Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1987 Entering the Town

Tianming Island, the southwest coastline.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

Sang Bai kept roaring, the flying sickle in his hand danced wildly, and silver lights flew towards the surroundings continuously, cutting open the Sha Shuo who gathered around, and then jumped out.

After escaping from the area covered by Sha Shuo, Sang Bai's chest heaved. For a moment, Sang Bai really felt extremely dangerous, as if he would fall on the spot.


It's too early for Sang Bai to feel relieved!


But a beach!


Behind Sang Bai, there was another violent sound, and then a pillar of sand shot up into the sky, and a giant made of sand suddenly stood up.

The moment Sang Bai turned his head, the sand giant raised his fist vigorously and knocked him down.


Sang Bai hurriedly raised the flying scythe, but the huge power felt unmatched, causing Sang Bai's body to sink involuntarily, and his legs fell into the sand.

"Damn it!"

Sang Bai immediately cursed in a low voice, and raised his leg to try to pull it out, but his face turned violent again.

The sand actually sucked his legs tightly, and Sang Bai couldn't pull out his legs, but at this moment, the sand giant's fist had come over again.


Sang Bai was hit by a punch, and his body flew backwards again, hitting the sand hard.

But before Sang Bai got up, the surrounding Sha Shuo suddenly rushed over, quickly covering Sang Bai below.

"Ah... ah..."

Sang Bai roared again, struggling continuously, but at this moment...

Behind Sang Bai, Sha Shuo surged up, and soon changed into the appearance of Xiao Ji.

"Don't waste your energy, you have no chance!"

The moment Xiao Ji spoke, she directly raised her palm and pressed it on Sang Bai's forehead.

The next moment, Sang Bai's body trembled continuously, and the flesh and blood on his body began to shrivel up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"no, do not want……"

Under the miserable voice, Sang Bai's body quickly turned into a skinny appearance, and then completely lost his voice.


Tianming Island, outside the town.

"Damn it!" Qiao Ye stopped suddenly, looked at the front and frowned and said, "If you're so good at kung fu, has the corpse come ashore already?"

At the entrance of the town, Qiao Ye saw a lot of corpse frogmen.

These guys kept wandering around the entrance of the town. Since all the people in the town had evacuated, even those who hadn't boarded the boat and left, they were gathered together according to Yuanke's request.

Without anyone, those corpse monsters have no targets to attack, making those corpse monsters look quite honest, just wandering around.

But it is not a good thing if there are zombies, it means that the other party has already landed.

at the same time……

The rain that fell in the sky suddenly became a little heavier, and the raindrops hit the ground, making continuous crackling sounds.

The sky was low and thick, and it was all black.

After Qiao Ye looked up, he felt a bit like what he saw when he peeked into the future.

Qiao Ye turned to the side while thinking about it, planning to take a detour to leave here. It's no good to get entangled with corpse monsters, it's just more troublesome, but at this moment...


A loud thunderous sound appeared, and then a fan passed across the sky.

The sudden loud sound startled Qiao Ye, as did those frogman corpses wandering around the entrance of the town.


Qiao Ye was out of luck.

"Don't be like this." Qiao Ye ran away, "I'm just passing by."

Those frogmen didn't care what Qiao Ye said, they immediately rushed forward and flew towards Qiao Ye.

The frogmen are very fast, and they can fly over the walls, and can climb the walls and approach quickly.

Qiao Ye ran for more than ten meters, knowing that it was difficult to get rid of it purely by speed, so he simply stood there and waited.

The moment a frogman corpse monster rushed up, Qiao Ye reached out to hold it, and a black halberd appeared in his hand, and he slashed forward forcefully.


With the hand raised and lowered, the frogman's head was chopped off by Qiao Ye, and then Qiao Ye shook his wrist, and the tip of the halberd swept across again, cutting off the frogman corpse monster's body.

After a halberd, Qiao Ye didn't stop, but shook his left hand to the side. The black smoke condensed and turned into a black knife, and then swept out to the side.

When the knife came out, black smoke lingered, and after sweeping to the side, the two frogman corpses were surrounded by black smoke, and their bodies were cut in half immediately.

"You killed a corpse monster, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 220,000 points."

"You killed a corpse monster, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 220,000 points."

"You killed a corpse monster, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 230,000 points."

After killing those frogman corpses continuously, Qiao Ye put his hands together, and the halberd knife collided and turned into a large cloud of black smoke, and then Qiao Ye stretched his hand into the black smoke.

The black smoke quickly condensed into shape, and then turned into a bow and arrow.

Open the bow and pull the string!

The black smoke quickly turned into bows and arrows, and as Qiao Ye let go of the bowstring, three black arrows flew forward, piercing the heads of the three frogman corpse monsters.

However, for the corpse monster, with an arrow on its head, it didn't seem to be a big deal, and it was still approaching Qiao Ye.

But, at this moment...

The black arrow that hit it suddenly dissipated into smoke, continuously penetrated into the body of the frogman corpse, and then...


There was a loud explosion, and after the black smoke entered the body of the frogman corpses, the bodies of those frogman corpses suddenly exploded and turned into a pile of corpses.

Qiao Ye put down the bow and arrow, and the bow and arrow quickly turned into black smoke and disappeared. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye looked up and looked around.

"Huh?" Qiao Ye murmured, "Didn't the corpse monster land from around here?"

There is a more troublesome place for corpse monsters. The group of guys will flock to them like ants who find food. Therefore, the more annoying part of fighting corpse monsters is here. Once a battle occurs, it may be endless, because, The sound of battle will attract more wights to appear.

Because the Evil Beast also has such characteristics, Qiao Ye is quite used to it, so he made preparations in advance, but what surprised Qiao Ye was that he killed all the frogman corpse monsters, and did not attract any new ones. wight.

This scene was a bit abnormal, but Qiao Ye didn't think much about it. Anyway, this was good news after all, which meant that there were no other corpses around, or there were not many corpses, at least in a scattered state.

If that's the case, then don't you need to take a special detour and walk out of the town?

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye stepped into the town, took out the Noble Phantasm of the message, and started the message.


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