Broken Bone stood there with a dull expression, eyes full of horror.



At the throat of the broken bone, the bone fragments covering it suddenly shattered, and then a large amount of bright red blood sprayed out.

Broken Bone clutched his throat, looked at Qiao Ye, and said with difficulty, "How did you do it?"

The fist of the broken bone is very strong, but compared to the fist, the better thing about the broken bone is actually the defense. Attack, Bonebreaker firmly believes that no one can easily break his own bone fragments and cut his own throat.

Unfortunately, Broken Bone didn't wait for his own answer, because the next moment, Broken Bone's body shook and fell to the ground.

The head rolled and fell to the side, a large amount of blood scattered, leaving a pool of blood.

Bonebreaker, dead!

"You killed an evil beast (broken bone), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and got the martial soul value: points."


With a bang, Qiao Ye immediately fell to the ground.

After a while, the others got up from the ground and slowly approached the two of them.

Rong Bao limped, looked at Broken Bone, then at Qiao Ye, and asked in puzzlement, "Is he dead? What did he do to kill people?"

Qingmei squatted beside Qiao Ye, sniffed and said, "We can only find out when he wakes up."

After Qingmei finished speaking, she raised her head to look at Xiaoji who looked anxious.

"It's okay, I just passed out." Qingmei said: "But it should take a long time, he should have used the power of the law of reincarnation again, so maybe he can see something again."

If Qiao Ye was still awake at this moment, she would definitely say...

The magic dragon is really a magic dragon, you got it right!


At this moment, Qiao Ye's consciousness has completely sunk into a pitch-black world. She feels like drowning, falling continuously, and then...


Qiao Ye took a deep breath, then opened his eyes.

At that moment, a feeling of icy cold hit him, and Qiao Ye found that his whole body was wet, as if he had just been fished out of the water. When he looked up, he saw that there was a heavy rain pouring down from the sky.

However, the danger obviously does not come from the torrential rain!

Dark night, heavy rain...

In the surrounding darkness, some red light suddenly appeared, and there was the sound of whimpering, and human silhouettes appeared one after another.

A horde of ghouls!

In an instant, those zombies pierced through the wind and rain, and flew towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye raised his hand, quickly condensed a black halberd, and swept it around.

Under the rainy night, the black halberd swept across, cutting the rain curtain.

next moment...

The sound of tearing flesh and blood resounded!

After the halberd passed, a bright red blood flew up, swayed towards the surroundings, and merged with the rain.

There was a faint smell of blood in the air, and then a head flew up in the rainy night.

A corpse fell backwards and hit the ground.

After a halberd, Qiao Ye didn't stop, and swept out towards the side with the halberd inserted. The crescent halberd's blade slashed at the waist of a corpse, and directly cut off the corpse's body in half.

Immediately after...

With a low growl, Qiao Ye jumped up on the spot, and chopped down the black halberd in mid-air.

Countless black smoke moved with the halberd and fell towards the ground!

The black smoke turned into a blade, and after slashing on the ground, there was a loud noise, and the scattered black smoke turned into a sharp knife, cutting off the bodies of those corpse monsters.

"You killed a corpse monster, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and got the martial soul value: 150,000 points."

"You killed a corpse monster, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and got the martial soul value: 160,000 points."

"You killed a corpse monster, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and got the martial soul value: 110,000 points."


Qiao Ye fell back to the ground, glanced at the shattered corpses around, and then...

Run away!

Because, corpse monsters are much more than that!

The corpses that suddenly attacked Qiao Ye were just corpses that were relatively close to him. After Qiao Ye killed them, there was an obvious noise from behind, and more corpses appeared, rushing towards Qiao Ye .

Qiao Ye didn't want to be caught in an endless fight with corpse monsters. After all, corpse monsters were the same as evil beasts, and it was almost impossible to kill them all.

Qiao Ye speeded up while thinking, and then faintly saw lights appearing in front of him.

Qiao Ye wiped the rain off his face with his hand, and murmured, "Lighthouse?"

Qiao Ye didn't know where he was. It was a dark night, and it was raining again. Everything around him was covered, so it was difficult to find some obvious markers.

Qiao Ye could only be sure of two things.

The first thing is that I am at the beach, because I have been hearing the sound of the waves crashing.

The second thing is that this place may have been attacked by wights, because there are more wights than expected.

Qiao Ye approached the lighthouse while thinking.

The lighthouse was built on a cliff, and there were surging waves below. Then, with the dim light of the lighthouse, one could faintly see the waves below beating against the reefs.

When Qiao Ye entered the lighthouse, the world became much cleaner in an instant, the sound of the rainstorm hitting the ground became quieter, and the sound of the waves crashing also became quieter.

Qiao Ye looked around and saw that the lighthouse was bigger than he thought. There were tables and some small furniture on the ground floor, and there were stairs on the side.

Qiao Ye came to the table and touched the plate. It was already cold. However, the food on the plate did not have obvious discoloration or odor, which meant that the food had been placed for a certain period of time, but not for too long.

However, half of the meal was eaten, and no one was seen around. The people in this lighthouse may be in danger.

At this moment...

Bang, bang, bang!

There was a violent impact sound.

Qiao Ye glanced back, the gate of the lighthouse was shaking violently.


Obviously, it should be that the corpse monsters chasing Qiao Ye rushed up again, and they were hitting the gate of the lighthouse at this moment.

After taking a look, Qiao Ye walked up the stairs towards the top of the lighthouse.

Corpse monsters are often a stick. Since they hit the door, they will definitely break in. Therefore, if you turn over the lighthouse and leave, you should be able to get rid of these guys.

Qiao Ye was thinking as he went up all the way, but halfway there, Qiao Ye suddenly felt that something was wrong, so he quickly moved to the side and pressed his back against the wall!

The next moment, a sword light fell from above, brushed Qiao Ye's nose and hit the stairs, punching a hole in the stairs.

Qiao Ye looked up, and then saw a man holding a sword looking down at him on the upper floor. There was still a blood hole in the other's forehead.


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