The next moment, Qiao Ye reached out and patted forward!

Countless blood beads flew forward, and then split crazily, turning into a dense mass in the blink of an eye.

Puff puff!

Those blood beads quickly pierced through the bodies of the zombies rushing forward, leaving bloody holes on the bodies of those corpses!

The next moment, Qiao Ye's five fingers became claws.

Hundred battles blood technique, two-style beheading!

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and made a sudden pulling motion. Those blood beads instantly turned into blood threads, entangled the bodies of those corpses, and cut seven or eight corpses open with one blow.

After killing the corpse monster in front of him in an instant, Qiao Ye continued to stride forward.

After seeing corpse monsters a lot, Qiao Ye also summed up some experience.

Corpse monsters are similar to the lowest level of evil beasts, without any intelligence, and will attack any living beings, but there are also some subtle differences.

Evil beasts are actually the instinct of wild beasts. It is not completely free of fear and shrinking emotions. Especially the number of Evil Beasts is not large, and they can be repelled in many cases. What is terrifying is the tide of Evil Beasts.

As for the corpses, they have killing instincts. These guys really have no fear of life and death, because they are already dead, and there is no other way but to kill them.

And just when Qiao Ye was thinking...

Suddenly, the sound of breaking wind suddenly appeared behind Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye instinctively jumped forward, stabilized her body, looked back, and saw a big hole in the roof behind her.

It was a man wearing the soft armor of the security team. However, unlike ordinary software, the other party's soft armor was obviously more refined. Judging from the materials used, better spiritual materials must have been used to make it. Those with official ranks also held a pair of silver hammers as weapons in their hands, which looked quite powerful.

However, this guy was obviously dead. There was a piece of flesh missing from his neck, and the bones were visible in the depths. Fresh blood continued to flow down, dyeing half of the soft armor red.

After missing a hit, the corpse monster raised the hammer again, and suddenly raised his hand and threw it at Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye hurriedly crossed the spear in front of him.


The silver hammer hit the shaft of the black halberd, making a crisp sound, and then the apparently heavy silver hammer flew up, rolling continuously in the air.

The corpse monster jumped up, caught the falling silver hammer, came to Qiao Ye, raised his halberd and smashed it again!


When the hammer fell, Qiao Ye felt a terrifying force. Immediately afterwards, the roof under his feet cracked, and Qiao Ye and the corpse directly smashed into the house.

After landing, Qiao Ye raised his head and looked forward. The corpse monster hit the ground directly, making a deep hole in the ground, but soon got up again with shaking body.

This guy has something!

The cultivation base in front of the corpse monster should not only be in the divine realm, but at least it is a leisurely excursion, and this is another difference between the corpse monster and the evil beast.

The strength of the evil beast is not completely fixed, the way to become stronger lies in the food, the evil beast can become stronger as long as it continues to "eat", but the corpse monster is fixed, the corpse monster will not become stronger, the strength of the corpse monster depends on The strength in front of the corpse.

After getting up from the ground, the corpse rushed out towards Qiao Ye immediately, swinging the silver hammer in his hand.

Qiao Ye did not choose to dodge, but...

Nine-turn golden body!


The silver hammer struck and hit the radiance of the nine-turn golden body fiercely, causing the radiance to ripple in circles.

However, the opponent's silver hammer did not break the brilliance, but was blocked by the nine-turn golden body. However, the momentum brought by that huge force was not so easy to dissipate, Qiao Ye's body couldn't help but Back up towards the rear.

However, this is what Qiao Ye wanted!


The moment he retreated, Qiao Ye violently raised the black halberd, and the crescent blade on the side of the halberd hooked the corpse monster's shoulder, and then...

There was a sound of flesh and blood being torn apart, and immediately after that, an arm flew up.

With a bang, as the severed arm flew up, the silver hammer fell to the ground with a loud bang.

Qiao Ye lowered the corner of his mouth. The guy in front of him is quite strong. It is obviously difficult to kill the opponent with one blow. Therefore, it needs to be done bit by bit. It is obviously not bad to break the opponent's arm first.

On the other side, the corpse looked sideways at his disappearing shoulder, but his face was still expressionless.

Losing one arm, he still has another arm, and without a silver hammer, he still has another!

Without the slightest pause or hesitation, the corpse flew forward, raised the remaining silver hammer, and slammed it on Qiao Ye's head.

Qiao Ye raised a black halberd to meet him!


When the weapons intersected, there was another crisp chirping sound!

After stopping the opponent's hammer, Qiao Ye jumped up suddenly, kicked the opponent's chest, and kicked the opponent away. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye immediately leaned forward and wanted to chase, but at this moment ...

With a bang, a piece of the side wall suddenly cracked.

A frogman corpse suddenly rushed into the house, jumped on Qiao Ye's body, and threw Qiao Ye to the ground.

Qiao Ye immediately reached out to grab the frogman corpse monster's chin, and pushed the guy's head upwards.

The frogman, a sea beast, has a certain amount of intelligence, but its intelligence is low. After turning into a corpse monster, the attack will be more direct. If you have a weapon, you can use it. If you don't have a weapon, you can directly attack and bite. With a bloody mouth, he wanted to bite Qiao Ye's shoulder.

However, Qiao Ye resisted the frogman corpse monster, but the previous corpse monster strode towards Qiao Ye again, raising the silver hammer in his hand and was about to drop it again.

Qiao Ye quickly wiped the jade token on his waist, then took out a box and threw it towards the opponent.

Fantasy octagonal box: from the hand of the famous craftsman Tian Daozi, it can be magical weapons and attack by itself, divided into eight curses: attack, defense, array, break, ban, spirit, devour, and absolute.

The corpse saw the fantasy box flying towards him, and without thinking about it, he swept it away with a hammer.

With a bang, the fantasy octagonal box was smashed onto the wall beside it with a hammer, but at this moment, the fantasy octagonal box opened, and eight streams of smoke emerged from the box, turning into eight small black halberds.


Qiao Ye let out a low snort, and then the eight small halberds quickly stepped forward, and after turning into black smoke again, they quickly tied up the corpse monster like a rope!

The corpse kept roaring, struggling vigorously, and exerting force with its arms, but it only opened up the black smoke a little, but couldn't completely open the black smoke.

Qiao Ye breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the frogman corpse in front of him.

This guy……

There is also a problem!

Ordinary frogman corpses are nothing more than one punch to Qiao Ye, but the strength of this frogman corpse in front of him is somewhat beyond Qiao Ye's imagination.


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