the hull. The gap enters the cabin.

"Scatter and search!" Qiao Ye waved his hand and said, "This is faster!"

The others nodded, and each dispersed to search around the cabin.

The size of this ship is not small. The cabin has three and a half floors. The so-called half floor is near the deck. There is a small cabin that rises upwards, and there are three floors below.

Rong Bao went directly to the cargo compartment. This guy has always had a great enthusiasm for the so-called "cargo", while Qiao Ye went to the sleeping compartment.

First of all, this ship must be a merchant ship. According to the old drunkard, the owner of the ship belongs to a chamber of commerce. Because there are very important and valuable things on board, that chamber of commerce will hire the old drunkard to enter the blood corpse area to search .

Therefore, there must be goods in the cargo hold, and general merchants will run the ship, and it is impossible to escort only one or two items. However, valuable goods will definitely not be put together with ordinary goods.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye pushed open the doors of the sleeping cabins one by one.

The sleeping cabin was empty, and no corpses were seen. It can be seen that the crew members on the ship were not on board, or most of them were not on board, because there were two skeletons on the deck, which would be scattered when the wind blew. However, there were almost no corpses in the sleeping cabin, which means that there should only be a few people left behind on board at that time.

Qiao Ye walked forward while thinking.

Ordinary sleeping cabins are not worth searching for. First of all, the baby will definitely not be here, but it is not worthless. If you can find something similar to the logbook, you can know what happened to the ship back then, and even know it directly. What exactly was transported on the ship at the beginning.

Unfortunately, the crew of this ship does not seem to be in the habit of keeping a logbook.

After a while, Qiao Ye came to the end and pushed the door open again.

The ancient wooden door opened inward, making a harsh sound of "creak, creak".

When Qiao Ye entered it, this sleeping cabin was obviously much larger and had a lot more decorations. Although it was still plain, it was obviously not comparable to other sleeping cabins.

Qiao Ye thought this should be the captain's cabin, even if it wasn't the captain's cabin, it should be the first or second mate's cabin.

There was nothing to say about the bed, table and chairs, the only thing that caught Qiao Ye's attention was a table.

The table is nailed to the wall and the floor. In fact, most of the utensils at sea are like this, so as to ensure that when the wind and waves appear, things will not be smashed around.

Qiao Ye opened the drawer while thinking, and then his eyes lit up.

There is really a logbook, and it is not a book, but a cowhide scroll!

If it's a book, it's probably useless and probably corrupted, but the cowhide roll is much better. However, it's the sea and a damp cave, and the cowhide roll is moldy in a lot of places, and the writing on it is naturally too. Covered up, but still able to see some content.

"On the 22nd day at sea, the weather was calm, but I had a bad premonition. Yesterday, Manager Wang sent a message ordering me to arrive in Hong Kong on the eighth day of next month."

"Beizhenghai, Coral Bay was attacked. Recently, there have been more strange and weird creatures. Two brothers died unfortunately. Among them, the little six have been with me for more than ten years. It's a pity."

"On the 37th day of going to sea, Director Wang sent another message to urge me, but I had no choice. There was a storm last night, and the ship had already deviated. Moreover, the storm is still continuing now, and the weather is different. It is difficult to clear up in three to five days, so I can't confirm it. position, it is difficult to find the correct course."

"A weird thing happened, there was a ship following us, like a ghost ship, it would appear at night and disappear during the day, what's worse is that since the ghost ship appeared, I have no way of knowing Where is he in the sea area?"

"This is very weird. I have been in and out of this sea area for five or six years. I have been to all the places. It is impossible not to find the correct channel. Everything is because of the ghost ship. It must be like this!"

"This is the ninth day since the ghost ship appeared. We have completely deviated from the channel, and it is impossible to enter the port at the appointed time. At the same time, we have deviated from the channel for too long, and the problems of food and water sources are getting worse. I am going to put all my eggs in one basket. I must Board that ghost ship and take a look."

"An accident happened. Eleven brothers died. Because a sea beast attacked the ship at night. Although the sea beast was killed, the brothers on the ship suffered heavy casualties. The plan to board the ghost ship can only be temporarily abandoned."

"Good news, since the sea beast attacked the ship, the ghost ship has disappeared. Bad news, I found that the ship has entered the bloody area."

"The bloody area is too dangerous. I can't lead everyone out of here. Director Wang sent me a message. He came to ask me about the situation, but I threatened him that he must send a rescue ship to save us. If I don't let me Throwing the things escorted by the Chamber of Commerce into the sea, for this reason, I ignored Manager Wang's scolding, and opened the box."

"The box was opened, and Director Wang also agreed to send a fleet to rescue us, but what was in the box made me a little scared. It was a ball of light. After opening, I couldn't put it back into the box. The thing kept floating on the deck. , I can feel that there is a lot of power in it, but I don't know if it can be used by me, or it is a hazard to those on board, I can only tell everyone not to get close to it."

"I think we might..."

Qiao Ye kept flipping through the cowhide rolls, and finally saw something about the light ball. As a result, the piece underneath was moldy and blackened, and the words could no longer be seen clearly. Qiao Ye rubbed it with his fingers to no avail. Can stop here and look at the next one.


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