Blood, dead silence!

Countless blood flowed from the eye sockets of those skeleton heads, carrying a strong breath of death. The blood flowed over the rocky mountain, the ground, and spread out in all directions, forming a series of blood tributaries.

The ground was covered with dry bones, and black iron chains like giant pythons were hung all over the mountain. The white skulls strung on the chains kept colliding, like wind chimes, making a crisp sound, exuding a deep and mysterious sound. Evil feeling.

If the world does not allow me, I will fall into the devil!

Qiao Ye could clearly feel that her physical body was improving.

Good at close combat?

Besides being good at it, what is the most important thing about melee combat?

Of course it is the strength of the physical body!

In just a short face-to-face meeting, Qiao Ye could feel that the physical strength of the curse spirit should be higher than his own. At least in a head-to-head encounter with strength, he was obviously at a disadvantage.

Moreover, Qiao Ye felt that the curse spirit hadn't used all its strength. The most direct point was that the curse spirit hadn't moved since it landed.

But it doesn't matter.

Qiao Ye licked the corner of his mouth, as long as his physical strength was continuously increased!

If the Netherworld is not enough...

Then the dual domains are opened!

Ebullient magic energy: Introduce the power of heavenly demon from the void, turn it into a large area of ​​magic energy, cover a certain area, and form a domain. Within the scope of the domain, due to the influence of magic energy, one's physical attributes and spiritual power will continue to improve , all injuries will continue to heal, the physical attributes and spiritual power of the enemy will continue to decrease, and all injuries will aggravate and deteriorate.

Nether Demon Realm can explosively strengthen Qiao Ye's body, and at the same time, if it is combined with the boiling of magic energy, it can also strengthen the durability, because the strengthening of boiling magic energy is enhanced with the passage of time.

Therefore, the two fields complement each other and can make Qiao Ye's physical body reach its peak!


Qiao Ye rushed forward.

Surrounded by black smoke, Qiao Ye's speed looked terrifyingly fast, and also terrifyingly evil.

At a distance of twenty or thirty meters, in the blink of an eye, Qiao Ye arrived in front of the curse spirit, swung the black halberd in his hand, and smashed it towards the curse spirit's head.


The curse spirit's reaction was faster than Qiao Ye's imagination. At the very moment, he suddenly raised his arm and forcibly received Qiao Ye's spear.

However, it was the curse spirit who was kicked out this time.

Huge force struck, and the curse spirit's body was blasted towards the rear forcibly. It was about four or five meters before the curse spirit stabilized its figure.

Qiao Ye grinned. In this way, at least in terms of physical strength, they were evenly matched.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye waved the black halberd in his hand.

The surrounding black smoke enveloped Qiao Ye's body, and it almost passed by in a flash, and Qiao Ye came to the magic spirit again.

However, this time, before Qiao Ye had time to swing his halberd, the curse spirit suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The next moment, Xiefeng shouted loudly: "Behind!"

Qiao Ye immediately turned around, raised the black halberd, and then the curse spirit's fist hit the halberd pole, knocking Qiao Ye back with one blow.

The thing in front of me is not only powerful, but its speed is also terrifying!


Qiao Ye curled her lips, which was not surprising.

**If you are strong, you will improve your body in all aspects. It is not uncommon for that kind of strength to be terrifying, but the speed is as slow as a snail crawling, but it is rare, and it is usually just a bit heavy. More power, or just faster.

But anyway, getting the guy in front of him to move is a good start.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye hooked her finger and said, "Come again!"

The curse spirit couldn't understand human language, and couldn't respond to Qiao Ye, but it seemed that it could understand Qiao Ye's words. After another roar, the curse spirit ran quickly.

So fast!

Accompanied by running, the curse spirit actually left afterimages one after another around, unable to see the real body at all.

Qiao Ye kept looking around, looking at the afterimage, but couldn't tell which one was the real body of the curse spirit. At this level of speed, it was already difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

However, right now it is in Qiao Ye's domain!

Qiao Ye immediately closed his eyes, using the black smoke around him to find the location of the curse spirit.

As long as the curse spirit has contact with the black smoke, it will reveal its position.

for a moment...

Qiao Ye opened her eyes abruptly, and jumped out to the side.

"Got you!"

Qiao Ye let out a low growl, and the black halberd in his hand swept out, slashing towards an afterimage.


The black halberd chopped on Mana Ling's arm, cutting a wound on Mana Ling's arm, and purple-black blood flowed down.

However, the curse spirit didn't seem to feel the pain, grabbed Qiao Ye's clothes with his backhand, and threw Qiao Ye to the side forcefully.


Qiao Ye hit the wall of a room, smashing the wall to pieces in an instant.

The curse spirit didn't stop there. After roaring, it jumped up and landed on the roof.


There was a second loud bang, and the house collapsed directly downward, turning into a piece of rubble, pressing Qiao Ye underneath.

But only for a moment.

Below the ruins, countless black smoke gushed out from the gaps in the ruins, turning into a soaring black smoke column.


The ruins were instantly shattered, annihilated into ashes, and scattered towards the surroundings.

At the same time, as the black smoke rose, Qiao Ye jumped out again, raised the black halberd, and slashed at the curse spirit again.


Qiao Ye and the curse spirit confronted each other again. Amidst the huge roar, faint waves kept swaying round and round. The surrounding ground and houses were overwhelmed, and cracks continued to crack.

After a stalemate for a few seconds, Qiao Ye and the curse spirit jumped backward at the same time.

Taking a deep breath, Qiao Ye looked at Cursing Spirit and said, "It seems that it's not enough!"

The strengthening of the physical body in the dual domains is only evenly matched, and it cannot suppress the curse spirit. In this case...


Becoming a demon: The world does not allow me, so I fall into a demon, enter the flesh with the power of gods and demons, shape the demon body within a certain period of time, and fight in the incarnation of gods and demons.

The black smoke gathered in the direction of Qiao Ye, and then circled around Qiao Ye's body, constantly whirling.

In the next moment, Qiao Ye's figure instantly became a little taller, and a circle of black and purple light wrapped around Qiao Ye's feet. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye's feet turned into the appearance of cow hooves, and a pair of horns appeared on his forehead. , the muscles all over his body swelled up almost visible to the naked eye, and soon became sharp-edged like granite, making Qiao Ye's size look bigger than twice in an instant.


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