The blood pupil is complete!

Qiao Ye raised the black halberd a little forward!


Accompanied by Qiao Ye's low voice, a blood-colored radiance burst out from the blood pupils and flew forward.


The blood light fell to the ground, and after a loud noise, the ground shattered, and the two corpses were also blasted out immediately.

However, in the next instant, the two corpse monsters climbed up from the ground again, one was covered in blood, and the other had an arm directly swept away by the blood.

But even so, the two zombies didn't seem to feel anything, and they still rushed towards Qiao Ye without fear of life or death.

But also at this moment...

The second bloody light appeared, swept forward, swept across the waists of the two corpses, and the bodies of the two corpses split apart, turned into two halves, and hit the ground .

The next moment, Qiao Ye jumped up and jumped over the two corpses. The black halberd in his hand swept forward, and a black light appeared.

The third corpse stood in place for an instant, and a head flew straight up. Then, the moment it landed, the black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand swept downwards, giving the corpse the legs. cut off.

So far, those corpse monsters have been cleaned up, and the other two have been killed by other people.

However, those who breathe a sigh of relief at this moment...

Obviously happy too early!

"Look over there..." Someone shouted loudly: "There are frogmen, no, corpse monsters, all corpse monsters!"

There was a shouting sound from the front of the street, and then a group of corpse monsters of mixed races appeared. Frogmen were the most common. Most of them even wore the soft armor of the guards.

Qiao Ye couldn't help squinting his eyes. The security team didn't stop these corpse monsters, and even let these guys kill them in?

Those zombies are moving forward crazily, but they are not just moving forward. They will continue to split their hands, rush into the surrounding shops, and start killing. Some people are pierced by the corpses before they even realize what is going on. The body, or the head torn apart.

In the panic, some people began to resist, and some people chose to run away immediately.

This is the worst possible situation!

Fight when you fight, and run when you run!

Some people fought, some people ran away, and the result was a mess, and even a stampede occurred. In order to break out of the crowd, some people did not attack the corpse monsters, but directly shot at the fleeing people around them.

Roaring, screaming, screaming, cursing...

All kinds of voices were intertwined in an instant.

Qiao Ye didn't intend to stay, it was just a few corpses, Qiao Ye didn't mind to help clean it up, but with such a large dense area, Qiao Ye didn't intend to entangle, and it was impossible for him to stop all the corpses, Besides, the street was in complete chaos. Qiao Ye's attack now was not just as simple as beheading the corpse monster, but also beheading the fleeing crowd.

Therefore, Qiao Ye immediately jumped onto the roof of the restaurant, and then walked towards the side.

However, when Qiao Ye stood on the roof and looked sideways, he found that the same thing was happening on the street next door. Countless zombies were charging crazily, catching people and biting them continuously. Already a mess.

Looking further away, Qiao Ye saw a few wisps of black smoke rising, and some places began to burn.

Obviously, in the current situation, it is definitely not that some zombies have rushed out of the port, but that the port has been completely lost, and a large number of corpses have rushed out of the port, so that all the streets are lost, and corpses appear. trace.

As if to confirm Qiao Ye's words...


Suddenly there was a loud roar from the direction of the port, and a huge monster appeared in Qiao Ye's vision.

It was an incomparably huge crocodile, the whole body was purple-red, half of its body had already climbed onto the port, its tentacles were continuously raised one by one, and then fell towards the surroundings continuously.

Boom, boom, boom!

Amidst the loud noise, the tentacle smashed the ships moored in the port to pieces, and smashed the buildings beside the port to collapse.

Qiao Ye was silent for a moment, then turned around and stepped on the roof to walk in the opposite direction.

But within a short distance, more than a dozen frogmen spotted Qiao Ye's trail, quickly climbed up the wall, and rushed towards the roof of the building.

Qiao Ye saw everything in his eyes, and just walked forward with a halberd. When those frogman corpses rushed up...

Puff puff……

Qiao Ye's halberd edge wiped, and the bodies of those zombies were cut in two and fell from the air.

"You killed a corpse monster, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and got the martial soul value: 178,500 points."

"You killed a corpse monster, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 215,500 points."

"You killed a corpse monster, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and got the martial soul value: 202000 points."


Corpse monsters are similar to evil beasts, but, strictly speaking, Qiao Ye thinks corpse monsters are more terrifying than evil beasts.

Evil beasts at least will not turn everyone around them into evil beasts, but corpse monsters can turn all living beings into corpse monsters. Moreover, if an evil beast is beheaded, it will be killed. It is not denied that a powerful evil beast is not easy to kill. But there is a very troublesome thing about zombies. No matter how strong or weak they are, they have to score the corpses or split the corpses directly to stop the corpses from continuing to move. In a sense, killing corpses must be more troublesome. At the same time, with Fighting with the corpse monsters, Qiao Ye also experienced the feeling of being caught in a herd of evil beasts.

However, speaking of it, it's really thanks to Qiao Ye who has been entangled with evil beasts. But I don't know how many times, the tide of evil beasts is a common thing for Qiao Ye. Therefore, Qiao Ye is not bad at dealing with corpse monsters. Handy.

Here just killed a few zombies that jumped onto the roof, Qiao Ye continued to walk forward, but the way was blocked, and more corpses jumped up from both sides, blocking Qiao Ye's way.

The zombies didn't intend to stay, they charged forward and flew at Qiao Ye immediately.

Qiao Ye narrowed his eyes, not intending to let those zombies approach him. Although Qiao Ye felt that everything he was experiencing right now was the world in his consciousness, that is, everything was fake, but who knew what if such a thing would happen? Won't it appear?

So, don't get hurt!

If you get injured, you may turn into a corpse!

A hundred battle blood techniques, a dazzling style!

Qiao Ye directly stretched out his hand and pressed it forward, the blood around him instantly flew up and gathered in the direction of Qiao Ye, floating around Qiao Ye, undulating up and down.


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