Looking at the iron talisman in the air, Rong Bao sneered and said, "This still can't calm you down?"

Click, click!

Suddenly, the word "seal" released by the iron talisman made a crisp sound, like a shattered mirror, countless cracks appeared, and then...

The word "seal" shattered!

In the next moment, there was a bone-crushing roar, and then it shattered the ground and jumped out again.

Broken Bone patted the dust on his body and said: "It seems that those people are already dead, waste is waste, there is no hope at all!"

Qiao Ye looked at Broken Bone and said, "How did you control them? Or, it's not you who controls them, but you are connected with the Witch Clan?"

"Witch Clan?" Broken Bone laughed loudly and said, "Little devil, so you still haven't figured out what the Kuroshio is."

While talking, Broken Bone strode forward.

"Forget it, it's okay to tell you." Broken Bone said: "The Kuroshio was originally created by the ancestor of the Wu clan, the great witch, in order to compete for the world when the heroes of the ancient times came together. Now, the Kuroshio is about to reappear in the world. You Do you think this matter has anything to do with the Wu Clan?"

The Kuroshio was actually created by the Wu Clan?

These words surprised everyone!

Judging from the information obtained from the last conversation with Ba Chi, Qiao Ye thought that the Kuroshio was actually a beast!

While talking, Broken Bone raised his palm, touched his bald head, and continued with a smile: "Do you know why I don't care to tell you this?"

"Because we will die here?" Qiao Ye said: "Ba Chi thought so too before, so he told me a lot of things, but he died in the end. No, it seems that he didn't die, but ran away. But it makes no difference."

Broken Bone hooked the corner of his mouth, and then said: "Don't compare me with that kind of low-class guy. The reason you are still alive is not because you are strong enough, but because I haven't exerted my strength yet!"

While talking, Broken Bone stepped forward fiercely.

In the next moment, the bone fragments attached to the broken bone suddenly "opened" and stood up one by one.

The flesh and blood exposed under the bone piece had no skin, but a glowing red color, and then the body of the broken bone began to inflate like a balloon, and soon, the whole person was twice as big!

As the body swelled, there were also those bone fragments, which flattened from the size of a thumb to the size of half a palm, and the edges were extremely sharp, like blades of blades!

Click, click!

Broken Bone twisted his neck, made a crisp sound, then stretched out his hand and hooked his fingers at Qiao Ye and the others.

"Come on!" Broken Bone hooked the corner of his mouth and said, "Continue!"


Just keep going!

Without hesitation, Qiao Ye slammed down another punch. Along with the punch, the sky filled with thunder "Zizi" and shot down downwards, almost shattering the bones.

As before, Broken Bone didn't intend to dodge at all, and directly met Thunder.

As Broken Bone raised his fist, the intertwined thunder was shattered again.


This time is different!

After the broken bone shattered the thunder, it didn't stop, but continued to charge into the air, and came to Qiao Ye in an instant.

"We finally meet!"

Broken Bone grinned at Qiao Ye, and then punched Qiao Ye on the face.

With a bang, Qiao Ye slammed down from the air like a cannonball, and after hitting the ground fiercely, the huge momentum still pushed Qiao Ye forward continuously, and after dragging out deep mud marks on the ground , hit the wall.

With a bang, the courtyard wall collapsed!

After the blow, the broken bone didn't stop, but quickly fell from the air, and found Xiao Ji.

Xiao Ji's face was solemn, but she didn't flinch. It was different from Qiao Ye's strategy. Qiao Ye wanted to keep the broken bone from approaching her, but Xiao Ji hoped that the broken bone could get close to her, so that she could find a chance to kill with one blow.

Ten meters!

Xiao Ji suddenly squatted down and pressed her palms to the ground!

Boom, boom, boom!

The ground trembled continuously, and then one after another the stone walls were straightened up, blocking Xiaoji's front.

Broken Bone said contemptuously: "Vulnerable!"

Facing the rising stone wall, Broken Bone directly raised his fist and blasted forward. The moment he hit the stone wall, he easily shattered the stone wall.

The stone wall couldn't stop the broken bone at all, and as the broken bone advanced, the stone wall continued to shatter.

In an instant, Broken Bone appeared in front of Xiao Ji, raised his fist and blasted out.

Xiao Ji raised her hand quickly, and a large number of stone flakes appeared on her arm, using it as a defense.



Broken Bone punched out and hit Xiao Ji's forearm. The stone shattered instantly and annihilated into ashes. Immediately afterwards, Xiao Ji followed in Qiao Ye's footsteps and was blown away by the punch.

"That's it?" Broken Gu turned to look at Qingmei and Rongbao and asked, "Who is next?"

Both Qingmei and Rongbao had solemn faces.

It wasn't that the two of them didn't want to help, but that the bone fragmentation was too fast. It seemed that Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji were knocked into the air, but it took only three to five breaths.

After getting serious, Broken Bone did show absolute strength.

But at this moment...

Xiao Ji slowly got up from the ground, and Broken Bone suddenly looked down at her arm.

Those two arms were rapidly wilting at this moment, and soon withered only the bones remained.

"Daughter of the sky..." Broken Bone turned around and looked at Xiao Ji again: "There is something!"

In the next moment, Broken Bone let out a low growl, and then violently exerted force, and immediately after that, those shriveled hands suddenly swelled up.

"Unfortunately, there are not many things!" Broken Bone grinned and said, "My vitality is not so easy to drain!"

The vitality of the evil beast is even higher than that of the orcs, and Xiaoji's ability to extract vitality is terrifying.

But it seems to be useful, but not very useful!

Broken Bone stepped forward again, Rong Bao gritted his teeth, and said to Qingmei: "I'll cover, go!"

Rong Bao quickly entered the spirit state, and charged in the direction of the broken bone.


Seeing Rong Bao rushing towards him, Broken Bone turned his hand and punched out!

However, the moment the fist hit Rong Bao, there was no feeling of hitting at all, and the bone-crushing fist directly penetrated Rong Bao's body.


Rong Bao took advantage of the situation and pressed his palm on the broken bone's chest, and then, a wave appeared, and the broken bone was directly thrown back and flew away.

at the same time……

Taking advantage of this gap, Qingmei fell directly from the air.

In an instant, Qingmei's whole body was shining brightly, and then a pair of black dragon horns appeared on Qingmei's forehead, dragon teeth appeared in her mouth, and dense patterns of dragon scales appeared on her arms!

Qingmei is very clear, it is only in the human form, it is impossible to hurt the broken bones!


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