"Ah, ah, let go, let go..." Long Feixiong's face changed drastically, and he roared at Qiao Ye, "Let go!"

However, although Long Feixiong howled, Qiao Ye did not intend to let Long Feixiong go.

The palm grabbed Long Feixiong's chest, and with the rainwater turning into a silvery white liquid, the flesh and blood on Long Feixiong's chest was continuously burned and festered, and along with the festering of the flesh and flesh, Qiao Ye's fingers also directly pierced into it. Into Long Feixiong's body, he grabbed Long Feixiong's heart.

"This thing..." Qiao Ye said with a sinister smile, "You can't regenerate, can you?"

The moment Qiao Ye's words fell, he squeezed Long Feixiong's heart into pieces with his hands.

In an instant, Long Feixiong's wailing stopped, his expression became stiff on his face, and then his body collapsed limply and fell to the ground.


"You killed an evil beast (stabbing spirit), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and got the martial soul value: points."

Qiao Ye's expression froze suddenly, and it took a moment for her to become extremely surprised.

"Evil beast? Why is it an evil beast?" Qiao Ye grabbed Long Feixiong's shoulder and shook vigorously, "Say it again, who made you like this, hey, hey!"

Qiao Ye yelled twice, then threw Long Feixiong to the ground helplessly, even if the Evil Beast's heart was crushed, it would be finished.

However, this thing is really surprising!

Long Feixiong turned into an evil beast!

Long Feixiong is definitely a person, this is definitely true, and it's not just that his face is the same as the Long Feixiong Qiao Ye knew, he talked to Long Feixiong before, and Long Feixiong did not deny that he knew Qiao Ye, Therefore, this Long Feixiong is the same Long Feixiong Qiao Ye saw in Sin City!

Since it was the same person, Qiao Ye felt that things were a little weird.

So, the Evil Beast is not a living creature? But people become?

"No, no..."

Qiao Ye patted his forehead. The number of Evil Beasts is too large. Moreover, Evil Beasts come in various forms. How could some beast-shaped Evil Beasts be transformed by humans? There are too many poor-looking ones, and they are completely two species.

"So, to be precise, the Evil Beast was not transformed by humans, but by other creatures?" Qiao Ye murmured, "Ancient God? What the hell is an Ancient God?"

Qiao Ye now regrets that he was too straightforward in his actions, and shouldn't have killed so quickly, so maybe he can ask something.

Right now, the only clue that Qiao Ye remembered was that Long Feixiong said that the ancient god would return, and the so-called gift of the ancient god, that is to say, it should be the ancient god who turned Long Feixiong into an evil beast.

So, the core of the question is what is the ancient god?

Maybe this answer can be known from Long Feixiong's mouth, maybe not, but no matter what, there is definitely no way to do it now, after all, dead people can't speak like dead evil beasts.

And just as Qiao Ye was thinking, a radiance suddenly appeared in front of him, and the strange appearance suddenly appeared, and...

It's that wooden building!

Qiao Ye's eyes lit up, and she didn't think about the ancient god's affairs for the time being, but quickly ran towards the wooden building.

Entering the radiance, Qiao Ye found that the sound of the surrounding rain suddenly disappeared.

The falling heavy rain was blocked by the light, and he couldn't fall into it. It was like entering an isolated space. However, through the light, he could still see the rain curtain outside, so it was just a separation. It is not a separate space.


Qiao Ye looked up, and immediately saw a ball of light floating on the top of the wooden building, constantly rising and falling.

Origin fragments!

Qiao Ye's eyes lit up, and he immediately jumped onto the roof and came to the edge of the Shiyuan fragment.

The next moment, Qiao Ye reached out and touched the light ball with his fingertips.

"You absorbed the origin fragment."

The ball of light slowly floated under the guidance of Qiao Ye's fingers, and then entered Qiao Ye's body.

Absorbed successfully!

Qiao Ye rubbed his chin. Compared with the previous two times, this time it was relatively easy. Although there were some obstacles, it was not as good as the previous two times. It seems that Jiang Liuxue has not enough people under his command?


Qiao Ye suddenly felt bad!

"Oops..." Qiao Ye widened his eyes and said, "Why did you forget about this?"

The next moment, Qiao Ye slipped on the sole of his foot, fell directly from the wooden building, and fell directly into the yard, and then passed out.

The power of the law of reincarnation in the Shiyuan fragments is not so easy to absorb. Although Jin Qianchen's troubles accounted for part of the reason when it was absorbed for the first time, the strong impact of power also made Qiao Ye lose consciousness.

So, when Qiao Ye hit the ground, he was already unconscious again.


In the void and chaotic space, a ray of light slowly appeared.

It was Qiao Ye who opened his eyes.


Qiao Ye groaned and looked around.

This is a forest, surrounded by towering trees, the ones that are so big that you can’t see the top when you stand at the bottom of the tree, and the vines dragging on the ground, each of which is as thick as the thigh of a tree leaf, and there are many big trees. The roots even pushed out of the ground and grew outside.

Qiao Ye sat up from the ground in a daze, and could hear the chirping of insects and birds in her ears.

"What is this place?"

Qiao Ye scratched his head, and his first reaction was that he saw some future again, for example, a certain place would be attacked by zombies again, and everything would be destroyed.

However, after another glance at the surrounding environment, Qiao Ye felt that something was wrong again.

From this point of view, it looks like a deep mountain and old forest, not to mention a town, it doesn't look like there are people living in it. Corpse monsters shouldn't attack such places, right? No, to be precise, who can be attacked in such a place?


Just as Qiao Ye was thinking, a loud noise suddenly appeared.

This sudden movement startled Qiao Ye, and then looked over for the sound.

In the next moment, Qiao Ye saw a huge tentacle, entwined with golden light, jumping up from the forest and soaring upwards!

The tentacle was very terrifying. The moment it shot up into the sky, the surrounding towering trees were flattened.

The ground trembled and began to collapse. In the blink of an eye, a huge deep pit was formed.

The tentacle wrapped in golden light was very long, as if it was endlessly long, it actually pierced directly through the clouds in the sky.

A big bird flew across the sky, and there was no chance to react. After the tentacles pierced through the clouds, they came right under the big bird's body, pierced the big bird's body with one blow, and then the big bird It started to fall downwards.


The loud noise reappeared, and the body of the big bird fell to the ground, which was as huge as a hundred-foot-high hill, extremely terrifying.

Qiao Ye couldn't help but move her Adam's apple.

that big bird...

Isn't it the legendary Kunpeng!

one strike……



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