Jin Shi gritted her teeth and was furious, and with a fierce shot, the sun disk surrounding Jin Shi burned again, turning into a huge fireball and attacking Rong Bao.

"Hey, I finally came up with something good, Jinwu's natal treasure." Rong Bao said with a smile: "Unfortunately, it's also an imitation, and Jinwu's big sun wheel can't be your turn."

While talking, Rongbao threw out another treasure.

"But my stuff is awesome." Rong Bao looked at Jin Shi and said, "Your Jinwu family is not the only one among the orcs playing with fire. Let's see how the unicorn horn of the fire unicorn lineage is!"

The moment Rong Bao said his words, he threw the unicorn horn in his hand into the air, and immediately after that, the unicorn horn burst into flames.

In the sky, beasts and birds chirped suddenly!

The flame ignited on the unicorn's horn quickly turned into a burning unicorn, running on the flames and passing across the sky.

On the other side, in the center of the burning sun, a Golden Crow emerged, its body continuously emitting light, like a small sun.



The Qilin collided with the Golden Crow, and then there was a loud roar.

The sky seemed to explode, a piece of red, just burning like that, the incandescent brilliance overflowed and spread continuously, as if the whole world was going to be engulfed by the light, it was incomparably dazzling and incomparably dazzling, like a big sun fall.

I don't know how long it took, the light dissipated, and the flame unicorn turned back into a unicorn horn, fell from the air, and fell back into Rong Bao's hands.

On the other side, the Golden Crow Sun Wheel also fell back to the ground, but it has been completely turned into a pile of tatters, and the flame attached to it has also completely dissipated.

Jin Shi knelt on the ground with one knee, her face was like a piece of gold paper, obviously because of the backlash from the broken treasure, she suffered serious internal injuries.

Rong Bao stepped forward and said: "Let's stop here, I'm already tired of playing."

Jin Shi's face showed panic, and he roared at Rong Bao: "Do you know who I am? My husband is the patriarch of the Qingque lineage. If you kill me, you will die!"

Rong Bao sneered, and suddenly entered the state of spirit body, and the whole person flew towards the front, the speed was extremely fast, almost in the blink of an eye, he passed by Jin Shi's side.

next moment...

Jin Shi held her head high, and a line of blood slowly appeared on her neck.

Rong Bao sneered, "Have you forgotten who I am? Why don't you dare kill you?"


The front yard of the City Lord's Mansion has become the exclusive battlefield for Qiao Ye and Bone Broken.

The flashing thunder field has already enveloped the entire front yard, turning this area into a battlefield for fighting.

In the thunder field, when Qiao Ye waved his hand, thousands of thunder followed Qiao Ye, and then fell in the direction of the broken bones.

The strength of Broken Bone is extremely powerful, especially the defense brought by the covering of bone fragments all over his body. Looking at the thunder that fell, Broken Bone kept punching out with punches, defending against the falling Thunder.

Every punch of Broken Bone can continuously shatter the falling thunder. However, even though it can shatter the thunder, it is not an easy task for Broken Bone to pass through the thunder field.

Broken Bone looked up at Qiao Ye who was floating in the air, curled the corner of his mouth and said, "I now believe that you killed Xing Ming and Ghost Che."

As Broken Bone spoke, he punched Qiao Ye in the air again.

Almost in an instant, when the fist's wind exploded, the surrounding air flow was instantly disturbed, and there was a whistling sound all around, smashing the thunder and pushing Qiao Ye away.

With a blank expression on her face, Qiao Ye stretched out her hand and clenched into a fist in front of her. Immediately, a pillar of lightning moved to block Qiao Ye.


The next moment, the pillar of thunder exploded, and a large arc of lightning covered the sky, crackling, and then scattered downward.

At that moment, there was a rain here, and a waterfall fell!

The rain built by thunder, the waterfall transformed by thunder!

After the blow, Broken Bone roared again, curled up his legs, and rushed into the sky, directly hitting Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye still looked very calm, stretched out his hand, and the thunder around him gathered again.

As long as the Broken Bone can be blocked and prevented from getting close to the Broken Bone, Qiao Ye feels...

I can win!

There is no other reason. Bone Broken's fist is indeed terrifying, and its power is quite impressive. However, at the current position, Bone Broken has only used fists!

That is to say...

Although Bone Broken is strong, he may only be good at melee combat. If so, don't let Bone Broken get close!

No matter how terrifying and powerful the attack is, as long as it cannot be touched, it is meaningless.

And just as Qiao Ye was thinking, the broken bone had already hit the thunder net that Qiao Ye condensed again. The arc is constantly beating.

When Broken Bone raised his head and looked at Qiao Ye again, there was a little more irritability in his eyes.

Qiao Ye's thunder is not just about power, what makes Broken Bones even more headache is that...


Every time he slammed the lightning net hard, although he could penetrate it, but the moment he penetrated, the electric current passed through his body, and because of the paralysis, it made it difficult for Broken Bone to continue attacking!

"You asked me if I killed Xing Ming and the ghost car?" Qiao Ye said condescendingly: "That's not an important thing, the important thing is that you will definitely die by my hands!"

While Qiao Ye was talking, he stretched out his hand and pressed down, and then a large piece of thunder fell towards the bottom.

"Hahahahahaha..." Broken Bone looked at the falling Thunder, laughed loudly and said, "Although killing you seems to take more effort than I imagined, but why do you want to kill me?"

While talking, Broken Bone spread his hands and looked up at Qiao Ye.

"Can you hurt me a bit?"

But at this moment...

As soon as Broken Bone's voice fell, the ground under his feet suddenly turned into mud, and then he shot up into the sky, quickly rolled into Broken Bone's body, and immediately solidified, thereby firmly restraining Broken Bone!

Xiaoji is here!

Xiaoji made a move to restrain Broken Bone, but Xiaoji was not alone.

In the next moment, a dragon chant shook the sky!

A morphed real dragon appeared in the sky, passing through the thunderbolts, grinning its teeth and rushing down, hitting the broken bone fiercely.

With a bang, the moment the phantom of the real dragon landed, a deep pit formed on the ground, and the ground collapsed, and the flying rubble directly buried the broken bones.

"seal up!"

When the phantom of the real dragon disappeared, Rong Bao also came pacing from the side, holding a treasured iron talisman in his hand and threw it into the air.

The iron talisman continued to rotate in the air, turning into a huge "seal" character, and fell downwards!


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