Long Feixiong's speed was so fast that he almost killed Qiao Ye in the blink of an eye.

However, Qiao Ye's reaction was not slow, or more accurately, it should be that Long Feixiong's state was obviously weird, so Qiao Ye had been on guard against this guy all along.

Seeing Long Feixiong approach him, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand to Yi Ning, and countless black smoke appeared in his palm.

Qiao Ye did not use a halberd this time, but transformed into a pair of black double-edged swords.

Long Feixiong's appearance looked very strange. According to the preliminary judgment, black thorns should be able to appear in the parts of the body to attack, and it is impossible to guard against!

Compared with long weapons such as "halberds", it is better to choose more dexterous weapons if you want to adapt to all changes without change.

Although Qiao Ye didn't use the sword much, he still played it well!


In the next moment, a crisp chirping sound appeared.

Qiao Ye took the black thorns with two swords, and at the moment when the symphony sounded, the bone spurs like teeth suddenly opened in the gap under Long Feixiong's ribs, and then the two black thorns pierced through come out.

Qiao Ye quickly twisted her body, and the black thorn brushed past her body.

"Sure enough!"

Qiao Ye thought to himself, as expected, he had guessed correctly, then he flicked his wrist, turned into holding the sword in his backhand, pushed his arm forward, and at the same time pressed his elbow against Long Feixiong's chest, with a sharp stroke, A wound was cut on Long Feixiong's neck.

With a pop, blood splashed out instantly, spreading all over the ground.

Long Feixiong kept backing away, and stabilized his body after several steps in a row.

Qiao Ye raised his head, looked at the wound on Long Feixiong's neck, and then frowned slightly. The neck was naturally considered the vital point of his body, but obviously, that sword had no effect on Long Feixiong. The wound stopped bleeding at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then healed quickly.

This kind of regeneration ability is not something that normal humans can possess, and Qiao Ye always feels that this kind of healing ability looks familiar to him.

at the same time……

However, Long Feixiong had already killed again, his arms swept across, and two black thorns swept towards Qiao Ye.


Qiao Ye didn't flinch in the slightest, and directly crossed his swords to meet him. After a crisp chime, the weapons of the two collided.

Qiao Ye looked at Long Feixiong and said, "Long Feixiong, what happened to you?"

Long Feixiong gritted his teeth and said: "The ancient god, the ancient god will return, everything about me is the gift of the ancient god!"

Although talking about gifts, the anger on Long Feixiong's face obviously couldn't be hidden, so this appearance was naturally not what Long Feixiong wanted.

However, after seeing Long Feixiong's painful appearance before, Qiao Ye could guess a thing or two.

Long Feixiong was being manipulated in all likelihood, and if he didn't behave obediently, there would be a dead end.

"Since that's the case..." Qiao Ye looked at Long Feixiong and said, "Then I will help you and make your death easier!"

Qiao Ye suddenly exerted force, and with a fierce push with both swords, Long Feixiong's black thorn was pushed away.

In the next moment, the black sword in Qiao Ye's hand pointed forward, and countless black sword glows appeared, splashed forward, turned into dots, and enveloped Long Feixiong.

"Ah!" Long Feixiong roared, "Bai Zhan Dao!"

Long Feixiong waved his arms, and a black sword light appeared, sweeping forward, colliding with the black sword light.


A huge roar appeared, and the sword light and sword light exploded at the same time.

Qiao Ye raised her brows, remembering that although Long Feixiong looked neither human nor ghostly, he was actually a master in Cutting Flow Jietian.

After all, he is the left arm and right arm of the Ten Kings of Sin City. Long Feixiong's sword skills are actually quite good. From the current situation, it seems that Long Feixiong has not only got a monster-like body, but also his own abilities have not changed because of the change. The monster disappears, and even, should be promoted because of it.

at the same time……

After the blow, Long Feixiong didn't stop there, kicked his legs again, and rushed towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye flicked both hands, and closed the black sword. Immediately, the two black swords were wrapped in black smoke. After they were combined, they quickly condensed and deformed, turning into a black halberd.

Since it was serious, Qiao Ye naturally had to use his best weapon.

Dang clang, clang clang!

Long Feixiong rushed to Qiao Ye, and the black thorn in his hand hit Qiao Ye's chest, but was blocked by Qiao Ye's nine-turn golden body.

The next moment, the black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand swept across and chopped at Long Feixiong's waist.


There was the sound of tearing flesh and blood, and the blood sprayed out, and the bright red blood dripped down the halberd shaft slowly.

Because of the pain, Long Feixiong's face showed pain.

However, this degree of injury obviously didn't work for Long Feixiong.

Qiao Ye could even feel a force coming from the halberd shaft, pushing the halberd blade out continuously.

It was Long Feixiong's flesh and blood regenerating rapidly, squeezing the halberd blade away from the wound.

The moment the halberd blade completely left Long Feixiong's body, Long Feixiong suddenly raised his head and roared, and then two black thorns pierced through the gap under Long Feixiong's ribs again, approaching Qiao Ye.

Dang clang, clang clang!

The golden radiance wrapped around Qiao Ye's body rippled again and again, blocking the black thorns from falling.

The next moment, the two leaped towards the rear at the same time.

Pure physical attacks have little effect on the two of them, and Long Feixiong's strength does not seem to have improved much. After all, Qiao Ye saw Long Feixiong's battle in the Caiyu Building, so he can guess It is at the level of Long Feixiong, but Long Feixiong has obtained an unimaginably terrifying regeneration ability. With this regeneration speed, ordinary physical attacks will not be effective, because the regeneration is completed in an instant, and, Joe Ye felt that it was not impossible for Long Feixiong to be able to reattach the severed arm and broken leg even if it was the kind of injury that cut off the limbs, or even grow a new one.

And Qiao Ye's side, naturally because of the nine-turn golden body.

The advantages of the nine-turn golden body are as obvious as the disadvantages, and the advantage is naturally the defense against physical attacks. Let alone Long Feixiong, even if he is at the level of Gao Qiaoye, he wants to use pure physical attacks to break Qiao Ye's body. Nine-turn golden body is not an easy task.

Therefore, both of them understood the same thing at the same time.

This level of attack is not enough!

"Ah, ah, ah..."

After the two separated, Long Feixiong took the lead in attacking, and kept roaring with his head raised.

Puff puff!

The crack on Long Feixiong's wrist was suddenly torn even bigger. In the left and right cracks, two more black thorns appeared at the same time, and spread out towards the two sides. A total of three black thorns were connected, like a trident shape.


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