Rong Bao wondered, "Empty box?"

Qiao Ye shook the cowhide roll and said: "According to the statement above, the ball of light was packed in a box at the beginning, but it couldn't be put in after it was released. I think the box is unusual, it should be You can explore it, maybe you can find something."

Rong Bao thought for a while and said: "When you put it this way, I really have the impression that there is a mahogany box covered with charms, with runes drawn on both sides, and the chain head is unusual. It is made of glass gold. It can Let the surrounding objects assimilate and become extremely solid."

Qiao Ye said, "Go get it."

"Okay!" Rong Bao said, "Wait for me on the deck!"

The two parted ways for the time being. Qiao Ye got on the deck first, and the others had already come out.

Qiao Ye said: "Is there any gain?"

Everyone shook their heads and said, "Nothing was found."

Qiao Ye said: "Then wait for Rong Bao."

Soon, Rong Bao walked out of the cabin with a suitcase in his arms, and shone at Qiao Ye.

Rong Bao said: "It should be this thing, right?"

"I don't know." Qiao Ye said: "There is no detailed content recorded on the cowhide scroll, so let's talk about it first."

Qingmei said: "Let's talk about it after we leave here."

Qingmei took out the treasure while talking, and soon the seven-color glazed light enveloped the crowd, and brought them back to the previous mountain top.

Qiao Ye handed the cowhide roll to Yi Zhuo and said, "Senior, please take a look."

Yizhuo spread out the cowhide roll, and others came over.

After looking at the cowhide scroll, Yi Zhuo said: "It seems to be that ball of light."

After Yizhuo finished speaking, he took a look at the box and fell into a moment of contemplation.

"Very ancient runes." Yizhuo said: "This box is an ancient object, and I don't know the runes carved on both sides. I need to consult ancient books to know the function. However, I know the function of these spells, and they are also very ancient. The ancient talisman is used to suppress."

Qiao Ye said, "Is that all you can see?"

Yizhuo nodded and said: "I know what you are thinking, but it is not completely sure whether this box contains the light ball, and even if it is, it does not mean that there is an inevitable connection between the box and the light ball, it may be It's just a box for stuff."

Rong Bao said: "When the sphere of light enters your body, apart from seeing the origin of all things, don't you have other feelings?"

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "That ball of light is incomplete."

Xiefeng said: "Why do you say that?"

Qiao Ye said: "As I said before, I saw the origin of all things in an unconscious state, and I am very sure that it was the effect of the ball of light, because at that time I could feel some kind of power entering my body, In addition, the picture of the origin of all things I saw is a fragment, let's put it this way, the earliest era should be the birth of a big star, right?"

Qingmei nodded and said: "Yes!"

Qiao Ye continued: "Then there was the prehistoric era in the early days of the ancient times. In the true ancient times, a hundred flowers bloomed and the human race was at its peak. After that, with the changes of the times, there have been at least eight to nine different eras, from weakness to prosperity, and then from prosperity to prosperity. Weakness, but in fact I have not seen the complete historical changes, they are all the changes of a certain era, and there are gaps of the times between these pictures."

Because it was a fragment, the picture Qiao Ye saw was also a fragment.

This is a reasonable speculation, but in fact Qiao Ye has an easier way to determine this, the identification given by the jade card space, this thing is called the source fragment.

Yizhuo said: "I can feel that there is a very ancient power in that ball of light, and even the power of law is contained in it. Except in an unconscious state, can you try to use that power now? Maybe you will know What kind of power is it?"

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "I'll give it a try!"

As Qiao Ye was thinking, she closed her eyes and began to meditate on looking inside herself.

Qiao Ye was actually quite interested in that power. Normally, anything transformed after being absorbed by the jade tablet should have martial soul value, but that light ball didn't have it.

And Qiao Ye did feel that power, but unfortunately it was only for a short moment, when the ball of light entered his body, after which Qiao Ye was knocked out by Jin Qianchen and lost consciousness. Not in a waking state, trying to drive that force.

It's very easy to close your eyes and look for that power in your body. After that power entered Qiao Ye's body, it seemed to be completely dispersed, flowing continuously in Qiao Ye's body, and then...

Qiao Ye tried to control that force, to drive it, to drive it...

Suddenly, Qiao Ye opened his eyes sharply, his pupils widened.

Rong Bao couldn't help saying: "How is it? How do you feel..."

Before Rong Bao finished speaking, Qiao Ye suddenly moved backwards and fell directly to the ground.

Rong Bao said stupidly, "What's the situation?"

Xiefeng squatted down, sniffed Qiao Ye's breath, and asked with a puzzled look, "Have you fainted?"


at the same time……

Qiao Ye felt dizzy in his head.

When he tried to activate the power, the calm power suddenly began to tear himself apart. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye felt as if a vortex appeared in his body, sucking him forcefully. go in.

It was pitch black all around, and Qiao Ye couldn't help but wonder, had he entered an unconscious state again?

Couldn't it be that Jin Qianchen knocked himself out before, but because of that force that caused him to enter an unconscious state, allowing the killing intent to gain the upper hand?

Just as Qiao Ye was thinking, light suddenly appeared in the darkness in front of him.

The radiance gradually brightened, and then everything around became clear, and then the scenery gradually appeared.

After everything in front of her eyes became clear, Qiao Ye froze in place.

What appeared in front of Qiao Ye was a bustling port.

The port is full of ships, and the crew is constantly unloading. On the other side is the fishing area. After some fishing boats dock, they directly sell fresh sea fish on the spot. The port is full of people and busy.

"Let it go, let it go, let it go..."

A shirtless old man carrying two large wooden boxes walked forward, shouting at Qiao Ye.

Seeing this, Qiao Ye quickly stepped aside.

When the old man walked past Qiao Ye, he couldn't help complaining: "You young man, what's the traffic jam here during the busiest time in the morning? Go aside!"

As the old man spoke, he was about to move forward.

After thinking about it for a moment, Qiao Ye quickly followed up and said, "Master, sir, can I ask you something? What is this place?"


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