It's a pity that the next cowhide scroll didn't bring any useful information to Qiao Ye, because this cowhide scroll came from an earlier time period, that is, when he just went to sea.

It records some weather and voyage, generally speaking, everything is going well, it is a very ordinary logbook, so there is no useful content.

The only information was the chamber of commerce, as well as information about the starting point and destination. However, Qiao Ye had known this information from the old alcoholic before, so it was meaningless.

Of course, Qiao Ye would still be very interested if the details of the goods could be recorded on it.

But this is obviously impossible. Even if there are no special items on board, the Chamber of Commerce will not disclose the list and origin of the goods to the escort ship. The only thing the escort ship needs to do is escort.

Therefore, Qiao Ye obviously didn't need the news.

Qiao Ye opened the third cowhide scroll, it was still not of much use, it was still recorded during the voyage, most of the time it was calm, and there were also storms and attacks by some sea beasts, but according to the records, they were all resolved safely , the captain of this ship can be considered a veteran, and it is easy to deal with normal situations.

Qiao Ye put the third cowhide roll on the table, then looked at the fourth one.

Qiao Ye finally found it useful.

Although almost half of the cowhide roll was moldy and covered up the handwriting, it can be seen from the remaining half that it was a record after going to the island.

"I regret it now. I shouldn't have stayed on the island. I thought the bloody area was dangerous, so as long as I stayed on the island and didn't run around, I could minimize the danger, but I was wrong. Some things can't be avoided."

Qiao Ye looked down, and there were some moldy areas. He couldn't see the content clearly, so he could only continue down.

"Come on, come on, come on... Those damned guys are here again, how can we survive? We just want to live!"

"There is no other way. The rations are running out, but we can still persist. However, we have to go out for the water source, and the price we pay for this is three lives. Even Huang Jue was injured. He is the old man with me the longest. , I really didn't want him to die, but he died anyway."

"That sphere of light can protect us, I tried to touch and feel the power in the sphere of light, hoping that sphere of light could bring us more, but it was useless, I couldn't even touch that sphere of light .”

"Yesterday, Xiao Er, who was on guard, said that he saw someone. We went out to look for it like crazy. Maybe this is the hope of survival. In the end, we were ambushed on Haijiao Cliff. Everyone scolded Xiao Er, and even made a move. , as the captain, I shouldn't ignore it, but I really didn't have the mood to care about these things at the time. I just want to find hope to survive, but at night, Xiao Er hanged himself on the mast , this is all my fault, my negligence as captain."

Qiao Ye patted his head, and there was another moldy part underneath.

Qiao Ye showed a bit of helplessness. There is actually a lot of information on this cowhide scroll, but the records are not clear enough, especially in the back, the captain seems to have a mental breakdown, and the sentences are obviously incoherent, although it can be seen He is facing danger and is constantly dying, but the content on the cowhide scroll is only to express fear and anger, and does not describe the relevant danger in detail.

However, it is also incomprehensible. After a normal person encounters danger, if he can escape from birth, the remaining thoughts must be the rest of his life. Indeed, no one wants to recall such unhappy things.

"Hey, Qiao Ye!" At this time, Rong Bao poked his head out from the cabin door and said, "Any gains?"

Qiao Ye held up the cowhide scroll and said, "It's a little gain, I don't know if there is anything else."

Rong Bao said: "Hurry up, we have to retreat, the beach seems to be almost finished."

Qiao Ye said: "Has Jin Qianchen finally been beaten?"

Rong Bao said: "On the contrary, there are quite a few people who were beaten by Jin Qianchen. They felt that the loss was too heavy. Those people started to withdraw, and you, as one of the protagonists, disappeared. How stupid are they to continue beating? It was to prevent you from fighting with Jin Qianchen and destroying all the ships, so they took action. As a result, you were gone, and they continued to fight with Jin Qianchen, causing the ships to continue to be destroyed. what?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Get ready to go!"

While talking, Qiao Ye quickly rummaged through the drawer, wrapped all the cowhide rolls together and rolled them into a tube, and quickly left the cabin.

Following Rong Bao towards the deck, Qiao Ye asked as he walked, "Have you gained anything?"

Rong Bao said: "Probably, but probably not."

Qiao Ye wondered: "What do you mean probably, but should not? Isn't this contradictory?"

Rong Bao said: "I checked the cargo hold, and there are indeed a lot of good things on this ship. It's not the cargo of running a merchant that you see in the hundred-yuan sea market, but a lot of elixir, spiritual materials, even a batch of weapons and armors, and a bunch of other things. A pile of high-quality treasures."

Running merchant goods is to use the difference between intelligence and sea area to earn the price difference. It is the most common running business model in the sea of ​​​​100 yuan. Although sometimes the profit is very high, most of the time the goods are shipped from the sea area. The rarity and value of the goods themselves are not the same. Not high, and the things Rong Bao said were already biased towards the cargo reserves of the Marine Grocery Number.

"So, based on my experience, it is estimated that such a ship can almost support fifty ordinary cargo ships, which is already the entire property of a small and medium-sized company in the sea of ​​​​100 yuan." Rong Bao said: "Then, the company It costs a lot of money to get people into the bloody area, and there may be some who can get the boat back, and it is worth spending a lot of effort not to spend so many arrays, because after the things are retrieved, they will definitely get more."

Qiao Ye sighed and said, "However, among these things, there is nothing related to corpse monsters, or anything that can restrain corpse monsters, right?"

"I can't even see the way, maybe it's related to the corpse monster, or I haven't found anything to restrain the corpse monster." Rong Bao said helplessly: "That's why I said that there may be no gains, but I just took a preliminary look. Maybe the things are well hidden, and if we want to be 100% sure, we need to search for the goods more carefully, but we don't have time now, and Jin Qianchen should come back, unless we want to continue working with him."

Qiao Ye thought for a while, then picked up the scroll and said, "I don't think there is any need to look for it, it should be the ball of light, but we can try to find an empty box."


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