Qingmei quickly sent out a signal, and immediately after, the others climbed onto the roof.

On the roof, it is actually not too peaceful. You can see that many places have been destroyed, which means that there have been battles on the roof.

However, compared to the densely packed corpses on the street, the roof is indeed much quieter.

Qiao Ye half-bent and waved her hands, and Mao Yao led the way forward!

Looking forward while looking around.

There's something weird about it.

Because of the corpse monster, the surrounding area is actually very noisy.

Those corpses wandered around, making all kinds of noises, but what made people feel weird was that the city instinctively felt dead, as if it had sunk into the abyss.

At this time, Rong Bao suddenly said: "Hey, is that the person we mentioned earlier?"

Rong Bao's voice interrupted Qiao Ye's thoughts. He bent his waist and looked to the side. He could see that on the street ahead, a large number of corpses gathered towards one location. Then, there was a faint fight. The roaring sound came.

Qiao Ye said: "This will be rewarding, let's go around and have a look."

Several people quickly circled around the roof, and soon came to the side of the battle position, and everyone saw three men rushing forward.

One person looked about thirty years old, holding a cooked copper stick in his hand, and kept sweeping towards the surroundings.

Theoretically, a weapon like a stick has little effect on corpse monsters, because only by cutting the corpse monster's body completely can it stop this guy from continuing to attack.


That cooked copper stick is not only useful for corpse monsters, but also very useful. When a man hits the stick, no matter which part of the corpse monster's body it hits, it will be bloody and bloody. The wight fell limp to the ground.

On the side of the man was a young man who looked to be in his early twenties. He was wearing a green shirt, but he just moved forward with his hands behind his back. From the beginning to the end, he was never seen how to make a move.

However, beside the man, the sound of flesh and blood tearing kept ringing, and then the surrounding corpse monsters were continuously chopped into pieces, turning into pieces and falling to the ground.

The last person is a woman who also looks in her twenties, with delicate eyebrows and exquisite facial features, holding a three-foot green spear in her hand, surrounded by a sun that burns continuously, killing the corpse monsters that approach .

Rong Bao squatted on the roof and said, "Why are these three guys? How did they get together?"

Qiao Ye said: "Know?"

"I know, Duoliu Jietian came here." Rong Bao said: "The one who takes the lead is called Xingzhe Sun Gan, who is the same as your wife, but the grade is much worse than your wife. He is an earth spirit born from the origin of the earth. and your daughter-in-law was born in the rare earth of Hongmeng, so you can understand it this way, one is a pure family member, the other is a separated family, and she is still a mixed blood, but this guy still has strength, and he has won the cut off. The master of Jie Tian's sixth round."

"And the guy walking with his hands behind his back is called Wang Jun, the young head of the Liangtai Mountain Ghost Village, the son of the same lineage of the ghost clan. Although this guy didn't fight in the ring, it's not that difficult to get the ring leader. It’s because it’s unnecessary, he wants to grab the place in the throne room, so he waited for the last shot.”

"The last woman is a golden poem from the Golden Crow lineage of the orc race. This woman's husband is really amazing..."

"Wait a minute..." Qiao Ye looked at Rong Bao suspiciously and said, "Is the jump a little too big? Her husband is amazing?"

"That's right, because she has nothing to say, she just has a good background." Rong Bao said, "However, her husband is very powerful, the patriarch of the Qingque family, and she is the eighteenth concubine of the family. "

Qingmei sneered and said, "It's just a shameless person."

Qiao Ye was at a loss, and Rong Bao said: "Marriage, everyone understands it, but the blood of the Golden Crow is many times stronger than that of the Qingque, so it has always been shameless for Jin Shi to marry someone as a concubine. "

Qiao Ye said, "Maybe it's true love."

"Can true love be someone's concubine, or the eighteenth house?" Rong Bao rolled his eyes and said, "It's purely because he is the patriarch, and it's used to strengthen his position in the Jinwu lineage. In the final analysis, if it wasn't for this Things, who knows this girl."

Xiefeng said: "Don't say these things are useless, what should we do now?"

Qiao Ye said: "It's hard to say whether it's an enemy or a friend. Don't forget what happened before."

Xiefeng nodded to Rongbao, the Wu Clan is not monolithic, there were some people who were controlled by Duoli Jietian before, chasing and killing Yizhuo.

Qingmei said: "Whether it's an enemy or a friend, Tantan will know."

Qingmei said that she was about to move forward, but Qiao Ye grabbed her.

Qiao Ye said, "You can't go."

Qingmei said: "What?"

Qiao Ye smiled bitterly: "If you go, you are 100% friendly. How could it be an enemy?"

Qingmei laughed and said, "Yes."

This is the leader of Duolu Jietian's first ring, a strong contender for the throne ring, and even, if there is no Xiefeng, Molong Qingmei is equivalent to the default owner of the throne ring.

With such a great reputation, who in Duanliu Jietian doesn't know about it?

So, when Qingmei came forward, how could there be a distinction between friend and foe? Even if it is an enemy, the other party dare not show it.

Xiefeng is a little nervous, because according to this line of thinking, Rong Bao is actually not suitable to come forward. If he really wanted to do it, it would be no problem for Rong Bao to win one of the ten rounds.

more importantly……

The forces behind Rong Bao!

Tongbaozhai is spread all over Hongmeng, and it is said that it is one of the biggest forces in the void world of Hongmeng, and there is no problem at all.

Therefore, Rong Bao made the other party afraid if he came forward. If this happened, wouldn't he be the only one left?


Xiefeng's name is equally scary, but Qiao Ye doesn't know it.

And, in comparison...

Xiefeng herself knew that her notoriety was much louder than that of Qingmei and Rongbao, if she showed her face, the other party would just turn around and run away.

Isn't this just wearing clothes!

Xiefeng looked at Qiao Ye pitifully, and Qiao Ye asked in confusion, "What are you looking at me for? Do you want to go?"

"Ah?" Xiefeng was stunned for a moment, then quickly lowered her head and said, "My lord, my family's ability is low..."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Just stay here, I will meet them."

As Qiao Ye spoke, he jumped down from the side street. Almost instantly, a large number of corpses gathered in Qiao Ye's direction.

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand directly, and a large cloud of black smoke enveloped Qiao Ye's arm, and then, it condensed into a black euphorbia!

Qiao Ye stepped forward, and swept out the black halberd in his hand!


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