Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1954 Entering the city to explore

Qiao Ye took the clairvoyance from Rong Bao's hand and looked forward.

You can see the waves churning around the Donglin port, and from time to time there are sea beasts that have turned into corpses outcropping, and there are still some corpses of sea beasts piled up on the port.

For example, the centipede-like sea beast that Qiao Ye had seen before, the film covering the outer layer of the body had been dried at this moment, and the remaining bone shell was coiled on a collapsed building, and the body was chopped into pieces a cut.

Qiao Ye lowered her clairvoyance and said, "It's really not easy to go to the port. There are only three or four sea beast corpses visible to the naked eye. I don't know if there are any hidden in the bottom of the sea."

Rong Bao said: "Actually, there is no need for us to enter Donglin County City, right? Now this is enough to show that everything you see is true, and the power that that ball of light brings to you really foretells the future. "

Yizhuo nodded and said: "If this is the case, I can understand why our witch sacrifice guides us to find a human being. If that human being refers to you, then, through your ability to predict the future, Maybe it can give you some inspiration."

Qiao Ye nodded.

If one can really obtain the ability to predict the future, then its significance is extraordinary.

Why are some Law Forces called Supreme Laws?

Because these laws are the original power of the first opening of the world, which has an irreversible absolute attribute, even if it is strong enough, at best it has this power, not manipulation.

Time and space are undoubtedly members of the power of the supreme law, and with a glance at ten thousand years, seeing the past and the future, there is no doubt that it is this power.

Being able to predict the future means being able to foresight and make countermeasures in advance. For example, in Canglan Star, if Qiao Ye could have such a predictive ability, why would Jiang Liuxue keep taking the initiative? Some things are like this, the attacker will always have an advantage over the defender, but if you can predict in advance, you can turn passive into active!

"But let's find a way to go there." Qingmei looked at Donglin Juncheng and said, "Even if we have confirmed the power contained in that ball of light, we may be able to explore more in the current situation. Let's see Whether there are any survivors in the city of Donglin County, and finding clues to the zombie attack may help us decide what to do next!"

Rong Bao immediately said: "Miss Qingmei is right, we..."

Qiao Ye directly pushed Rongbao away. As long as Qingmei said what Qingmei said about this dog licking, he would unconditionally be what Qingmei girl said was right.

Qiao Ye said: "I don't mind going to Donglin County to have a look, but there are a lot of sea beast corpses entrenched in the coastal waters, we can kill them, I believe we have such strength, but we have to consider the issue of ships, so difficult If it goes up, there is a high chance that the ship will be destroyed."

Rong Bao said: "Wouldn't it be better to find another ship? The port is still short of ships?"

Qiao Ye said: "Based on the current state of Donglin Port, are there really intact ships? Taking a step back, when we leave, if we want to leave by boat, we must still face the attack of sea monster corpses, killing people." It’s okay to come out, but it’s hard to say whether the boat can come out intact when the people come out.”

Qingmei nodded and said: "This is indeed a problem, but it's not a big problem. I can just take you into the city."

Qiao Ye said: "Your space treasure?"

Qingmei said: "Yes, the port is close at hand, I can enter the city from the air, and the danger I face will be much less, and after I enter, there will be the coordinates of Donglin Port, and I can take people there , it is enough for the ships to stay on the outskirts of the sea all the time, and we also have other reasons to enter the city..."

Xiao Ji nodded and said, "There is still some food left, but there is not enough fresh water."

Practitioners can not drink water for a certain period of time, and do not need food, but just for a period of time, it does not mean that they really do not need to eat and drink. Even, those spirits of Yizhuo are only spirits of tools, which does not mean that they are really tools. They also need to eat and drink, especially Qingmei and Xiefeng. The orc race is quite famous for their food intake. The only one who really doesn't need food and water is Xiaoji.

Qiao Ye said: "Since you already have a countermeasure, let's do this."

Rong Bao said, "Who will guard the boat?"

Qiao Ye glanced at Yizhuo and Xiefeng.

Xiaoji will definitely go, where there is land, Xiaoji's combat power is unparalleled, Qingmei needless to say, the strongest combat power at present, although Rong Bao is unreliable, but he is still very good at fighting, the most suitable for guarding the ship, Undoubtedly it is Yizhuo and Xiefeng. If the former wants to go, he has to bring a weapon spirit to have combat power. Because his own strength is not strong, sometimes he has to protect it, which is too troublesome.

But as an old man, he knows a lot and is experienced. If there is something that Qiao Ye and the others can't understand, Yizhuo is likely to give the answer.

As for Xiefeng, Qiao Ye couldn't comment on it. It was useless to go with her, and it seemed useless to stay behind. She didn't know how to fight.


Only Qiao Ye thought so in the whole boat.

Yi Zhuo said: "I can just stay on the boat, I can know what's going on with you at any time."

While talking, Yizhuo took out a palm-sized scarecrow from the space treasure, bit his finger, and dripped a drop of blood on the scarecrow's forehead, then took out a silver needle and pointed it at the scarecrow's forehead Dive in.

Yizhuo handed the scarecrow to Qiao Ye and said, "If you need anything, just pour aura into it. When the aura gathers in the ears, I can hear it. When the aura gathers in the eyes, I can see."

Qiao Ye nodded and accepted the scarecrow.

Qingmei said: "Then I will go!"

While talking, Qingmei stepped on the railing of the boat, Rong Bao found a handkerchief from nowhere, waved it and shouted: "Girl Qingmei, hurry back!"

Qingmei was almost broken by this shout, and plunged her head into the sea. She glanced at Rong Bao resentfully, wondering whether to strangle this guy, but fortunately, Qiao Ye kicked Rong Bao decisively. After opening it, Rong Bao recovered his life.

Qingmei didn't say much anymore, a blue light burst out from her body, and then rose into the sky, turning into a blue light, rushing into the sky.

The next moment, there was the sound of eagles chirping in the sky, followed by the roaring sound of fighting, it was obvious that Qingmei had a fight in the sky.

Qiao Ye patted the railing of the boat and said, "I forgot to tell her that many of those sea eagles have also turned into corpse monsters. However, the problem shouldn't be too big. There are not many sea eagles."

After a while, the blue light in the clouds faded away, it was obvious that Qingmei had dealt with those sea eagles, and then fell towards the direction of Donglin County City.


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