Qiao Ye couldn't help looking at the sky, is there even in the sky?

Just as Qiao Ye was thinking, the sound of piercing the air suddenly appeared, and then he looked down, but it was a zombie holding a harpoon and throwing it towards Qiao Ye.

The two frogmen ran quickly, stepped on the side of the house, jumped onto the roof, and ran towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye became the priority target of those zombies, but Qiao Ye was not surprised.

Qiao Ye was floating in the air right now, so eye-catching, it's no wonder those zombies didn't stare at Qiao Ye.

next moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly reached out, grasped the flying harpoon, and then swung it violently towards the side. After a flash of cold light, the abdomen of the two frogmen were torn apart, and they fell to the ground amidst the scattered blood. go.

After one blow, Qiao Ye heard the sound of shouting, and without looking back, he threw the harpoon down to the side.

With a bang, the harpoon nailed into a man's head, piercing the man's head with one blow!

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way!"

"Evacuate outside, leave this place to us!"

At this time, a team wearing standard soft armor arrived, quickly began to evacuate the crowd, and then came to the front to fight with those corpse monsters.

The guards are here.

Every city and every port in the Hundred Yuan Sea has a guard team to maintain order, resist sea beasts, and regularly patrol the sea to wipe out pirates.

"you come down!"

At this time, a member of the security team saw Qiao Ye in the air, and immediately stretched out his hand and shouted.

Qiao Ye shrugged and slowly fell back to the ground.

"Don't stay here, it's dangerous." Dui Yuan of the security team slapped Qiao Ye on the shoulder, and said, "Back back, get out of here."

Qiao Ye shrugged his shoulders, didn't say much, followed the crowd being evacuated, and quickly left the port.

After arriving outside the port, looking back, you can see a large number of security forces entering the port, and the shouts of killing are constantly ringing out.

The people in the port were continuously evacuated, but most of them did not leave, but gathered outside the port to watch the situation inside the port curiously.

"What the hell is going on please?"

"Who knows? It looks like a corpse!"

"There are so many corpse monsters? Although it's been mentioned a lot lately."

"I've seen it before. At the Chunman Tavern, a group of sailors who just returned from the sea suddenly turned into corpses while drinking."

"Yes, but they only appear occasionally. This is the first time I've seen so many corpse monsters. Besides, can sea beasts also turn into corpse monsters?"

"It seems to be possible. I have heard of it before, but it is also the first time I have seen it."


The crowd outside the port was talking a lot. Some people probed their brains to see the battle situation in the port, and some people were extremely anxious. These people were generally not crew members, not the principals of the chamber of commerce, or the captains of their own ships. Some shippers who paid.

However, everyone was not able to gather outside the port for too long.

Soon, more security teams arrived, and then began to clean up people, keeping everyone away from the port.

Qiao Ye was naturally no exception. After following the flow of people away from the port, he saw that the guards began to block the port, and sentry posts were set up on the periphery.

Qiao Ye pondered for a while, feeling that the lord of Donglin County might know something about the corpse monsters, because this kind of handling is the most perfect.

To deal with corpse monsters, you need to use the least casualties to annihilate them, because people who are killed by corpse monsters will become corpse monsters.

Once there are too many people, there will be many people killed by the corpses in the process of killing the corpses, and a vicious circle will be formed. In the end, the zombies will rely on the "renewal" method to accumulate continuously, and then completely destroy the attacking place.

Therefore, the way to deal with corpse monsters is to let the masters be able to enter and exit seven corpse monsters without being killed by corpse monsters, so that the number of corpse monsters will only decrease, not increase.

Of course, how can there be so many masters?

Therefore, as long as some elite teams can guarantee the efficiency of hunting and keep the number of corpses at a reduced level, they will be able to kill all the corpses sooner or later. To put it more directly, hunting corpses cannot It depends on the number of people, but needs to rely on efficiency.

Qiao Ye left the port and began to look around.

This is a coastal city called Donglin County City. In terms of scale, it is considered to be the last one. It is not big, but it is not small either.

The question is how did I get here?

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye came to the deserted street and closed his eyes.

Qiao Ye felt that there were only two possibilities for him to suddenly throw a knife at this place!

The first possibility is that the spatial ability brought him here, but Qiao Ye thinks this possibility is really unlikely, even a bit ridiculous.

There are very few exercises that span several yuan seas, and they require a strong cultivation base to support them. Qiao Ye feels that although he is quite capable, he is not capable to this point. Even if the light ball contains such power, Qiao Ye I feel that my cultivation base should not be able to support such a large range of spatial movement at present.

The second possibility is that I have now entered an unconscious state again, just like when I lost consciousness and saw the origin of all things. As for why I saw Donglin County City and why I saw the Kuroshio, I don’t know for the time being.

Therefore, Qiao Ye intends to give it a try. If she just enters this world in an unconscious state, then as long as she regains her senses, she should be able to leave here and return to the real world, just like Xiao Ji brought herself out of an unconscious state before. Wake up is the same.


After Qiao Ye opened his eyes, he was shocked to find that he was still on the side of the alley, and the surrounding scenery was exactly the same as before. He was still in Donglin County, and he hadn't been able to leave here.

"No way..." Qiao Ye couldn't help scratching his head: "Could it be that I'm really so strong now that I can travel across the void to such a long distance?"

Qiao Ye looked confused, and right now she couldn't figure out what happened to her.


Qiao Ye found a more important thing, no matter what kind of thing it was, he seemed to be trapped here?

If he crossed the void, he really arrived at Donglin County City. Now that the black tide is coming and a large number of corpses appear, he obviously can't leave here.

If it was the world of consciousness, it should be possible to escape, but Qiao Ye tried to empty his consciousness, but he failed to leave. Therefore, even if he could leave, at least Qiao Ye's method was wrong, and he couldn't leave for the time being.


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