Qiao Ye felt a pain in his head, and was attracted by the noise.

Qiao Ye looked around, and there were many people discussing there. Obviously, the news about the port had already spread, and after the city learned about the situation of the port, they also started discussing it.

However, there was no apparent commotion or panic.

Donglin County City is relatively peaceful, and everyone trusts the security team. Since a large number of security teams have rushed to the port, most people think that there will be no problem, and the corpses will definitely be killed and repelled.

Therefore, most of the discussions were about how those corpses appeared here? Where did it come from again? Topics like that.

Qiao Ye sat down in a restaurant while listening to these discussions.

"Just give me three or four dishes and a jug of wine."

"Okay, wait a moment, guest officer!"

Xiao Er left quickly, while Qiao Ye continued to think about the situation in front of him.

Void move?

Qiao Ye still didn't think it was very reliable!

After writing it down on the table with tea, I drew a cross on the side, and then wrote down the conscious world.

Qiao Ye still prefers the latter, which is more in line with the current situation, but this time the world of consciousness is obviously different from before, the most important of which...


Qiao Ye wrote these two words on the table with tea.

Qiao Ye had seen the origin of all things before, and saw the rare earth of Hongmeng undergoing a starburst to become a big star. Regardless of whether the picture is a fragment or whether there is a fragment of the era in the middle, it is a thing of the past.

And now?

Is it also a thing of the past?

Qiao Ye feels that this matter needs to be discussed. First of all, what is certain is that the Kuroshio must be a matter of this era...

"Wait a minute..." Qiao Ye murmured, "Has there ever been a Kuroshio in history?"

Just at this time, the waiter came over with the dishes, put the dishes on the table with a smile and said with a smile: "Guest officer, please use your dishes and wine slowly."

"Wait a minute!" Qiao Ye grabbed Xiao Er and said, "Little brother, please ask, what year, month and day is today?"

Xiao Er looked at Qiao Ye with a strange expression, it was possible that he couldn't remember the day, but he couldn't remember the year or the month?

However, looking at the star stone that Qiao Ye secretly stuffed into his hand, he immediately said with a smile on his face, "The nineteenth year of the Pohai Ji, the second day of the first lunar month."

Qiao Ye froze on the spot for an instant.

There is nothing wrong with the nineteenth year of the Sea Breaking Era. This is the calendar of the Hundred Yuan Sea. From ancient times to the present, there are nine calendars in the Hundred Yuan Sea. The Breaking Sea Era is the current calendar, but...

The second day of the first lunar month...

Isn't this nine days later!

This time, what I saw was not the past, but...


"I see!"

Qiao Ye slammed the table and stood up, startling the little girl next to her.

Xiao Er said cautiously: "Guest officer, is there anything else you need?"

Qiao Ye came back to her senses, shook her head at the little girl and said, "It's okay, you can go!"

Watching Xiao Er leave, Qiao Ye felt that he already knew what the power in the ball of light was. If nothing wrong, Qiao Ye believed that there was at least an 80% probability that it should be the power of the law of reincarnation!

Yizhuo said that the power in that ball of light is very ancient, and it contains the power of law!

Secondly, Qiao Ye saw the past before, but now he sees the future!

Only the power of the law of reincarnation can satisfy these two points!

First of all, the law of reincarnation is the power of the supreme law that was born when the world first opened, and it belongs to the same level as the law of chaos and the law of nature.

Therefore, Yizhuo felt the power of the law, and felt that this power was very ancient, so it made sense.

As for the past and the future, it is also one of the characteristics of the law of reincarnation.

Normally speaking, when talking about the law of reincarnation, most people will think of life and death, that is, reincarnation of life and death.

But in fact it is not the case, the supreme law is the source of many laws, and its coverage is very broad.

Just like the law of chaos represents destruction, the chaos in the void is the existence that everyone fears, but in fact, another meaning of the law of chaos is new life, and everything that was first opened in the world was born from chaos.

The same is true for the law of reincarnation. In addition to the reincarnation of life and death, the law of reincarnation has many branches, including the past and the future.

The well-known supernatural powers come from the law of reincarnation at a glance. Reincarnation is a cycle, which represents not only the life and death of individuals, but also the times!

The beginning of an era, and the shattering of an era, followed by the beginning of a new era, and the shattering of a new era, and so on and on and on.

However, compared to the cycle of life and death, this law of reincarnation is of a higher grade, rarer, more difficult to grasp, and difficult to comprehend.

But if that sphere of light really came from the ancient past, or even passed down from the ancient times, it may contain the power of the law of reincarnation. After all, this sphere of light can be said to be a witness of history and the times , witnessed the rise of one era after another, and witnessed the demise of one era after another.

Of course, this is talking about the big ones, and the small ones...

That ball of light is not complete, but fragments. If it really has the power of law, then the law is also incomplete.

Second, although the power of the law is the same, the abilities that can be comprehended from the power of the law are not the same.

For example, both people have the laws of nature, but the abilities obtained according to the power of the laws of nature may be to manipulate rain and snow, and to manipulate thunder and lightning.

Both of them have the law of chaos, but it is also possible that one can manipulate void cracks to hide, and the other can use void cracks to annihilate objects.

Therefore, in the case of only fragments, even if it is possible to deduce that it is likely to be the law of reincarnation, Qiao Ye cannot judge what the abilities he has brought to him from the pictures he saw, or from entering the conscious world.

Overall though...

This seems to be a surprising thing!

Qiao Ye is no longer a fledgling rookie. Canglanxing's cultivation actually came to an abrupt end at the Divine Realm. However, after coming to the Primordial Void, Qiao Ye already knew that the Divine Realm is not the end, but just another beginning. That's all, a leisurely tour, a great freedom, peace of mind, and no arrogance!

In fact, there is a more powerful existence in this world!

In addition to the realm of cultivation, in the world of Primordial Void, whether one can claim to be a master or be called a master by others depends on another very important factor, that is...

Do you have the rules!

Therefore, in the world of primordial emptiness, every person above the divine realm is pursuing one thing almost all the time, and that is the power of law, either looking for it from all things in the world, or relying on self-comprehension.



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