While thinking about it, Qiao Ye put his foot on the waist of the corpse frogman, and with a sudden force, he turned the corpse frogman backwards.


The frogman corpse hit the roof, and then twisted its body violently in the air, and the whole body was sucked to the ceiling like that.

The corpse monster on the other side also roared at this moment, and swept the silver hammer in its hand, finally forcing the eight small halberds around it away, and then rushed towards Qiao Ye again.

Qiao Ye didn't panic, and slowly retreated towards the rear. When the opponent came swinging the hammer, he raised his head and glanced into the air. Seeing that the frogman corpse monster also fell from the air, he immediately raised the black big The halberd knocked down the silver hammer.

Qiao Ye's knock on the silver hammer changed its direction, swung it upwards, and then...


The silver hammer hit the face, and the head of the corpse frogman was smashed to pieces instantly, and fell from the air. Even after falling to the ground, the body was still twitching continuously, trying to get up again.

But also at this moment...


Qiao Ye let out a soft drink, and the eight black spears flew over, pierced into the limbs of the corpse frogman, and cut off the limbs in one go.

"You killed a corpse monster, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and got the martial soul value: points."

After killing a corpse first, Qiao Ye also twisted his body closely, sticking to the body of the remaining corpse, and quickly circled behind the opponent, picking the black halberd in his hand downwards.


The sound of flesh and blood tearing suddenly sounded.

Qiao Ye's halberd slashed at the opponent's ankle, breaking the opponent's hamstring!

The corpse twisted its body and swung the hammer again, completely unresponsive to its injuries. However, even if it didn't feel any pain, after the hamstring was broken, it seemed to be limping when it moved. The corpse swung the hammer, Before Qiao Ye could move, he staggered and fell to the ground first.

The overall situation is settled!

Qiao Ye raised his halberd and stabbed at the corpse monster that fell on the ground, directly cutting the opponent's corpse in two.

"You killed a corpse monster, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and got the martial soul value: points."

After dealing with the two zombies, Qiao Ye opened the door and left.

The street is obviously more chaotic, there are shouts of killing everywhere, corpse monsters keep rushing out of Donglin Port, rushing into the city, entangled with people constantly, some people are running away, some people are fighting, the surrounding houses are black smoke Winding around, the fire is raging.



Suddenly there was a loud noise from the distant port, but it was two huge sea beasts jumping out of the sea and coming to the port.

A sea beast looks like a huge crocodile. The strange thing is that there are spikes on the back of the body, fins on both sides, and the other end is like a sea anemone. It's just that the body is huge and terrifying. The mucus, everything it passed was swallowed by the huge body, and then completely crushed.

Suddenly, the ground cracked, and a huge sea worm came out from below. It looked like a centipede, but the surface of its body was not a carapace, but a transparent film, and its mouth was a long needle.

After the sea worm appeared, it twisted its body, straightened its body, and stabbed a man on the back of the neck with its mouth. The man's body instantly shriveled as if it had been sucked dry.

Qiao Ye saw everything in his eyes.

Chaos, chaos, total chaos!

Qiao Ye didn't stay for too long, because corpse monsters surrounded him and surrounded Qiao Ye again.

Qiao Ye came back to his senses, and immediately swept out the black halberd in his hand.

Accompanied by the sweeping of the black euphorbia, the black smoke floating around Qiao Ye formed a circle and pushed it away.

Almost instantly, the surrounding time seemed to stand still, some of those corpses charged, some leaped into the air, and then...

The moment the black smoke passed in front of them, the bodies of those corpse monsters were continuously cut apart, breaking into two pieces and falling to the ground.

"You killed a corpse monster, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and got the martial soul value: 202000 points."

"You killed a corpse monster, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and got the martial soul value: 190,000 points."

"You killed a corpse monster, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 200,000 points."


After killing the corpse monsters that rushed up from around, Qiao Ye didn't intend to get too entangled, and rushed forward, and the black smoke from all around quickly rushed in, covering Qiao Ye's body!

Qiao Ye turned into a wisp of black smoke and kept moving forward, passing through the crowd.

Donglin County City is in the shape of a ladder. The buildings facing the sea are the lowest, and then they seem to rise from the mountains, and the ones behind seem to be getting higher and higher. After reaching the highest level, there is a large wilderness behind.

About half an hour later, Qiao Ye stood at the highest point, as if standing on a cliff and looking down, he could see the entire Donglin County City in his eyes.

In the entire city, there were shouts of killing everywhere, black smoke rising everywhere, and flames burning everywhere, like a purgatory.

Donglin County City...

It's over!

Here, there are no more living creatures!


"What the hell kind of weather is this?" Rong Bao stood on the prow of a ship, looked ahead and said, "It's either a heavy rain or a scorching sun, will it kill people?"

"Where are you talking so much nonsense?" Xie Feng smashed a brush on the back of Rong Bao's head and said, "Hurry up and paint the hull of the boat."

Rong Bao took the brush and said angrily: "Qiao Ye is like a quail when he is awake, and Qiao Ye is like..."

Before Rong Bao could finish cursing, he saw Xie Feng twitched his lips and looked at him again.

Rong Bao took a deep breath, and hurriedly said, "I'm going to brush the oil right now!"

The purpose of oiling the hull is to prevent the hull from cracking under the sun. Although it is not certain, it will become a hidden danger during the long voyage.

At this time, Xiao Ji poked her head out of the cabin and said, "Qiao Ye is awake!"

Rong Bao's eyes lit up, he immediately dropped his brush and said, "I'll go see our brother!"

Qiao Ye woke up, no need to be oppressed by the evil phoenix, long live!

at the same time……

Qiao Ye opened her eyes leisurely, feeling her body shaking, looking up was a dark wooden board, there was a bit of musty smell in the air, it felt a little damp, and at the same time there was a faint woody smell, when she looked at it from the side, it was Someone on the side lit a soothing incense.

Just as Qiao Ye was thinking, a wet towel was placed on Qiao Ye's forehead, and Xiao Ji sat down on the bed without saying a word.

Qiao Ye smiled and shook Xiao Ji's hand, then said, "Where is this?"

Before Xiao Ji could speak, Rong Bao ran into the cabin and said, "Brother, you are awake, but you are so worried about me!"


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