Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1989 A little kind, but not much

Qiao Ye could save them, but he didn't intend to escort them.

In Qiao Ye's view, since he ran out without authorization, he had to bear the risk, and he couldn't expect others to help him wipe his ass.

To put it more directly, Qiao Ye is a little kind, but not much. It would be nice to be able to save them. As for the escort, there is no need to think about it. Qiao Ye is not so self-sacrificing.

Besides, it wasn't dangerous right now, and there weren't many zombies entrenched in the town.

Qiao Ye moved forward quickly while thinking.

Qiao Ye's current goal is to find other people, and at the same time to find the source fragments.

Since the fragments of Siyuan did not appear before the corpse monsters appeared, then, by reversing the relationship between the two, since the corpse monsters appeared, the fragments of Siyuan should also appear, right?

Of course, it is also possible that the source fragments did not exist at all, and it was all a coincidence before.

But coincidences are occasionally possible, two consecutive coincidences...

Qiao Ye didn't believe it!

"I remember that there is a big wooden building in that area..." Qiao Ye murmured, "From the direction of the lighthouse, it should be in the southeast..."

Qiao Ye kept looking around, quickly determined the direction, and then continued to run forward.

Quickly walking through the street, Qiao Ye's eyes lit up.

About 400 to 500 meters away, Qiao Ye saw a large-scale wooden building. According to the power of the Shiyuan fragments before, Qiao Ye spied what he saw in the future. At that time, the Shiyuan fragments were floating on the top of the wooden building.

However, Qiao Ye immediately frowned again, because Qiao Ye did not see the fragment of Shiyuan on the top of the wooden building at the moment.

Qiao Ye pondered for a while, and decided not to worry about it, just go over and have a look.

But at this moment...

Qiao Ye stepped out and suddenly felt something was wrong.


There is a chilling feeling!

Qiao Ye jumped up almost instinctively, pulling away from the rear, and the moment Qiao Ye jumped away, a gap suddenly opened in the ground, and then a black spike protruded from the ground.

After a miss, the black spikes chased Qiao Ye closely, broke through the ground, and came after Qiao Ye.

Boom, boom, boom...

The ground was cut open, making loud noises continuously.

Qiao Ye frowned, then gave a low drink. ·

Nine-turn golden body: the supreme skill of the ancient Xuantian sect, which can shape the body of a golden god, which is invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire, and can be unparalleled in the world when it is fully cultivated.

Suddenly, golden ripples swayed from Qiao Ye's body, and then the black thorn slashed at Qiao Ye's body, making a tinkling sound, and the golden ripples swayed round and round, blocking the opponent's attack.

"get out!"

Qiao Ye yelled angrily, and stomped hard on the ground.


There was a loud noise, and then the ground exploded, and then, a figure suddenly jumped out from the ground, somersaulted in the air, and landed not far from Qiao Ye.

The next moment, the eyes of the two met, Qiao Ye showed surprise and said, "It's you?"

Qiao Ye remembered that the man in front of him was called Long Feixiong, who was once the left arm and right arm of Partridge Zai among the ten kings of the Sin City. However, Partridge Zai died inexplicably, and his subordinates also fell apart.

Long Feixiong was somewhat loyal and powerful. At that time, he recruited many of Partridge's subordinates to guard Caiyu Building, the headquarters of Partridge, but in the end it failed. After completing the things, Long Feixiong had no choice but to leave.

Qiao Ye didn't know where Long Feixiong went after he left Sin City. Theoretically speaking, it was not incomprehensible to meet Long Feixiong here. At that time, the throne ring was busy, and Long Feixiong took people away. Either find a place to start a new stove, or dismiss the people. If it is the latter, it is not impossible for Long Feixiong to go to Tiandao Mountain to join in the fun, and then be thrown into the sea of ​​​​hundred yuan together.

Therefore, what really shocked Qiao Ye was not meeting Long Feixiong in this place, but Long Feixiong's appearance!

At this moment, Long Feixiong's upper body was naked, his face was still the same as before, but Long Feixiong's body was a little weird.

On Long Feixiong's back, along the spine, there was a gap like a tooth, and three huge black thorns pierced out from the spine.

At the same time, the position under the ribs also has a gap like a tooth, with bone spurs growing out, and the same condition is the back of Long Feixiong's hand, where the wrist is cracked, and two triangular black thorns pierced out, like If there is no accident, the black thorns used to attack him just now are these two black thorns.

All in all, to sum up Long Feixiong's current appearance, that is - a monster!

Qiao Ye pondered for a while, and then said: "The corpse monster!"

"It's a corpse demon!"

Qiao Ye was taken aback. He never thought that Long Feixiong would respond to him, because Long Feixiong looked like a monster right now, and the open wound didn't look like something a living person could have. .

However, Long Feixiong actually opened his mouth and responded to him!

This means...

Long Feixiong is still alive!

Qiao Ye couldn't help looking at Long Feixiong again, and said in a deep voice, "Long Feixiong, why did you become like this?"

Pain appeared on Long Feixiong's face, and his expression became mixed, sometimes angry, sometimes painful, sometimes desperate, sometimes sad, sometimes anxious.

"why why why……"

Long Feixiong suddenly seemed to be crazy, raised his arm, and threw the black thorn towards the ground continuously, trying to smash the black thorn, but the black thorn kept flying No matter how hard Xiong tried, he couldn't break the black thorn.

"Why do you say?" Long Feixiong yelled at Qiao Ye: "Do you think I wanted to become like this, so I became like this?"

Long Feixiong roared angrily, and then a faint black-purple halo suddenly emerged from Long Feixiong's body.

In an instant, Long Feixiong's face revealed a look of horror, he kept shaking his head and said: "No, no, no..."

Long Feixiong desperately shook his head, then fell to his knees on the ground, holding his head, rolling on the ground, tossing and turning, screaming fiercely, his expression looked extremely painful.

Qiao Ye was stunned, looking at Long Feixiong's wailing with a puzzled expression.

what's the situation?

After a while, Long Feixiong's pain seemed to have eased, the expression on his face looked better, and then he hurriedly hit his forehead on the ground.

"Be obedient, be obedient, be obedient, be obedient, be obedient, I will be obedient..."

Long Feixiong kept repeating it like crazy, and then suddenly raised his head to look at Qiao Ye, his eyes showed a fierce look, and his face showed a ferocious look. Then, he kicked his legs vigorously, and the whole person rushed forward .


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