According to Qingguang's position, it can be judged that Qingmei has already entered the range of Donglin County City, but if there is no accident, there should be corpses everywhere in Donglin County City at this moment, Qingmei needs to find a suitable location to use the treasure The coordinates were marked, so after waiting for a while, seven-color streamers appeared on the boat.

Qingmei stepped out of the brilliance of the seven-color colored glaze, and immediately said: "There is someone there!"

Qiao Ye asked suspiciously, "Someone means that there are still people alive in the city?"

"I don't know if it is alive." Qingmei explained: "First of all, everything you saw is correct. This city has been abandoned, and there are wandering corpses everywhere in the city. I spent some time avoiding those corpses. , I came back after finding a building with no corpse monsters, and the reason why I judged there were people was here, that building was an inn, the doors and windows were sealed, there were corpse monsters inside, but they were all dead."

Xiefeng said: "The people in Donglin County will not sit still and wait for death. It is normal to fight too hard. Naturally, there will be corpses of corpses. After all, if the body is completely severed, corpses can also be killed."

"That's right, but the key point is time." Qingmei said: "According to the time you dreamed after you fell asleep, Donglin County City was attacked on the ninth day after you woke up, and it has been sixteen days now, yes Bar?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "To be precise, it's not after I wake up, but the day when I fainted. The ninth day after that is the nineteenth year of the Pohai Ji, the second day of the first lunar month!"

Qingmei said: "But now sixteen days have passed, judging from the time, the dead monsters after killing will rot and emit a strange smell, especially the climate in the twenty-five yuan sea area is very hot, which will naturally speed up the process , but the fact is that the corpse in that restaurant is very new, there is almost no sign of decay, and it will not take more than six hours to be killed."

Qiao Ye said: "It's not a strange thing that some survivors with good strength are alive in the city. After all, it is not an easy task to completely slaughter the entire city."

"Yes, so there is a possibility of survival." Qingmei said: "But I don't think this matter is that simple."

Qiao Ye said, "Did you find anything else?"

"There are two points!" Qingmei said: "The first point is the water in the inn. There are three large water tanks in the kitchen in the backyard, one of which is only half full of water, and two of them have not been touched. They are covered with a cover. The inn, what is the biggest possibility for killing the corpses in the inn?"

Rong Bao immediately said, "Food and water."

Qingmei said: "Yes, I drank that water, there is no problem, but it was not taken away, the half of the tank should have been used on the day of the attack, or the people who entered the inn drank it directly, in short, we need to get fresh water If it is, it is impossible to take only half a tank, and this is not a very huge thing like a ship, half of the space treasure can't hold it, it's just a few tanks of water."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "This is indeed a suspicious point."

Qingmei said: "The second question is that the inn is relatively close to the port area. If there are really survivors, will they be in the fringe area so close to the outer city?"

"No!" Rong Bao immediately echoed: "Definitely run to the depths."

"Don't make noise." Qiao Ye gave Rong Bao a white look, and then said: "The architectural structure of Donglin County City is a trapezoidal shape with steps up, built along a slope, and there is a wilderness behind. I understand what it means."

If you are a survivor, you must run to a higher place, and it is impossible to wander around the periphery. Even if you are looking for water and food, are there restaurants and inns only in the periphery? Taking a step back, food and fresh water are not only available in inns and restaurants, but also in private houses. Therefore, unless you are looking for them nearby, there is no need to go to the outlying inns.

Another reason is that there is no need to stay in Donglin Junjun City.

Donglin County City is not the kind of city with four walls. After collecting enough food and water, it is enough to leave from the wilderness behind. Of course, where to go after leaving is definitely a problem. The place where Donglin County City is located is actually an island, but, This island is very huge, and it takes at least seven or eight days to traverse, but no matter what, it is definitely safer than staying in the city.

Qingmei said: "There is not much information, so I can barely guess so much. In fact, it would be better if the other party is a survivor. If we find the other party, we should be able to ask some things."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "No matter what, let's go first!"

Qingmei didn't say any more, and stretched out her hand. After the treasure was activated, the glazed light quickly enveloped everyone.

The light was intense, but soon began to dissipate. After the surrounding light dissipated, the surrounding scenery had completely changed, and everyone entered a building impressively.

After glancing around, I couldn't help being happy, isn't this the restaurant where I ate in my dream? However, Qingmei said it was an inn...

Qiao Ye pushed open the window, saw a small courtyard, and suddenly realized that it turned out to be one, and there was a building behind it for people to live in, and there were entrances and exits at the front and back.

Qingmei came over and said: "The corpses in the building have been cleared and killed, but there are many on the street, and they are everywhere."

Qiao Ye pointed to the top of his head.

Qingmei said: "Go to the roof?"

Qiao Ye said: "The monsters are not about being beaten or killed, but as long as they are fought, there will be more and more of them. The best way is to go around. Since there are many on the street, then It is very simple to go from few places."

Qiao Ye was very experienced in this area. Although he didn't see many corpse monsters, he had seen a lot of evil beasts.

Qiao Ye said: "There may be roofs, but they won't gather so many. If you touch them, you will be killed by thunder. If you can't touch them, be careful not to make any noise. Feel the way over. The buildings and structures in Donglin County City are close It's very close, you can go all the way from the roof."

Qingmei nodded and said: "That's it, I'll go check it out."

After Qingmei finished speaking, she jumped onto the window rail, and turned onto the roof with a light tap of her toes.

Rong Bao came over at this time, looking at Qiao Ye with resentment.

Qiao Ye was confused and said, "What are you doing?"

Rong Bao grabbed Qiao Ye's hand and said, "How can I be like you."

Qiao Ye wondered, "What do you mean being the same as me?"

Rong Bao said: "Speak to girl Qingmei, you see she ignores me, but ignores you."

Qiao Ye rolled her eyes and said, "As long as you look like a normal person, she won't ignore you!"

Rong Bao was dissatisfied and said, "What's wrong with me?"

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "If you're normal, it's probably because you're ugly!"


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