Qiao Ye looked at the cursed spirit with a strange feeling.

Usually, a powerful thing must have a strong aura, just like the higher the cultivation level, unless the aura is covered up by itself, otherwise the aura will inevitably increase with the growth of the cultivation base, but the curse spirit hardly has any aura , although the length is extremely terrifying, but the breath is as harmless to humans and animals as kittens and puppies on the side of the road.


Qiao Ye glanced at Yizhuo, from the nervous expression, it was obvious that the thing in front of him was not a kitten or puppy.

"This thing doesn't look very powerful." Rong Bao rolled up his sleeves and said, "I'll try it!"

While talking, Rong Bao threw the fan in his hand aside, and then...

Take out another white jade fan!

Qiao Ye is also speechless, how much do you like fans?

With the white jade fan in his hand, Rong Bao flew forward all the way until he came in front of the curse spirit, and with a wave of the white jade fan in his hand, a white light went towards the curse spirit.

The next moment, the white light hit the curse spirit, and then shattered and scattered, turning into wisps of white light and then dissipating.

Rong Bao was stunned for a moment. Although the fan in his hand was not a treasure of godly quality, it was also of unparalleled quality. It hit the curse spirit, not to mention killing him, but it was of no use at all, isn't it too much? up?

And at the moment when Rong Bao was stunned...


The curse spirit roared, and then, a hurricane suddenly rolled up under Rong Bao's feet, before Rong Bao could react, there was a strong suction force in the hurricane, and Rong Bai was forcibly sucked over.



The curse spirit raised his hand and slapped Rong Bao.


Rong Bao suddenly screamed, his body flew up straight, he rolled several times in the air, and hit the ground hard.

Qiao Ye couldn't help frowning, and slapped the bag flying?

Although Rong Bao is not serious, after all, if he is serious, he should use his spirit body instead of his physical body to fight, but anyway, Rong Bao is also considered a master, even if he is not serious, he will be slapped away with a slap, which is really scary , at least it can prove that the thing in front of me is indeed not a kitten or puppy.

Qiao Ye couldn't help looking at Yi Zhuo and said, "Senior?"

Yi Zhuo said helplessly: "It's common for witches to cultivate differently. I don't know anything about this curse spirit, and even if I know the magic spell, it's useless. The curse spirit is raised differently depending on the method of breeding. not sure."

"Then we can only do it hard!" Rong Bao got up from the ground and said cursingly, "Make the young master look ugly? Let's go together and fuck him to death!"

While speaking, Rong Bao waved his white jade fan, and then white lights appeared one after another, flying in the direction of the curse spirit.

Xiao Ji squatted down, and the ground around her continued to shatter, one after another, the stone cones were aligned, and under Xiao Ji's traction, they slammed into the curse spirit.

Qiao Ye had already used up the phoenix magic flames, but the ordinary phoenix flames were still there, and then the black halberd in his hand swept forward, and the surrounding raging flames condensed together and fell towards the overwhelming cover of the curse spirit.

The three of them attacked at the same time, the power was quite terrifying, and the surrounding space trembled, but the curse spirit didn't even have the slightest intention of dodging, and stood still.

Seeing that the attack was about to fall on the curse spirit, the curse spirit suddenly opened its bloody mouth and sucked in fiercely!

Suddenly, wind currents rolled up again, but this time the wind currents were not used to attack, but surrounded the body of the curse spirit, forming a circle there.

In the next moment, an incredible scene suddenly appeared.

Xiao Ji's stone awl, Rong Bao's white light, and Qiao Ye's flame were all caught in the wind and swam around the body of the curse spirit.

"Isn't it?" Rong Bao said in astonishment, "What the hell is this?"


As soon as Rong Bao finished speaking, the curse spirit suddenly roared, and then, the stone cone, flame and white light were all pushed back by the wind.

Qiao Ye immediately shouted: "Move!"

Boom, boom, boom!

As the attack was pushed back, there was a loud bursting sound all around, and the ground continued to shatter, and even the surrounding houses continued to collapse under the impact.

"Grandma, how do you hit this?" Rong Bao cursed and spit out: "The attack is useless!"

"Try close combat." Xie Feng said: "His flair can't suck his fists in, can he?"

"That makes sense!" Qiao Ye nodded and said, "I'll do it."

Xiaoji can fight in close combat, but she is not good at it.

Both Qiao Ye and Rong Bao are good at melee combat, but Rong Bao's is a bit special. The reason why he is good at melee combat is that the spirit body will not be attacked by physical attacks, but in the current situation, Rong Bao should not be directly attacked by that It will be a lot of fun if the weird wind is absorbed together.

That being the case, only Qiao Ye can come!

Qiao Ye took a deep breath and rushed towards the curse spirit.

The curse spirit remained resolute, but when Qiao Ye rushed to him, the curse spirit suddenly raised his hand.


The black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand collided head-on with the curse spirit, shaking off a circle of fluctuations.

Qiao Ye's eyes lit up, and she really wanted to approach the battle!

Xiefeng had already seen the clues, and shouted at Qiao Ye: "His flair can only pull the volley attack from his hands!"

Qiao Ye showed a dazed expression, then shook the halberd in his hand, and stabbed forward again, but...


Manu Ling took a heavy halberd, and then punched Qiao Ye.

After Qiao Ye was punched, his blood surged instantly, and he kept moving backwards.

Everyone can see that although the melee combat can break the curse spirit and absorb the attack with wind, but the melee combat is not the weakness of the curse spirit. On the contrary, the curse spirit seems to be very strong in melee combat.

Rong Bao couldn't help shouting: "Hey, can you do it?"

Qiao Ye grinned and said, "I haven't even gotten serious yet!"

The moment Qiao Ye spoke, he raised the black halberd and smashed it towards the ground.

Nether Demon Realm: Introduce the power of heavenly demons from the void, and turn an area into a part of Nether Demon Realm. Within the scope of Nether Demon Realm, your own body and spirit will be improved at the same time. Using any treasure will temporarily increase the rank of one rank. There is no limit to the number of targets, both the physical body and the physical body will be reduced at the same time, and the rank of any treasure will be temporarily reduced by one rank, and within the coverage area of ​​the Nether Demon Realm, the location of the smoke can be used to shatter the void and move freely.

With a bang, the earth collapsed and the sky was shocked!

A large piece of black smoke spread out towards the surroundings, lingering around, and then...

Stone mountains appeared one after another, just appearing out of thin air, and slowly rose up. On each stone mountain, there was a pitch-black iron chain, and there were skeleton heads hanging on the iron chain.


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