Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1969 Where is the third fragment

Qiao Ye looked stunned, and also remembered that Broken Bone said that the Kuroshio was related to the Wu Clan.

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Let's talk about it first, I think it's time to be honest about injustice!"

Xiefeng and Xiaoji thought of other things, and said to Qiao Ye, "Did you see anything this time?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "I saw the third Shiyuan Fragment. It is almost certain that the existence of the Shiyuan Fragment is related to the invasion of zombies."

Rong Bao wondered, "What are the Shiyuan fragments?"

Qiao Ye patted his forehead, forgetting that he was the only one who knew what the ball of light was, so he explained: "It's the ball of light from before. It was said by the other party when he was fighting that guy named Bonebreaker."

Qingmei said: "So, where is the third source fragment? Right now, it seems that the other party is also looking for this thing. In this case, what the other party wants to find is what we want to take, and, Judging by the current situation, we seem to have a killer weapon."

After Qingmei finished speaking, everyone couldn't help looking at Qiao Ye.

Obviously the killer is Qiao Ye.

They don't know if the other party has a way to take away the fragments of Siyuan, but since they are looking for it, there is probably a way, and the reason why Qiao Ye is the trump card is because Qiao Ye seems to be able to take away the fragments of Siyuan.

Only those who can take away the fragments of Siyuan are eligible to snatch them from the opponent.

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "I'm not sure where that place is, because it was rainy and it was night, so I couldn't find any distinctive landmarks, but it probably wasn't in the twenty-five yuan sea area."

Rong Bao nodded and said: "The rainstorm in the twenty-five yuan sea area is rare, and it is very hot here all year round, but this only proves that there is a high probability that it is not in the twenty-five yuan sea area, and, although the twenty-five yuan sea area There are very few rainstorms, but they are very rare, and it is not that there are no rainstorms at all. In fact, it is not 100% sure that it is outside the twenty-five yuan sea area. The clues you provided are the same as if you did not provide them, and they are too bad. big."

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "There is a very tall lighthouse, which is octagonal in shape, and the outer wall is white and somewhat mottled."

Rong Bao rolled his eyes and said, "The city of Hundred Yuan Sea doesn't have a lighthouse? Talk nonsense!"

Qiao Ye said helplessly: "It's raining heavily, and it's night again, so you can see so many things. The buildings in the city are almost the same, and what's more, it's like not saying anything!"

But at this time, Qingmei was thoughtful, and suddenly asked: "Is there an empty layer at the top of that lighthouse, covered by an octagonal roof, each corner is supported by a coiled dragon pillar, and in the center is a treasure lamp. It has a glazed lamp, and the ceiling on the top is a picture of a dragon and a phoenix coming out of the clouds, and there is a white jade pillar in the center of the roof. As for the downstairs, there is a flashing red gold iron tree door. The guard in the lighthouse is a middle-aged man, about forty years old. He looks like a man with a goatee, a sword hanging on his waist, it is a sword wrapped in gold thread, and the scabbard is wrapped in gold thread?"

Qiao Ye froze for a moment, then nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes, it's almost the same as what you described, that is, whether the sword of the man guarding the tower is a gold-threaded sword, I don't know, he is dead, No scabbard was seen, only the sword."

Qingmei said: "I think, I know where it is."

Xiefeng asked curiously, "Why do you know?"

Qingmei said: "Of course because I have been there before, I was sent to the sea of ​​​​100 yuan from Duanliu Jietian that day. After accidentally falling into the sea, I swam for a long time and found an island, and then I saw that island. The lighthouse, the person who keeps the lighthouse is called Yuan Ke, he took me in for a night and gave me food, so I know so clearly, if there is no accident, the place you see is the thirty-three yuan sea area In Tianming Island Fenglei City, one-third of the island's weather is thunderstorms a year. However, thunderstorms also bring wealth there. There is something called Thunder Rain Crystal, which is a specialty of Tianming Island. "

Qiao Ye's eyes lit up and said, "Is the Thunder Rain Crystal you're talking about a kind of lavender crystal with lines like water inside?"

Qingmei took out a spar from her spatial treasure and said, "Is it this? It was given to me by Yuan Ke as a souvenir."

"Yes!" Qiao Ye nodded and said, "That's the thing. When I went into the city to look for Shiyuan fragments, I saw a lot of these things on the ground. It should have come with the rainstorm."

Xiefeng smiled and said: "It seems that we have already determined the location?"

Xiao Ji said: "Is there a record of the coordinates?"

The question Xiaoji asked was very crucial. After the coordinates of Qingmei's treasure was recorded, it could move in the void. The cheating place, of course, is the restriction that the coordinates must be recorded, that is to say, that Void Noble Phantasm can only send people to places that Qingmei has been to, which will greatly reduce its use in many cases.

However, it is normal, both time and space treasures are cherished, so two situations will inevitably be faced, the first situation is that the effect is limited, the time treasure can be manipulated for a short time, and The movement distance of the space treasure is also very short. The second situation is that although the effect of the treasure is above the level line, it can be called powerful, but there are many restrictions, or it is quite troublesome.

"Don't worry!" Qingmei said with a smile: "I've recorded it. Let's solve Yizhuo's matter first, and then we can go directly to Tianming Island."

Qiao Ye nodded and said: "We need to hurry up. If I speculate based on the last experience, what I saw this time should be the future again, but the last time I saw it was before the corpse monster invaded, and this time the corpse monster The invasion is complete, so I have no way of knowing the exact time."

Qingmei nodded and said: "Then speed up."

With the Ningxin Pococoon Pill, not to mention whether everyone can recover to their best condition, at least their injuries have been healed, and the threat of those corpses to everyone has naturally plummeted, and everyone returned to the vicinity of the port soon.

Qingmei said: "Send a message and ask Yizhuo to get close to the sea."

This is also one of the reasons why Qingmei's Space Noble Phantasm cannot be used, because the ship is really moving, so without accurate coordinates, even if Qingmei once recorded the coordinates on the ship, it is meaningless, as the ship moves, the coordinates are constantly changing. change.

Soon, with the success of the subpoena, Yizhuo drove the boat closer to the offshore location.

Qingmei flew directly into the air, and after arriving on the ship, re-recorded the coordinates, and then used the space treasure to return to the port, and then brought everyone back to the ship. tool can be used.


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