A halberd swept out!

The black smoke lingering on the halberd came forward like a strip of satin, and the moment it passed by, it instantly cut the corpse in front of it into two pieces.

"You killed a corpse monster, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and got the martial soul value: 190,000 points."

"You killed a corpse monster, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 191,000 points."

"You killed a corpse monster, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 210,000 points."


After killing a large number of corpse monsters, Qiao Ye quickly ran forward, and quickly shuttled across the street. Then, Qiao Ye turned around at the street corner and made a thrusting motion.


With a fierce push on Qiao Ye's legs, the whole person jumped forward, wrapped in black smoke, and turned into a black dragon, charged away all the corpses in front, and then crossed the street, just in time to meet the three people .

A chance meeting, and most importantly, a round trip, so that the other party doesn't notice the other people on the roof.

Cut off the head of a zombie with a halberd, and then looked at the three of them with a bit of surprise on purpose, and then said: "The three of you also came from Duoling Jietian? This should be the young master of Guizhuang, right? "

Wang Jun glanced at Qiao Ye and didn't say much, but at this moment, Qiao Ye suddenly felt something was wrong!

Qiao Ye hurriedly crossed the spear in front of him.

Dang clang, clang clang, clang clang!

He obviously didn't see how Wang Jun did it, but Qiao Ye had the feeling that the sword was being cut on his halberd pole, and there was even a crisp sound of weapons clanging, and the huge force made Qiao Ye retreat involuntarily. a few steps.

Obviously it was Wang Jun who made the attack, but after the blow, Wang Jun did not continue to attack, but walked past Qiao Ye directly.

"Get away!" Wang Jun said, "Don't get in our way!"

Not only Wang Jun, but also Sun Qian and Jin Shi didn't care about Qiao Ye, they continued to kill the corpses, and then walked all the way forward.

Qiao Ye is also at a loss, what's going on?

Seeing the three people continue to rush forward, quickly passed the intersection, turned around and disappeared in front of Qiao Ye, Rong Bao jumped off the roof and came to Qiao Ye's side.

Rong Bao said: "What's going on?"

Qiao Ye said: "There is something wrong with these three guys."

Others also came to the street one after another, Xiao Ji said, "How do you say?"

Qiao Ye said: "If we suddenly meet someone who is a dead man, how should we react?"

Rong Bao said: "First check if you know each other, and then check whether there is friendship or enmity."

Qiao Ye said: "Is it just a passer-by? I don't have any friendship. At most, I know who the other party is?"

"Then let's talk." Rong Bao spread his hands and said, "Look at what's going on, the other party knows something, or judging from the current situation, there are corpses everywhere, it's very troublesome, cooperate and kill them from here It’s not impossible.”

"That's right, it should be like this normally." Qiao Ye looked forward and said, "But they ignored me."

Rong Bao smirked and said, "Maybe it's because you're ugly?"

Qiao Ye rolled her eyes, Rong Bao finally waited for the opportunity to return this sentence.

Xiefeng said: "If things go wrong, they will be monsters. Their attitude is not normal. There must be a reason."

Qingmei pondered for a while and said: "Will it be..."

Qiao Ye asked suspiciously, "Huh?"

Qingmei said: "Is your popularity too low?"

Qiao Ye froze for a moment, then bared her teeth involuntarily, let alone, there is such a possibility.

If Qingmei came forward, the other party would definitely be afraid, and at the same time, he would definitely not dare to make mistakes, so he would definitely follow Qingmei with good words.

But if this person was replaced by Qiao Ye, that would be another matter.

With so many people in Duoliu Jietian, what kind of green onion is Qiao Ye? The other party does not know each other, and has never met. Since there is no name, it means that the strength is not strong, and the strength is not strong. Is there any need for cooperation?

It's like a famous big boss with tens of millions of dollars in his pocket walking on the street. If someone recognizes him, pointing fingers, or approaching him to strike up a conversation are all possible, but will the big boss definitely talk to him?

"It's possible!" Qiao Ye looked at Rong Bao and said, "You should be allowed to go."

Rong Bao's strength is not as good as Qingmei's, maybe stronger than those three, but not much stronger, but the power behind it can make the other party worry, let Rong Bao come forward, the other party will not dare to neglect, and will not be afraid.

After all, no matter how powerful Tong Baozhai is, what's the use of power now that everyone is trapped in a sea of ​​hundreds of yuan? Let's talk about it if we can get out alive!

Rong Bao proudly said: "Now you know how powerful you are!"

Qiao Ye shook her head again and said, "But it doesn't feel right."

Xiefeng said: "What's wrong?"

Qiao Ye said: "I don't think they are too lazy to talk to me, but more like they don't have time to talk to me. Even if I don't have a name, they don't know me at all, but when they meet a living person in this ghost place, they won't think about it." Let's talk a few words, Tantan, do I know what's going on here? Even if you feel that you don't like my strength in your heart, you just don't want to take me with you after asking, so you don't have to say anything, just leave?"

Rong Bao patted Qiao Ye on the shoulder and said, "Brother, I understand what you mean. If you are not famous, you will be famous. Fame has nothing to do with strength. Believe me, you will become famous in the world sooner or later. Don't think about such words to comfort you." Own."

"Go away!" Qiao Ye frowned, "I always feel that these three guys seem to have some purpose."

Qingmei said: "Purpose?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said: "Their attitude is more like they have something to do, they don't have time to talk to me, and they are in a hurry."

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, she glanced at Xiao Ji.

Xiaoji nodded and said, "I'm coming!"

Qiao Ye said: "They have an earth spirit, and they should also know how to manipulate mud and rocks. Will they be discovered?"

Xiao Ji said to herself, "I won't let them find out."

While talking, Xiao Ji squatted on the ground, and after pressing her fingers on the ground, the ground wriggled for a while.

After a while, Xiao Ji raised her head and said, "I've followed."

Rong Bao said: "I don't care if we can't keep up with others, we should be in trouble if we don't move."

Because of the advance of the three people, the street has been cleared of corpses, so Qiao Ye and the others can stand here and talk in such a leisurely manner. However, with the passage of time, new corpses have begun Regrouped towards this street.

Qiao Ye curled her lips. The characteristics of these guys are exactly the same as those of evil beasts. They are endless, and there is always a feeling that no matter how hard they are killed, they can't be killed cleanly. Just thinking about it is quite a headache.

Qiao Ye pointed to the roof and said, "Let's go up to the roof."

Everyone jumped back to the roof and stared at each other again, but Xiao Ji had already set her sights on the three of them.


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