Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1982 Hesitation Will Defeat

Tianming Island, sea cliff!

Tie Lang's face was extremely ugly, because he found that the ability he relied on to survive and was proud of was completely useless in front of Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye's fist is weird. When it hits him, it can injure his internal organs. In this way, no matter how hard Tie Lang's body is, it seems meaningless. This ability to fight cattle across mountains is not at all **Hard enough to resist.

While thinking about it, Tie Lang roared angrily, and threw himself at Qiao Ye again.

Qiao Ye's eyes darkened slightly and said, "Don't learn to be good!"

Qiao Ye looked at Tie Lang who was rushing towards him howling, and suddenly sank his body, then dodged Tie Lang's fist, then his shoulder sank, and bumped into Tie Lang's arms.


Tie Lang felt a sweetness in his throat, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

That shoulder bump obviously didn't have much force, and Tie Lang didn't even feel the impact, but in the next second, something that Tie Lang couldn't understand happened again, and his internal organs trembled, making his body tremble. He couldn't help spitting out blood.

But no matter how weird it was, Tie Lang could only grit his teeth, and then punched Qiao Ye again.

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand casually, pulling and pulling, Tie Lang felt like his fist was not in control, he was being held by Qiao Ye and hit the ground, and then...


A loud roar suddenly appeared, and Tie Lang punched the ground, smashing the ground into pieces.

Qiao Ye chuckled and said, "Good at close combat?"

There was obvious joking in Qiao Ye's words.

Melee combat is not something that is good at knowing how to run rampant like a bull.

The so-called martial art was born for close combat. Unfortunately, the Canglan Star has been in decline for too many years. Few people know the so-called martial art, and few people know the existence of martial art.

This is a kind of sadness, but from another point of view, it is not a completely bad thing, at least Tie Lang doesn't know how to deal with martial arts or inner strength at all.

In fact, martial arts is very strong, but not so strong that it is difficult to match. Even in the ancient times, when humans were the overlords of the primordial realm, they did not sweep the void of primordial realms by relying solely on martial arts, but by relying on various aspects. Strength is not unbreakable. Martial arts are very strong in melee combat, but they can only be used in melee combat, or short-distance combat. It is also a flaw in itself, but...

Tie Lang doesn't know how to crack it!

Since you don't understand, don't blame me for being rude!

Qiao Ye sprang forward with her whole body, opened her feet, and took a figure-of-eight step. Each step was a big step, her body swayed from side to side, approaching the iron wave.

Tie Lang is extremely uncomfortable now. Qiao Ye's actions are almost mentally retarded in his eyes. He opens and closes so wide that the door on his chest is completely opened, which is completely a flaw in the door.

However, Tie Lang didn't dare to punch.

Because, countless fights have made Tie Lang understand that no matter how exaggerated Qiao Ye's actions look, he will not think it is as simple as it seems on the surface. Every time Tie Lang makes a move, he will find the seemingly flawed , In fact, all of them are hiding behind, Tie Lang has to admit that in terms of pure skill, he is far behind Qiao Ye.

This made Tie Lang dare not make a move easily.

But, is it all right if you don't make a move?

Qiao Ye hooked the corner of his mouth.


will lose!


Tianming Island, among the thunderclouds.

Yizhuo stepped on his ring-shaped flying treasure and looked forward with piercing eyes.

There, on top of a black cloud, stood a person, unable to distinguish between male and female, because the other person's body was completely wrapped in black cloth, even the head was the same, only a pair of eyes were exposed from the whole body.

"Zado, you finally showed your face." Yizhuo spoke, using the unique language of the Wu clan, looking at the man opposite, and said, "Why do you want to steal the contraband left by the Zuwu? Did you make the Kuroshio?" ghost?"

After Yi Zhuo finished asking, he looked at Zha Duo viciously, but the other party did not give any response.

Yizhuo said angrily: "Answer me!"

Zado still ignored Yizhuo, but his eyes suddenly burst into red light, and then, the cloth strips wrapped around Zado's body suddenly burst into black light.

Immediately, one after another red runes began to appear on the black cloth.

Yizhuo's face turned cold, she knew very well that the other party wanted to do something.

In the next moment, Zado suddenly stretched out his hand, and the black cloth wrapped around his arm suddenly spread out, and rushed towards Yizhuo.

Yizhuo didn't talk nonsense, took out a small knife, and quickly cut his finger, a drop of blood appeared, flying forward, forming a rune.


The blood-colored rune hit the black cloth, and there was a crisp muffled sound, and then, wisps of white smoke suddenly appeared on the black cloth.

Zhado's arm turned, and the black cloth emitting white smoke suddenly spread out towards the surroundings. Then, a buzzing sound suddenly appeared, and countless black bugs came out from under the black cloth and moved towards the surrounding area. Zhuo's direction flew out.

Yizhuo immediately stretched out his hand and slapped forward, his left palm suddenly ignited flames, and slapped forward, the flames shot forward, forming a strange symbol, and then, all the black bugs flew out from the surroundings. They were all burned.

The battle between Zado and Yizhuo does not seem to be fierce at all, but in fact the battle between the two is not simple.

Whether it's Zado or Yizhuo, both of them use killing methods.

In fact, this is the style of the Wu clan.

In fact, the Wu clan is not good at direct combat, and Yizhuo has a high level of cultivation, but in a face-to-face fight, Qiao Ye and the others have a chance to kill Yizhuo.

However, regardless of fighting, but killing people, the Wu people will not be sleepy, this is what they are good at.

Whether it's Yizhuo's bloodstain or Zado's black worm, they look very ordinary, but they are all real means of killing people.

After a brief collision, it seemed that Yizhuo and Zado couldn't make a decision, but the matter obviously wouldn't end so easily.

Seeing his black worms being burned, Zado waved the black cloth, and then, black light gushed out from his body again, and then those black worms seemed to be drawn by some force, and began to fly quickly, and then formed a spell.

"Death curse?" Yizhuo frowned slightly, then his eyes became ferocious, and he said in a low voice, "Okay, since you don't care about love at all and want to decide life and death, my old woman will play with you!"

The moment Yi Zhuoyan fell, he bit his finger, and then wrote a blood curse in the air in front of him with blood, and then slapped the blood curse in the direction of Zado.


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