Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1953 A Ship of Corpse Monsters

After entering the twenty-five yuan sea area, as Yi Zhuo said, the temperature obviously rose again and became even hotter.

However, it finally entered the twenty-five yuan sea area, which means that it should not be far from Donglin County City.

After three more days at sea, Rong Bao, who was lying on the watchtower, was weak at first, but suddenly, after looking up, he regained his energy suddenly.

"Hey, there's a boat!" Rong Bao shouted down, "There's a boat ahead!"

It was a big five-masted ship, and the flag on the mast had fallen off, but there were patterns drawn on the sails...

Rong Bao said: "It's the pattern of the security team, but I don't know which city it belongs to."

Qingmei said: "The nearest people here should only be people from Donglin County City?"

Qiao Ye said: "Then it's best not to get too close. If what I see is true, there should be no living people on this boat."

Qingmei shook her head and said: "Is that understandable, this is a normal ship of the guards, if everything on it is in good condition, Donglin County City should be completely fine?"

"Huh?" Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "It also makes sense."

Qingmei said: "Come closer and have a look, but don't get too close."

The ship moved forward slowly, while waving the flag and calling the flag, but there was no response from the ship in the guard station.

So far, it can be seen that there is something wrong with the ship, but, just to be on the safe side, everyone still drives the ship past the guard ship.

Just at this very moment...

Heads popped out of the boat one by one suddenly, and then figures jumped down from the boat one after another.

"It's a corpse!" Qiao Ye determined the identities of those "people" with just one glance, and said decisively, "Get out!"

In fact, even without Qiao Ye's reminder, other people can see the clues. Even if they want to attack, how can ordinary people fall from the sky with their heads upside down?

Qingmei stepped on the railing of the boat, looked at the fallen corpse, and directly slapped it out!

"Demon Dragon Art, break the dragon!"

With Qingmei's palm shot, the surrounding sea water seemed to be boiling, with bubbles gushing out one after another, and then with Qingmei raising her palm to the sky, a large swath of water suddenly rushed into the sky, turning into a water dragon, welcoming Get on that wight that jumped off the boat.


There was a loud roar, the sky trembled, and the fallen corpse was directly knocked out by the water dragon, either soaring into the sky or hitting the hull of the ship.

Qiao Ye urged: "Go!"

Yizhuo's weapon spirit quickly turned the steering wheel, turned the bow of the ship, and slowly moved away from the guard ship.

However, the horror of corpse monsters also appeared at this time. After falling into the sea, those corpse monsters did not give up, but still frantically swam towards Qiao Ye's boat.

Rong Bao jumped onto the mast, took out a treasure and said, "Are you young masters watching a play?"

While talking, Rong Bao took out a treasure, which was a folding fan.

Rong Bao is very obsessed with fan-shaped treasures, but this one is really big and scary, it is even taller than Rong Bao when standing upright, and it can completely cover Rong Bao's body behind.

The next moment, Rong Bao raised his fan and swept forward vigorously, a large wind current appeared and swept towards the sea surface, and the sea surface suddenly turned into waves, with waves rising and falling.

As the waves undulated, those corpse monsters that swam over were constantly pushed backwards, making it difficult to get close to the ship, and finally completely disappeared in the waves.

Everyone waited and watched for a while, Qiao Ye said: "Shouldn't catch up, they are all dead guards, it is impossible to catch up with the boat by swimming."

Rong Bao nodded and said, "Unless sea beasts..."

Qiao Ye quickly covered Rong Bao's mouth and said, "Just think about it, don't say it, I'm afraid your mouth is too poisonous."

Rong Bao slapped Qiao Ye's hand off dissatisfied and said, "You're just a crow's mouth."

Qiao Ye said, "Anyway, shut up."

Qingmei nodded and said, "Well, don't talk."

Rong Bao immediately smiled and said, "No problem, Miss Qingmei."

"Miss Qingmei, do you want to eat fish? I'll go catch it for you right now."

"I still have a jug of fine Fenjiu."

"By the way, this place is too hot, do you want me to fan you?"

Rong Bao's expression became flattering in an instant, he rubbed his hands and walked around Qingmei's side, seeing Qingmei's helpless expression, if he could not hold back, he should be thrown into the sea.

Qiao Ye looked at Xiefeng beside him and couldn't help but said, "Does he really like magic dragons?"

Xiefeng blinked her eyes and said, "Don't you think it's obvious?"

"I don't think so." Qiao Ye shook his head and said, "I feel like I had a grudge in my previous life, and I'm here for revenge in this life. Anyway, whoever dares to chatter like a fly in my ear like him, I will definitely cut him off. "

Xiefeng laughed and said, "So Miss Ji, you don't talk much, right?"

"Just don't like it."

Xiaoji raised her head, then lowered her head to look at the sea.

Qiao Ye looked at Xiefeng and said, "Don't say it's useless, take a look at the chart, how far is it from Donglin County City?"

Xiefeng nodded, opened the chart and looked at it: "Based on the current speed, if there are no accidents, we should be able to arrive at noon tomorrow."

Qiao Ye said, "I don't think anything will happen at sea right now."

Xiefeng said: "Because all the corpses have gathered in Donglin County City?"

Qiao Ye nodded.

The corpse monsters that appeared in Donglin County City at that time were roughly divided into two categories. One was sea beasts. Among them, the sea beasts that could go ashore, like frogmen, were the main force. Most of the others were also entrenched in the coastal waters near the port. It turned into a corpse monster after being attacked while sailing at sea. At that time, there were at least nearly twenty large and small ships that followed the tide of corpse monsters, and these were also the main force of the corpse monsters.

That being the case, the danger in the surrounding waters will naturally be greatly reduced.

Of course, everything based on what Qiao Ye saw in his coma is true.

However, judging from the current situation, especially after encountering the previous guard ship, Qiao Ye felt that what he saw in his sleep was very likely to be a prophecy!

Fortunately, there is no rush for this matter, and the answer will be known in one day.

The ship continued to sail forward, as Qiao Ye expected, except for the extreme heat, the entire sea area was indeed unusually calm, until it entered the offshore waters of Donglin Port...

"I can't move forward." Rong Bao lowered his clairvoyance, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Your prophecy has come true, Donglin County City is finished, and even entering Hong Kong is very difficult."

Qiao Ye specifically asked the time at that time. The Donglin County City he saw was the timeline nine days later, and now sixteen days have passed!


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