Tianming Island, the southwest coastline.

Xiao Ji stood at a corner of the beach, and there was a hazy area in front of her. Because of the heavy rain, the night seemed to fall in advance, and the area was densely covered with darkness.

A black silhouette emerged from the black shadows, slowly pacing towards Xiao Ji.

It was a man, not tall, and looked a little thin. The weapon in his hand was strange, a black iron chain, and a sickle was tied to both sides of the iron chain. The sickle on the right was very large, at least one meter long, and the one on the left The sickle is much smaller, only about half the size.

Bloody Scythe, Sangbai!

Sang Bai is a well-known figure in Duanliu Jietian.

He didn't take part in the Tiandao Arena, because he didn't dare, and he couldn't. Once he appeared in that kind of public place, he would definitely be attacked by the crowd.

The reason is naturally very simple, and some clues can be seen from Sang Bai's nickname.

Sang Bai's way of surviving in Duolian Jietian is...


As long as there are treasures, there will be mulberry, and wherever there will be melee, there will be mulberry.

In fact, many people in Duan Liu Jie Tian lived in this way, killing people and stealing goods, or fishing in troubled waters on the battlefield, stealing treasures from corpses.

It's just that most people don't have the strength of Sang Bai, without his ruthlessness, without his brilliant record, naturally they are not as famous as Sang Bai, and of course, they will not cause public anger like Sang Bai to the point that everyone in Duoliu Jietian The point of shouting and beating.

Sang Bai and Xiao Ji looked at each other until the first drizzle of rain fell from the sky!

The rain seemed to be a signal for war.

Sang Bai's gaze suddenly became fierce, with a ferocious expression, and he rushed towards Xiao Ji.

at the same time……

The ground began to tremble!

In the sandy land, stone walls rose one after another, blocking Sang Bai, but in the next moment...

A silver light flashed suddenly, and the flying scythe in Sang Bai's hand swept forward, smashing the stone wall blocking the way in an instant.

The next moment, Sang Bai's wrist flicked, and the iron chain was dragged through the air, making a sound of "clang, clang", and then the flying scythe came towards Xiao Ji.

Xiao Ji casually stretched out her hand towards the side, and the Sha Shuo on the beach seemed to be pulled and trembled continuously, and then the Sha Shuo flew up and fell into Xiao Ji's palm, and soon formed a sand blade!



The sand blade collided with the flying sickle, making a loud noise.

Under the impact, the sand made a loud roaring noise, and suddenly exploded, countless sands flew into the sky. Immediately afterwards, Xiao Ji stretched out her hand and waved forward.

That Sha Shuo instantly went towards Sang Bai's direction, turning into a huge sand ball, wrapping Sang Bai in it.


Xiao Ji let out a low cry, the maracas closed instantly, and countless sand balls crushed Sang Bai's body, trying to crush Sang Bai to death completely!


Tianming Island, the forest in the north.

Qingmei clasped her hands behind her back and looked up at the sky.

Raindrops kept falling from the sky, dripping on Qingmei's face, bringing a trace of coolness.

After a while, Qingmei lowered her head and looked forward.

There stood an old man with white beard and hair, but his face looked very young, without too many wrinkles.

Qingmei said: "I don't understand!"

The old man smiled and said, "Is there anything you don't understand?"

Qingmei said: "Liang Tieguai, one of the nine elders of Meishan, also got the Tao? Even if you got the Tao, you are just an incarnation outside the body. You know very well what happened outside the sea of ​​​​100 yuan. You don't intend to stop this catastrophe?"

Liang Ziqi, known as Liang Tieguai, has a history.

Liang Tieguai is one of the nine great elders of the Meishan Celestial Clan. His strength is naturally extraordinary. Normally speaking, there is no place for Liang Tieguai in Duoliu Jietian. If his cultivation exceeds the realm of great freedom, he will not be able to enter at all. Cut off the sky.

However, there is always a countermeasure to everything, and that is the incarnation outside the body.

Ning Xinqing was able to cultivate the incarnation outside the body, so many masters of big families would use the incarnation outside the body to enter the Duolian Jietian to protect the disciples in their own clan, such was the case with Liang Tieguai.

However, there is something that Qingmei can't figure out.

First, Qingmei has already confirmed that the other party is very old-fashioned. In order to avoid these old monsters from disrupting the situation, at the beginning of Duolian Jietian, he just threw people under Dazizai and Dazizai into the sea of ​​​​100 yuan. Cutting off the incarnation outside the body, because you can't cultivate the incarnation outside the body if you don't break the Great Freedom, so you can completely cut off the connection between Baiyuan Zhihai and the outside world.

So, why is Liang Tieguai here?

Second, assuming that Liang Tieguai's external avatar is in the Hundred Yuan Sea, it means that Liang Tieguai knows what happened to the Hundred Yuan Sea and the Hundred Yuan Sea at the same time, because the external incarnation and the deity are interlinked.

That being the case, why did Liang Tieguai help the other party to fuel the black tide? Shouldn't he find a way to tell the outsiders about the hundred yuan sea?

Thirdly, Liang Tieguai is Ning Xinqingyi's old monster after all, but he was also restrained by others and came to intercept them? This is also something that Qingmei can't imagine. Is the other party really so powerful?

This matter is very troublesome!

As the leader of Duanliu Jietian's first round, Qingmei can hardly put anyone in his eyes. Many young heroes gathered in Duanliu Jietian, and there is only one Xiefeng who really makes Qingmei treat her face to face That's all.

However, since the word "almost" is used here, it means that there are still some people, Qingmei has to be afraid.

for example……

Those old monsters who mingled in the Heaven Breaking Tribulation!

Faced with Qingmei's question, Liang Tieguai obviously had no intention of answering, but just stroked his beard and smiled.

"Of course there is a reason for this." Liang Tieguai smiled and said, "Miss Molong understands that the situation is different."

Qingmei said: "So, senior intends to fight with me?"

Liang Tieguai said: "If you can not do it, it is better not to do it. This is just an incarnation outside the body. Frankly speaking, I am really not sure that the clone alone can stop the famous dragon. So, if you can If so, I think it would be good for us to chat here."

Qingmei said: "But you don't want to say anything, what should we talk about?"

Liang Tieguai smiled and said, "For example, how is your grandmother? I am lucky to have met her once many years ago."

Qingmei said: "And then?"

Liang Tieguai showed some embarrassment and said, "She has a bad temper, so she beat me up."

Qingmei twitched the corners of her mouth, she couldn't help laughing, but she suppressed it, she knew that Liang Tieguai was just delaying time.

"Then, the last question." Qingmei looked at Liang Tieguai and said, "You are all for the Shiyuan fragments, right?"


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