As the celestial demon phantom continued to move forward, the corpses in front were constantly being forced away, or they were trampled into flesh by the celestial demon phantom.

It is undeniable that the phantom of the demon is not so effective in the duel between masters. There are many reasons. It is not fixed.

However, when faced with a large number of enemies and targets, the phantom of the demon is very ferocious and can exert great power.

Or, it can be more direct!

The existence of the phantom of the demon is for group battles. In contrast, the ability to be enchanted exists entirely for fighting alone.

Facing a large number of corpses right now, there is no better choice than the ghost form of the demon, which can quickly kill the corpses and move forward all the way.

Of course, troubles are not without, the movement is too great!

Loud movement means that corpse monsters will continue to be attracted, and more and more corpse monsters will gather, but Qiao Ye can't control so many now.

This is not the real world, but the world created by the source fragments.

Therefore, Qiao Ye will leave here at any time, Qiao Ye must continue to explore the city within a limited time, and find as many Shiyuan fragments as possible.

On the other hand, since it wasn't the real world, Qiao Ye naturally didn't have to worry about being unable to leave here.


The ghost of the sky demon stepped forward again, crushing the ground while crushing the corpse.

Immediately after...

The hairs on Tianmo Xuxiang's body stood up suddenly, like steel needles one by one, and then, Tianmo Xuxiang shook his body, and the needle-like hairs flew out in all directions.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff...

The sound of flesh and blood tearing kept ringing out, and with the hair falling like steel needles, the surrounding corpses were constantly being pierced through their bodies.

Although this is not enough to destroy the corpse monsters, after the hairs pierced the corpse monsters' bodies, they were nailed into the ground. In this way, the corpse monsters were strung together, and it was difficult to break free even if they kept struggling Out.


Qiao Ye let out a low shout, and the demon Xu Xiang took another big step forward, moving forward.

At this moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly discovered that in the rainy night ahead, there seemed to be a ball of light, flickering on and off!


Donglin Juncheng, Donggang Street.

"Sinking to death!" Rong Bao carried Qiao Ye on his shoulders and complained as he walked forward, "When will we arrive at the port?"

"What are you complaining about?" Xie Feng glanced at Rong Bao and said, "Aren't we killing corpse monsters? Your job is easier!"

Rong Bao said helplessly, "I'm not seriously injured."

Xiefeng said unceremoniously: "The injury is serious, isn't it because you are the weakest?"

Qingmei turned to look at Rongbao and said, "Persevere, at most half a day will arrive at the port."

Rong Bao smiled instantly, and said respectfully: "Miss Qingmei, don't worry, I will definitely hold on!"

With such a speed of changing faces, the others all stared blankly.

In the battle of the City Lord's Mansion, although the three of Sun Qian died in battle, and Qiao Ye absorbed the Shiyuan fragments and killed the broken bones, there were still many sequelae, that is...

How to go back?

The battle in the City Lord's Mansion was quite a commotion. After everything was settled and everyone came back to their senses, they realized that the City Lord's Mansion had been completely surrounded by corpses.

How to do it?

Naturally, it can only be killed!

As a result, it was only two hours before and after entering the city, but it had been two days since they came out, not only because there were too many corpses gathered, and it was impossible to get rid of them, but also because everyone had their own injuries, and the injuries were not serious, like Rong Bao. He was completely unable to fight anymore, so he could only carry Qiao Ye.

But also at this time...


A moan suddenly appeared, and then, Qiao Ye quietly opened his eyes.

Rong Bao said happily: "Wake up, wake up, this kid is awake!"

Qiao Ye narrowed his eyes and said, "Where is this?"

Rong Bao said: "It's still in Donglin County, hurry up and give me medicine, otherwise I won't be able to hold on."

Qiao Ye said: "Ning Xin Po Cocoon Wan, hurry up!"

Qiao Ye was also fully awake at this time. Looking at the dense crowd of corpses, she knew that there was trouble. She twisted her body, fell off Rong Bao's shoulder, and then swung her palm towards the surroundings.

Hundred battles blood technique, two-style beheading!

Almost in an instant, the blood spilled around floated up and turned into the sharpest blade, cutting the surrounding corpses into pieces.

"You killed a corpse monster, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 250,000 points."

"You killed a corpse monster, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 260,000 points."

"You killed a corpse monster, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 230,000 points."


Qing killed a group of corpse monsters to relieve the pressure of everyone, Qiao Ye quickly took out the Concentrating Heart Breaking Cocoon Pill from the space of the jade tablet and threw it to the crowd, saying: "Go on!"

Qingmei was the first to take it, and when one fell into her stomach, she felt a warm current appear in an instant, and the injuries and energy in her body recovered instantly.

"Dragon Yin!"

Qingmei stared, and roared forward.

A dragon chant appeared, and a group of corpses in front exploded into a pile of corpses amidst the dragon chant.

Qingmei said happily: "This is a magic medicine!"

Qiao Ye said: "Eat sparingly, I only have a dozen left."

Qingmei was speechless for a moment, one of such miraculous pills is good luck, do you still have more than a dozen? Isn't that carrying a dozen lives!

However, except for Qingmei, everyone else had seen the Ningxin Pococoon Pill, and they were not surprised, so they quickly ate it to recover.

"Huh!" Rong Bao exhaled foul air: "Finally, I don't have to be so aggrieved, kill kill kill!"

While talking, Rong Bao took out a treasured folding fan and fanned it forward, and then the wind followed, and a large wind blade appeared, sweeping forward, cutting those corpses in two.

Rong Bao was also venting his grievances at the moment, before he was so miserable that he lacked energy in his body and couldn't even use the treasure.

At the same time, Rong Bao looked at Qiao Ye even more enviously. When will he be able to do such a heart-stopping business with Qiao Ye?

However, Rong Bao thought about it again, the world is getting more and more uneven now, according to Yi Zhuo, the end is approaching, and the world reincarnates again. If so, how can we make money? There is life to earn but life to spend!

But when he was thinking this way, Rong Bao thought of another thing, and said viciously: "We go back to the boat, and we have to settle the score with that old woman!"

Qingmei nodded and said: "We need to find out what's going on with the Kuroshio!"


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