"This damn weather!"

Qiao Ye walked forward for a while, and there were indeed not many corpses near the entrance of the town, at least Qiao Ye didn't see them when he walked forward for a while.

The issue is……

Qiao Ye looked up at the sky, the storm was getting bigger, and there were constant thunderclaps.

As a result, the communication treasure in Qiao Ye's hand did not move at all.

Communication Noble Phantasms can neither attack nor defend. The only criterion for judging whether it is good or bad is the smoothness of the communication, and the biggest disturbance to this point is the environment.

In Baiyuanzhihai, because everywhere is near the sea and the land is remote, communication is not good, and now it is raining again, so communication is naturally even more difficult.

Qiao Ye could only give up, quickly jumped onto the roof, and then stepped on the roof to keep moving forward.

About a quarter of an hour, Qiao Ye suddenly heard screams, and when he looked up, he saw five or six young people running away in a panic, followed by a large group of corpses.

Qiao Ye curled her lips and said, "I'm really not afraid of death!"

Yuan Ke persuaded the residents on the island, but not all of them were willing to leave. For the rest of the people, Yuan Ke couldn't persuade him, and he had no choice but to ask people to prepare boats in advance and gather them in the town outside area.

Yuan Ke naturally has his own plans. These people want Thunder and Rain Crystals, so they can collect them from the outside first. As long as they ensure group action, when they see the corpses, they will naturally understand what happened when they fight, and they are willing to evacuate immediately. up.

But now it seems that not everyone is obedient. For example, the group in front of them should have sneaked back to collect Thunder Rain Crystals.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye raised the black halberd and threw it forward.


The black halberd fell to the ground, and with a loud bang, a big hole was blasted into the ground, and the corpse was also blown away.

Qiao Ye stood on the roof and shouted at those people: "Don't run around, stand behind me!"

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, he took a step forward, and as soon as he stretched out his hand towards the front, the surrounding blood came towards Qiao Ye.

Hundred battle blood techniques, six styles of blood massacre!

Six-style Blood Slaughter: Using your own blood as a sacrifice, you can enter the blood slaughter state, and the majestic madness directly enters the tenth floor, and you can use blood coagulation to turn into blood pupils to assist in the battle.

Boundless killing intent emanated from Qiao Ye's body.

Then, Qiao Ye spread out his palms!

The blood that gathered all floated up and turned into streams of blood, which quickly came to Qiao Ye's palm, flowed continuously clockwise, and finally turned into a blood cell the size of a fist!

In the center of the blood cell, a crack appeared, exposing a blood pupil.


Qiao Ye let out a low cry, and then a bloody light burst from the blood pupils, sweeping forward.

Boom, boom, boom!

Bloody rays of light continuously shot out from the blood pupils.

The bloody light beam swept across the corpses, and the bodies of those corpses were split into two in an instant, and cut into two in an instant.

The bloody beam hit the ground, and the roaring explosion sounded instantly, blasting the ground out of deep pits.

Qiao Ye fell from the air and fell into the smoke and dust. He watched a zombie get up from the ground, wiped the jade plate with his fingertips, and then the dragon head guillotine appeared in Qiao Ye's hand.


Qiao Ye rushed into the crowd, raised the knife in his hand, and cut a zombie's body in two. Then he jumped up with his legs bent.

One style, angry sky!

I turn my anger into a knife, and everything in the world can be cut!

Accompanied by Qiao Ye's raising of the knife, the surroundings shone with brilliance, and this world, like a cage, was firmly sealed off, to be precise, it should be sealed off by a knife.

The endless blade light exploded and scattered towards the surroundings.

The entire sky was covered by the dazzling silver, and the vast expanse looked terrifying!

next moment...

With a bang, the blade light poured down, like a silver waterfall, covering everything below.

After a while, when the silver light dissipated, only a pile of stumped limbs remained on the street.

"You killed a corpse monster, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and got the martial soul value: 180,000 points."

"You killed a corpse monster, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 210,000 points."

"You killed a corpse monster, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 235,000 points."


Qiao Ye took a deep breath and took the dragon head guillotine back.

Although it is a sword technique specially made for slaying dragons, even if it is not facing a real dragon, it cannot exert its full power. The knife technique of the Dragon Head Guillotine is also a top-notch knife technique, and it is more than enough to kill those corpses.

After finishing off the corpse monster, Qiao Ye waved to the group of people and called them over, "Didn't Yuan Ke make people gather in the square in the southwest? Why are you here?"

The faces of those people showed guilt, and after a moment of silence, a man said: "The storm has become stronger, and a large number of thunder and rain crystals have fallen in the town. We thought that if we sneak back at this time, we can find them." The biggest thunder and rain crystal, you can make a lot of money when you turn back."

Qiao Ye said, "And you met a corpse?"

Those people dropped their hands again, showing regret, and they should listen to Yuanke.

Qiao Ye said, "Where did the corpse come from?"

The man before said: "To the north, there are many giant sea beasts. When they reach the sea, let those corpses land."

Qiao Ye frowned and said, "Still landing? What about the corpses in the town?"

The man said: "It's all around the island."

Qiao Ye showed a dazed expression. No wonder there were some corpse monsters, but not many in number. There were frogmen entrenched around Tianming Island. They should have been killed and came ashore directly, not in batches. Therefore, It can be understood as the vanguard.

Qiao Ye nodded again, and then pointed to the way he came: "There are no corpses on this side, you go out of the town from here, and then go back to find Yuanke."

The people in front of Qiao Ye hesitated, and the man tentatively asked, "Can we follow you?"

These few people dared to run back, but it was a different story after seeing the corpses. Especially when they saw a large number of corpses landing, it was even more frightening.

"I'm going deep into the town, are you sure you want to follow me?" Qiao Ye smiled, and then said: "You can't even deal with ordinary frogmen corpse monsters, they are no different from ordinary frogmen. Didn't you confront them when you went to sea?"

Several people looked at each other, then nodded helplessly.

Qiao Ye said: "Let's go, before the corpses gather."


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