Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1965 I see your future

In the second stage of partial animalization, Qingmei's aura has obviously been greatly improved.

The moment it fell towards the broken bone, Qingmei's claws fell, and the surrounding air was instantly broken, and you can see that Qingmei's body is surrounded by faint airflow!

A series of void cracks, accompanied by Qingmei's whereabouts, continuously appeared in the air.

This piece of space couldn't bear Qingmei's terrifying blow, and trembled!

Broken Bone looked up, then violently raised the arm that looked like a bone whip, and then, the bone whip collapsed straight, like a huge long sword, and blasted towards Qingmei's direction!

The next moment, Qingmei's sharp claws and the bone sword slammed together...

Time seems to stand still here, and then...


There was a huge noise, and then it rippled like ripples, pushing away in all directions.

The wave swept across the ground, and the ground continued to shatter. The surrounding vegetation was annihilated at the moment of the wave, and turned into fly ash. The building was hit by the wave, as if it had been cut by countless sharp knives, and it instantly became shattered. , Turned into countless gravels and collapsed.

In an instant, the grand City Lord's Mansion was razed to the ground.

Qingmei and Bone Broken are still competing, but after a brief stalemate, it can be clearly seen that Qingmei has gradually lost the wind, and her body is constantly pushed back by Bone Broken.


At this moment, Broken Bone raised his head and roared angrily, and then Qingmei felt that the power from the bone sword was still growing.


Qingmei finally flew out, smashed into a ruin, and smashed the ruin into pieces.

"Bastard!" Seeing Qingmei being sent flying, Rong Bao said angrily, "I think you are courting death!"

Rong Bao rushed towards Broken Bone ferociously, raised his hand, and a wave of spiritual waves blasted towards Broken Bone, but at this moment, Broken Bone looked back fiercely at Rong Bao.

"You think the spirit body, I can't do anything about you?"

Broken Bone sneered, and punched Rong Bao directly!

If this is an ordinary fist, there is no way to take the Rongbao. The spirit body is very restrained from physical attacks. No, it can even be said that purely physical attacks are meaningless in front of the spirit body.

But at this moment...

The bone fragments on the broken bone's arm opened, and under the opened bone fragments, the flesh and blood continued to squirm, forming small holes one by one. Then, the moment the broken bone waved its arm, those small holes trembled and made harsh sounds.


Rong Bao's expression changed instantly, he covered his ears with a pained expression, and then his body flickered continuously, as if a stone was thrown into the weight of a lake, and the water surface continued to shake.

In the next moment, Rong Bao's spirit body was forcibly knocked out, and he broke away from the spirit body.

Without hesitation, Broken Bone punched Rong Bao in the chest.


Rong Bao opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, and was immediately blown away by a punch. He rolled continuously on the ground, and then lay down on the ground, fainting directly.

Broken Bone strode forward and said: "A group of crooked melons and dates, how capable do you really think you are?"

At this moment, Broken Bone suddenly stopped and looked up into the sky.

At this moment, the sky suddenly became pitch black.

Countless black flames enveloped the sky, burning fiercely, but it didn't make people feel scorching hot, but revealed an evil nature.

Immediately after...

A phoenix cry sounded in the flames, and it condensed into a black flame phoenix, falling towards the bottom.


The black flame phoenix hit the broken bone, and then wrapped the broken bone's body, burning blazingly.

Broken Bone's expression changed slightly!

That flame is not a feeling of scorching or scalding, but contains a strange power, with a strong feeling of death, constantly invading into his body, destroying everything in his body, starting from the internal organs and hurting the broken bones, Then gradually spread to the surface.

"Finally came across something interesting!" Broken Bone smiled ferociously, then raised his head and roared angrily, "But not enough!"

Accompanied by a roar, Broken Bone violently raised his arm, and the flames lingering on Broken Bone were instantly shattered and scattered towards the surroundings.

Broken Bone turned sideways, looked at a building in the distance, and said with a sneer, "So there's another one!"

Broken Bone spread out his palm, and the bone fragments in his palm were constantly wriggling, combining and splicing together, and soon, it turned into a sharp bone gun.

The next moment, Bone Broken took a fierce step, and threw the bone gun forcefully.

Xiefeng stood on the roof, watching the bone spear attack, her pupils shrank suddenly, and then she slapped forward.

The black flames burned up, forming a barrier, and then...


The moment the bone gun hit the flame, the roar of the explosion sounded, and the black flame collapsed instantly.

In the flames, Xiefeng retreated continuously, then half-kneeled on the ground, with blood overflowing from the corner of her mouth.

Broken Bone shook his head contemptuously, then turned around and shouted: "Stop me, any of you can stop me! You are all vulnerable!"

After Broken Bone finished speaking, he laughed.

But at this moment...

"I think, I can!"

Qiao Ye's voice sounded again at this moment.

Broken Bone turned around suddenly, and saw Qiao Ye came back at some point, using the black smoke to move directly to the side of the ball of light.

Broken Bone said nonchalantly, "You know how to get that thing..."

Broken Bone said halfway, as if someone had strangled half of his neck, and looked ahead in disbelief.

Under Bone Broken's inconceivable gaze, the Shiyuan fragments kept shaking, then drifted towards Qiao Ye, and then entered Qiao Ye's body.

"You absorbed the origin fragment!"

Broken Bone widened his eyes and said, "How did you do it?"

At this moment, Qiao Ye didn't have the time to pay attention to the broken bones, but showed a painful expression, and directly knelt down on the ground.

After the Shiyuan fragments entered his body, Qiao Ye immediately felt a force rushing through his body.

Perhaps it was because the second source fragment was absorbed. The combined strength of the two fragments was many times stronger than when it was absorbed last time. Jin Qianchen was knocked out, she had never experienced such a feeling before.

At this moment, with the power moving through his body, Qiao Ye felt as if his body was being pulled continuously and would be torn apart at any moment.

On the other side, after a brief surprise, Bone Broken angrily ran towards Qiao Ye.

"Give me back my things!"

Broken Bone roared angrily, crushing the ground continuously, and came to Qiao Ye, but at this very moment...

Qiao Ye raised her head abruptly, her eyes became chaotic and empty, but they shone with little light, like stars in the night sky.

The next moment, Qiao Ye spoke...

"I saw it, your future!"


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