Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1962 I just want to make you happy

The battle between Qingmei and Wang Jun went from the ground to the roof.

The two stood on both sides of the eaves and looked at each other!

Qingmei looked indifferent, a leaf fell on Qingmei's sleeve, Qingmei even had a leisurely heart, stretched out her finger and flicked it lightly, and the leaf started to fly again.

Wang Jun's face was always serious, and he was a little nervous.

Qingmei's name is really too big, especially for those who are in the Duanliu Jietian, Qingmei's name is like a mountain, pressing on the hearts of countless people.

However, Wang Jun was not moved.

If you fight, there is still half hope, if you don't fight...

Then it's better to find a big tree right now, find a stronger branch, and just hang yourself to death.

Wang Jun took a deep breath while thinking, and then his half-closed eyes suddenly opened.

Boom, boom, boom!

Obviously there was nothing, but the tiles on the roof suddenly exploded.

Qingmei still stood there without moving, and then stretched out her hand towards the front!


At that moment, something seemed to explode in front of Qingmei. In front of Qingmei, a big hole exploded in the roof, and the corner of the eaves at the back was directly cut off.

However, Qingmei stood there...


"It is rumored that nobles' skills can make attacks invisible, like ghosts attacking, and it seems to be well-deserved now." Qingmei seemed to praise Wang Jun, but suddenly changed the subject: "Unfortunately, it's just some fancy things , it's of no use."

Wang Jun sneered and said, "Then you will be slaughtered by me!"

The moment Wang Junyan fell, he roared again, and then the roof in front exploded again, and even the walls around the room began to crack continuously under the pressure fluctuations.

However, Qingmei's expression was still indifferent, and then she took a step forward fiercely, and then punched forward.

The sound of the dragon's chant was shocking!

Qingmei punched out, and the sound of the fist wind turned into a dragon's chant, and the moment the punch was thrown out, it was brilliant.

That brilliance turned into a real dragon, and rushed forward with its teeth and claws.

Wang Jun's expression changed. The moment his attack met the phantom of the real dragon, he was instantly shattered, and at the same time a sense of wild coercion came over him.

Seeing the phantom of the real dragon rushing towards him, Wang Jun wanted to run away, but found that his legs were not in control, and his body was completely suppressed by that coercion, and he couldn't control at all.



The phantom of the real dragon hit Wang Jun's chest, and Wang Jun spurted a mouthful of blood on the spot, fell from the roof, and fell hard to the ground with a bang.

The next moment, Qingmei leaped from the roof, clasped her hands together, and in the radiance, nine dragon-shaped phantoms appeared again!

"Dragon fights in the wild!"

Qingmei didn't give Wang Jun a chance at all. After drinking lightly, the nine phantoms of real dragons rushed down continuously!

Boom, boom, boom!

Every time a phantom of the real dragon falls, there will be a huge roar.

The earth crumbled, and the rocks pierced through the sky!

In the blink of an eye, the backyard area where the two fought was completely destroyed, with rubble and ruins everywhere, and the surrounding houses collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into rubble and stacking together.

"That's all!"

Qingmei glanced at the place where Wang Jun was buried, smiled contemptuously, and then walked away.


"Come on!" Rong Bao looked at Jin Shi with a smirk and said, "Take out all the treasures you have!"

With a serious face, Jin Shi suddenly pulled out the hairpin from her head and threw it in the direction of Rong Bao.

The moment the hairpin flew out, it turned into a long rainbow, piercing through the air and falling towards Rong Bao.

"It's interesting!" Rong Bao raised his hand and said, "Look at my Shuiyue mirror!"

When Rong Bao raised his hand, a mirror appeared in his palm.

The mirror looked at the sky, and the sky became like a lake. The long rainbow shuttled past, creating ripples, and finally disappeared without a trace in the ripples, disappearing out of thin air.

Jin Shi was shocked. When using each treasure, it is possible to establish a connection with its owner, because in the process of actuation, the user's aura needs to be consumed.

However, at this moment, Jin Shi discovered that her connection with the hairpin had been forcibly severed.

Rong Bao smiled and said, "Is there any baby?"

With a stern expression, Jin Shi took off the bracelet in her hand, and then, a three-color streamer suddenly appeared in the bracelet, flying towards Rongbao.

Rong Bao was not in a hurry, and also took out a bracelet, which was very similar to the one in Jin Shi's hand. After lifting it up, a three-color streamer flashed.


The two streams of light collided together, but the result was completely different. The stream of light that was stirred up by Jin Shi's bracelet was defeated in an instant, and even the countercurrent aura made Jin Shi's face turn pale, and she covered her chest and took several steps back .

"This bracelet is called the three-color glazed Luoxia bracelet, and it is the work of the master craftsman Lan Ling." Rong Bao shook his head and said, "It's just that the one in your hand is just an imitation, and mine is the real one, so I will buy it in the future." Baby, remember to look for Tongbaozhai, a time-honored brand, and it’s no lie!"

"Shut up!"

Jin Shi cursed angrily, and then took out another treasure.

The treasure turned out to be a drop of water, which landed on Jin Shi's fingertips, and with a flick of Jin Shi's fingers, the water drop flew out towards the front.

Accompanied by the flight, the water drop continued to expand, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a stream of clear water, attacking Rongbao.

Rong Bao sacrificed a treasure in the shape of a small knife, and slashed towards the water flow, cutting off the water flow continuously, but it was of no use. The cut water flow would soon re-condense, and then engulf Rong Bao's body, It instantly turned into a huge water polo, wrapping Rong Bao in it.

The feeling of suffocation came quickly, Rong Bao covered his throat, and found it difficult to breathe.

Jin Shi finally smiled, looked at Rong Bao proudly and said, "Young Master Rong, this is not a good feeling, is it? This treasure of mine seems to be very suitable for you."

But at this moment...

Rong Bao suddenly let go of his hands covering his throat, his body was floating in the water polo, and he looked at Jin Shi playfully.

Jin Shi felt something was wrong for a moment, and then silver-white cold air suddenly gushed out of the water polo. Almost instantly, the water polo was frozen into an ice ball, and then it exploded to pieces with a loud noise.

Rong Bao stepped out, looked at Jin Shi and said, "Are you happy? If you are happy, that's right, I just want to make you happy!"

Rong Bao spread his hands as he spoke, looking as if he should be beaten.


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