Qiao Ye glanced at Rongbao, are you worried about my expression? Why do you feel a little relieved?

Qiao Ye shrugged and asked again: "Where is this coming from?"

"Sea!" Rong Bao sat down beside him and said, "It's still fighting on the island, but they are fighting for treasures, and we don't fight, so we found a boat and ran out."

Qiao Ye said: "You just said that I was awake, so I passed out?"

"Nonsense, are you dizzy yourself? Don't you feel it?" Rong Bao said, "It's been almost two days."

Qiao Ye pondered for a while, and then said: "Go to Donglin County City in the twenty-five yuan sea area!"

Rong Bao wondered, "Why do you want to go there all of a sudden?"

Qiao Ye said: "I may know what the ability of that ball of light is, but I have to go to Donglin County City to make an accurate judgment."

Xiefeng and Qingmei stood at the door and asked curiously, "What is the power of the light ball?"

Qiao Ye said: "The law of reincarnation, ten thousand years at a glance, past and present, and the future of language!"

Everyone couldn't help being stunned, and then said with green eyebrows: "What did you see during the time you passed out?"

Qiao Ye said: "The Kuroshio, corpse monsters, Donglin County City has been destroyed."

"Impossible!" Yizhuo was a little agitated, showing an incredible expression: "It can't be so fast, even if the Kuroshio is going to appear, it should spread outward from the depths of the 100-yuan sea. It can only be regarded as the outer sea area. The Kuroshio should not have arrived here so quickly. Taking a step back, if the Kuroshio has spread to the twenty-five yuan sea area, it means that the hundred yuan sea is about to end and has almost been swallowed by the Kuroshio clean up."

Qiao Ye said: "That may not be the Kuroshio."

Rong Bao said: "Is it right?"

Qiao Ye explained: "At present, it can be confirmed that the black tide can trigger a large number of corpses, or that the corpses are related to the black tide. I saw a large number of corpse attacks in Donglin County City. As for whether it is a corpse or not?" It’s impossible to be sure.”

Rong Bao said: "So, if you go to Donglin County City and take a look, you will know the result, right?"

Qingmei folded his arms and said: "My space treasure does not have the coordinates of the twenty-five yuan sea area, so if I want to go to Donglin County City, it will take some time, but we don't have any other goals for the time being, so it's good to go there and have a look .”

Qiao Ye said, "Are we still in the bloody area?"

"That's not true." Qingmei said: "I used the treasure of space to send the boat and people to Bolin Island in the twenty-four yuan sea area, and started again after a little replenishment. This was all yesterday, and you are still dizzy That’s right, but it shouldn’t take too long from the twenty-four yuan sea area to the twenty-five yuan sea area, according to the chart, it’s probably half a month!”

Qiao Ye nodded. According to the time he knew, what he saw should be Donglin County City in nine days. However, Qiao Ye had no plan to arrive within nine days.

After all, even if I arrived, what could I do?

Or notify the people in the Lord's Mansion to evacuate and evacuate? But why should people believe in themselves?

Xiefeng smiled and said: "Let's do this first, the young master just woke up and he must be hungry. I'll go get you something to eat."

Xie Feng's words ended the conversation, everyone left the cabin one after another, and Xie Feng took a special look at Rong Bao when going out.

Rong Bao nodded, and when the others left, Rong Bao lowered his voice and said, "Hey, is there something wrong with this old woman?"

"Yizhuo?" Qiao Ye pondered for a moment and said, "She was too excited just now."

"Yes!" Rong Bao said: "According to what she said before, Wu Ji just predicted the unknown and saw the catastrophe coming. As for the Kuroshio, according to what she said, she didn't know what it was, but, from just now Judging from her performance, she should know more about the Kuroshio than that."

"Well, but so far, she hasn't done anything harmful to us." Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "Where are you planning to go before I wake up?"

Rong Bao said: "Qingang City, look for the semicolon of Tongbaozhai to see if there is a way to pass on the current situation. After all, according to Qingmei, it is a mess outside, but go to 20 The Wuyuan sea area is not a big problem, there is a port city to the west of Donglin Port called Luoxi City, there is also a semicolon of Tongbaozhai, we can just go there.”

Qiao Ye nodded and said: "That's how it is. Yizhuo's behavior is a bit strange, but if it doesn't have any influence, just pretend not to know it for the time being. We also need a local aboriginal, and, judging from the current situation, she It’s just a concealment, and it’s not detrimental to us.”

Rong Bao nodded and said, "Then you can rest."

Rong Bao went out of the cabin, everyone adjusted the course, and started to head towards the twenty-five yuan sea area.


After leaving the blood corpse area, it was also calm.

Life at sea is like this, thrilling and boring coexist, and in many cases, boring is a compliment, which means that there is nothing abnormal or dangerous, except...

Qiao Ye glanced at the sky and said, "This damn weather!"

It was clearly at sea, but Qiao Ye felt like he was in a desert. The sun was unimaginably fierce, the sun deck seemed to be smoking, and the surrounding heat waves were visible to the naked eye.

Yi Zhuo said: "It will be even hotter when it enters the twenty-five yuan sea area."

Qiao Ye asked suspiciously, "Oh?"

Yi Zhuo said: "The twenty-five yuan sea area is called the area of ​​the scorching sun. There is little rain all year round, and it is mostly hot. The edge of the yuan sea area is only slightly affected, if it enters the twenty-five yuan sea area, it will naturally be hotter."

Qiao Ye said, "I didn't feel it in my dream."

Yi Zhuo said: "Can you feel hot and cold in an unconscious state? Besides, in that situation at that time, you didn't have the mood to care about the weather, did you?"

Qiao Ye thought about it, and it made sense. He's already caring about the corpse monster, who cares if the weather is hot or not!

Yi Zhuo said: "How about the power in your body?"

Qiao Ye said: "The consumption is very high, and it is currently in the stage of re-accumulation. I tried to call it before, but it didn't listen to me. I can feel that power still exists, but it seems to have fallen into a state of silence."

Yizhuo said: "What about the impact on your own strength?"

Qiao Ye said: "It doesn't affect it, and not only does it not affect it, because of that power, it seems that I am about to break through the realm of Xiaoyaoyou's cultivation."

Yizhuo nodded and said: "After all, it is the power that contains the highest law. It is normal that it will cause huge consumption once it is used. Of course, it may also be due to incompleteness."


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