Surprise was evident on Qiao Ye's face.

This is Kunpeng!

It's really shocking to be killed with such a simple and crisp blow!

What is that tentacles wrapped in golden light? Why is it so scary?

But that's not the scariest part!

When the tentacles soared into the sky and went straight into the sky, as if they were about to poke a hole in the sky, the clouds floating above the clouds suddenly condensed and turned into a huge golem, and then raised their hands towards the sky. The tentacles wrapped in golden light slapped over.


A huge roar sounded!

At that moment, it seemed as if the nine heavens and ten earths were shattered. In the surrounding sky, one after another void cracks were torn apart, looking extremely terrifying and hideous.

Even if Qiao Ye is a fool now, he can see that there are two big bosses fighting here, and this is obviously not an ordinary big boss, and it will shake the world when he makes a move.

Ning Xinqingyi? Unreasonable way?

With such a terrifying collision, even if Qiao Ye was told that Ye Xuan was doing it, Qiao Ye would not doubt it at all. The sense of oppression at that moment was really terrifying.

And just as Qiao Ye was thinking, there was another loud noise of "Boom, Boom" in the distance. When Qiao Ye looked up, it turned out that a hill was moving.

The mountain can move by itself?

Don't you have long legs?

that is because……

Qiao Ye couldn't see that there was a young man at the foot of the mountain, shirtless, who lifted up the huge mountain that could penetrate into the sky with one hand, and walked all the way.

"Look at how lively you guys are fighting..." The young man smiled and said, "My hands are itchy too, so how about counting me in?"


Tianming Island, rainy night.

The long street on a rainy night cannot be peaceful.

In the distance, there was the whimpering roar of the corpse monster, and the heavy rain hit the ground majesticly, making a crisp sound.

Suddenly, the falling rainwater suddenly dispersed, and someone passed through it.

That person is really...

Jiang Liuxue!

Jiang Liuxue came to the front of the wooden building, looked at Qiao Ye, who was lying in the yard, and fainted, with a smile on her lips.

Suddenly, at Jiang Liuxue's feet, the ground squirmed suddenly, and the soil was pushed away bit by bit. Then, a humanoid beast emerged from the soil and stood respectfully beside Jiang Liuxue. around.

"Shall I kill him?"

The humanoid evil beast suddenly spoke.

"Kill him?" Jiang Liuxue shook his head hastily and said, "He can't die."

The face of the humanoid Evil Beast showed a puzzled look. Isn't what they were looking for in Qiao Ye's hands?

Jiang Liuxue smiled and said: "You are mistaken, I just sent something into the hands of fate, and this time, fate is also with him!"

After Jiang Liuxue finished speaking, she looked towards the sky.

"Let's go!" Jiang Liuxue said, "Another guest has arrived."

After Jiang Liuxue finished speaking, a crack in the void suddenly appeared, and then Jiang Liuxue stepped into it, and disappeared without a trace.


In that pitch-black void, it was still silent and oppressive.

Only the bright stars are extremely beautiful in this dark world.

A star bridge spanned the void, and then, on the star bridge, a figure emerged and walked slowly.

Suddenly, a rift in the void appeared suddenly, and an arm first protruded out of the rift in the void, and then Jiang Liuxue paced out, jumped lightly, and landed on the Starry Sky Bridge.

Jiang Liuxue raised her head, looked at the man walking on the Starry Sky Bridge, and said with a smile, "We meet again."

Ye Xuan stopped, looked at Jiang Liuxue in silence for a moment, and then said: "No one can be thrown into the chaos by me and come out alive, so, who are you?"

"No one can come out because you represent the chaos and the way of heaven." Jiang Liuxue said with a smile: "Many, many years ago, human beings were strong, and the seven stars of the majestic world were scattered, and it was difficult to stay in the world. Even, they wanted to see the way of heaven." ..."

After Jiang Liuxue finished speaking, she smiled and looked at Ye Xuan.

Jiang Liuxue said: "Do you know what happened to them?"

Ye Xuandao: "The reason why the way of heaven is the way of heaven is because it is higher than anyone else. Therefore, the way of heaven cannot be seen."

"That's right." Jiang Liuxue said with a smile: "This is the so-called reincarnation of fate, prosperity and decline. The so-called disasters do not come for no reason. When an era reaches its peak, the world's most powerful people are dissatisfied with The status quo, when you want to stand higher and pry into the way of heaven, it means that an era has reached its apex, and it is extremely prosperous. It also means that disasters are approaching, everything will be shattered, and the end of reincarnation Right now, everything needs to be reinvented."

Ye Xuandao: "What exactly do you want to say?"

"It's just to help you recall the past." Jiang Liuxue said with a smile: "Because someone wanted to see the way of heaven, so the way of heaven descended into eternal night, covering and destroying everything in the world, annihilating an era, and you You were born in the eternal night, you represent eternal night, you represent chaos, you represent the way of heaven, you are the destiny of everything in this world!"

As Jiang Liuxue spoke, she opened her arms.

"However, you are very aware of your situation. You don't belong to this era anymore." Jiang Liuxue grinned evilly, looked at Ye Xuan and said, "This time, fate is not on your side!"

"So, who is the fate?" Ye Xuan said: "Or, do you want to say, is the fate yours?"

"Maybe I can't represent fate, but..." Jiang Liuxue said with a smile: "This time, fate really belongs to me!"

Jiang Liuxue stepped across Starry Sky Joe, came to Ye Xuan's side, leaned into Ye Xuan's ear and whispered, "Ancient God."

Ye Xuan's pupils shrank, and he stretched out his hand to grab Jiang Liuxue.

It's just that Jiang Liuxue seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and she fell backwards, directly falling off the Starry Sky Bridge.

"Let's call it a day."

A void crack appeared under Jiang Liuxue's body, and he fell into it.

Ye Xuan glanced down and said, "Did I promise to let you go?"

In the next moment, Ye Xuan's figure flashed, and he appeared directly in front of Jiang Liuxue. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Jiang Liuxue, hitting Jiang Liuxue's face directly.


Tianming Island.

Qiao Ye suddenly felt a chill, and then quietly opened his eyes.

In the sky, the rain is still falling.

"Damn!" Rong Bao's voice sounded: "Your uncle, you finally woke up."

Qiao Ye sat up, and then found himself lying on a bed with a rope tied to one side of the bed, while Rong Bao was grabbing the rope and dragging himself forward.

After seeing Qiao Ye wake up, Rong Bao dropped the rope, squatted in front of Qiao Ye and said, "Do you know who I am?"

Qiao Ye gave Rong Bao a strange look and said, "Rong Bao, the young master of Tongbaozhai, the head of the evil spirit family, and the young master of the Rong family."

"Yes, I have status!" Rong Bao spat on the ground, cursing, "Why have I lived like a servant every day since I met you?"


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