Qiao Ye was not very surprised. The lighthouse needs someone to guard it, and there must be someone there. If there are no people on the table, it is very likely that someone will suffer.

at the same time……

The corpse monster holding the sword suddenly jumped down, swept the green blade in his hand, and hit Qiao Ye's face directly.

Qiao Ye raised his hand, and the black halberd in his hand was surrounded by black smoke, and quickly dissipated without a trace. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye drew out the dragon head guillotine and went up to meet it!


The clear and crisp weapon chimes sounded!

After Qiao Ye received the opponent's sword, he twisted his body and kicked the opponent's knee. The corpse's legs softened, and it immediately rolled and fell down the stairs.

Qiao Ye quickly ran up, but before running far, the corpse stood up again.

Sword out, sword brilliance flashes!

The corpse guarding the lighthouse still has something, its cultivation is not bad, and its swordsmanship is also a bit powerful. The sword light rushed out, soared up, cut off the stairs continuously, and came towards Qiao Ye.

Seeing that Jian Guang had reached below her, Qiao Ye jumped up suddenly, spread her legs to the sides, stepped on the wall to stabilize her body, and then fell with the knife.


The crisp chirping sound reappeared, and with a flick of the wrist of the corpse monster, after pulling out a sword flower, it stabbed in the direction of Qiao Ye again.

Qiao Ye didn't dodge this time. This guy is very haunting and much stronger than other zombies. Obviously, he can't just get rid of it if he wants to. If so, then naturally he can only...


The first of the six sword techniques!

One style, angry sky!

I turn my anger into a knife, and everything in the world can be cut!

Qiao Ye raised the knife, and in an instant, the surrounding brilliance shone, and countless knife lights burst from the dragon head guillotine suddenly.

The invisible sword spread out, filling the lighthouse in an instant.

The six-style sword techniques of the dragon head guillotine exist for slaying dragons, but that doesn't mean it can only be used for slaying dragons!

In an instant, the bright sword light spread out at this moment, and fell towards the lower cover. The moment it met the sword light, it swallowed the sword light instantly, and then enveloped the corpse.

With a puff, the body of that corpse suddenly tore apart, turning into countless corpses scattered all over the ground.

"You killed a corpse monster, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 360,000 points."

After killing the zombie, Qiao Ye took a deep breath, turned around and continued running towards the top of the lighthouse.

After arriving all the way to the top of the tower, Qiao Ye looked down and saw that it was still covered with heavy rain. However, Qiao Ye finally made some new discoveries.

Southwest direction, with lights!

Qiao Ye showed a stunned expression. This place should also be a city, but compared with the last time I saw Donglin County City, Qiao Ye did not appear at the port this time, and because of the night and heavy rain, he did not directly see the city. Secondly, this city is much smaller than Donglin County City. It should be a small island city, and its scale is naturally not as conspicuous as Donglin County City.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye took a deep breath and jumped from the top of the lighthouse.

Back on the ground again, the rain seemed to be a little heavier, and there were "crackling" sounds all around.

After looking up, Qiao Ye took a deep breath, and started running against the rain, heading towards the direction of the city.

Although judging from the current situation, there is a high probability that this city is finished like Donglin County City, but since it is close at hand, it must be confirmed anyway.

Qiao Ye walked quickly in the rain, and soon came to the edge of the city.

As Qiao Ye thought, this city is not big. In Qiao Ye's concept, this city can only be regarded as a town.

However, there are many such cities in the Hundred Yuan Sea, which are called island cities, or one island and one city. Due to the size and terrain of the island, many of them cannot build large cities.

The situation in the city was similar to what Qiao Ye had guessed. There was probably no living person in this city!

Wherever he looked, Qiao Ye could see corpses wandering everywhere!

Maybe someone with extraordinary strength survived, but in the current situation, even if they can survive by chance, they should find a way to escape from the island. Even if they are still on the island, they probably won't last long.

Qiao Ye stood in the rain, wiped the rainwater, and seemed a little hesitant, should he enter the city?

The city itself was meaningless to Qiao Ye, it was just a place full of corpses.

For Qiao Ye, the meaningful thing is...

Origin fragments!

Qiao Ye couldn't completely conclude the matter of the Shiyuan fragments, but there were no more than three conjecturable conclusions.

The first conclusion is that the zombie invasion is related to the fragments of Shiyuan. Taking Donglin County City as an example, it may be because the fragments of Siyuan appeared in Donglin County City, so the corpse monsters attacked Donglin County City.

The second conclusion is also that the corpse monster invasion is related to the fragments of Siyuan, but the order is reversed. It is not because the fragments of Siyuan appeared in Donglin County City that the corpse monsters invaded Donglin County City, but because of the corpse monsters. Invasion, Shiyuan fragments appeared in Donglin County City.

However, the difference between the two is not very big, anyway, both represent origin fragments.

The third conclusion is purely coincidental. The corpse monsters invaded Donglin County City and had nothing to do with the fragments of Siyuan.

So, is there a source fragment in this place?

Without much hesitation, Qiao Ye quickly moved forward and stepped into the city.

Qiao Ye had already obtained two pieces of Shiyuan. If he could find the existence of the third piece, he should take it without hesitation.

And the moment Qiao Ye stepped into the city, those zombies frantically came towards Qiao Ye like fish seeing bait, planning to pounce on Qiao Ye.

Master Qiao took a deep breath, looked at the ferocious corpse, and put his hands together!

Heavenly Demon Illusion!

Phantom of the Heavenly Demon: Attract the power of the Heavenly Demon from the void, and form the Phantom of the Heavenly Demon to appear in front of people and fight.

Qiao Ye let out a low growl, and immediately after, a large cloud of black smoke billowed from Qiao Ye's body, and it rushed towards the sky frantically, forming a huge smoke gate.

next moment...


The door of smoke suddenly trembled, and then a giant foot stepped out from the door, stepping hard on the ground.

The ground trembled and crumbled, and countless gravel and dust flew up.

The phantom of the demon walked out of the door slowly!

That day demon phantom looked extremely huge, with black hair all over its body, making that demon phantom look like a huge fur ball. Behind the phantom ghost, there was a pair of bat wings.


Accompanied by the Heavenly Demon Void Phase's foot stepping down, the earth collapsed instantly, and cracks continued to spread in all directions, and the corpses trampled by the Heavenly Demon Void Phase also instantly turned into a pile of flesh mud!


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