Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1998 Outlying Islands

After being enchanted, Qiao Ye let out a low growl, and headed forward again, sweeping the black halberd in his hand.

With a low growl, the curse spirit reached out and grabbed Qiao Ye's halberd, trying to block the attack!

But this time...

The strength of the two is no longer evenly matched!

With Qiao Ye's roar, the body of the cursed spirit was pushed away bit by bit, and then...


Qiao Ye exerted his strength again, and swept the curse spirit away with a single blow. It flew across the sky, and slammed into the wall of the building fiercely, collapsing a piece of the wall.

The curse spirit's physical body is indeed very strong, and he can be tough with Qiao Ye in the case of dual domains, but it's another matter if he is possessed.

In fact, Qiao Ye is also very good at melee combat, because he has a lot of abilities to increase his physical body, but there are not many guys who can allow Qiao Ye to overlap so much physical increase.


With a low growl, Qiao Ye charged in the direction of the curse spirit again. The moment the curse spirit got up, he flew up, kicked the curse spirit hard on the chest, and gave the curse spirit who had just got up. Kicked back.

next moment...

Qiao Ye raised the black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand and stabbed down hard.


The halberd tip pierced the curse spirit's body, piercing a hole in the curse spirit's chest, and brought out a smear of blood.

The curse spirit roared angrily, regardless of the injuries on his body, he threw his fist at Qiao Ye, but at the moment when the fist was about to reach his eyes, Qiao Ye leaned back violently to avoid the fist.

After missing a hit, the curse spirit's body quickly bounced off the ground, opened its mouth and bit towards Qiao Ye, those spike-like teeth looked extremely ferocious.


Nine-turn golden body!

Qiao Ye's body was shining with golden light.

The golden radiance quickly formed a suit of armor, protecting Qiao Ye's body.


The next moment, the curse spirit bit Qiao Ye's arm, but was blocked by the golden light of the nine-turn golden body. Then, Qiao Ye raised the black halberd and stabbed the curse spirit's neck forcefully.

With a bang, the sound of flesh and blood tearing was heard, and the black halberd pierced through the neck of the curse spirit, and a large canopy of blood flew out, falling all over the ground.

The huge body finally fell to the ground.

Numerous incantations emerged from the body of the curse spirit, and then the body gradually became transparent until it completely disappeared without a trace.

Finally solved.

At this time, Yizhuo looked at the sky and suddenly shouted: "He wants to run!"

With the death of the curse spirit, the huge curse mark in the sky disappeared without a trace, but Zado, who was hidden in the cloud, wanted to escape.

Rong Bao shouted: "I'll go after it!"

But at this moment...

A sound of dragon chant suddenly sounded, and the wind and rain floating in the sky were suddenly broken in all directions.

A cyan radiance passed across the sky and turned into a huge dragon shape.

Qingmei, here we come!

The terrifying shape of the dragon pierced through the clouds with extremely strong coercion, and then there was a huge roar in the sky.

After a while, the cloud layer shattered, and Qingmei jumped down from the air, holding a person in his hand.

Yi Zhuo said: "Zado, don't you plan to surrender now?"

Qingmei said: "He really doesn't intend to surrender."

While talking, Qingmei threw the person to the ground.

Qingmei said: "Because, he died."

Yizhuo couldn't help frowning.

Qingmei explained: "I didn't kill him, I saved my strength, he committed suicide by himself."

The various witchcrafts of the Wu Clan are indeed very powerful. However, the methods of the Wu Clan are very similar to Taoist priests and sorcerers. Their methods are as good as the sky, but they are very weak, and the biggest flaw is themselves.

Qingmei knew this, and she kept her strength when she struck. In fact, Qingmei didn't strike at all, and this guy fell down.

Yizhuo stepped forward to have a look, then took a deep breath and said, "It's suicide, he cursed himself to death."

Rong Bao said: "This kid is a bit ruthless. In order not to let us question him, he committed suicide directly."

There was a bit of anxiety on Qingmei's face and said: "Don't worry about it so much, we have to withdraw quickly."

Rong Bao said: "Don't worry, there's no need to be in such a hurry. When I came here, I purposely went around to the beach to have a look. Those corpse monsters just landed on the island."

Qingmei said: "It's not the corpse monster's problem."

Qiao Ye asked curiously, "What's the problem?"

Qingmei said: "I used the dragon veins and planted them on the island."

Rong Bao took a breath and said, "Dragon Vein, the treasure of the Dragon Clan? Why is that thing in your hand?"

Qingmei said: "This matter is a long story, first find the boat, and then I will tell you slowly when I turn back."

"Okay, okay!" The goddess wanted to say to herself slowly, Rong Bao immediately smiled, but still asked curiously: "However, does using the dragon's veins have any effect?"

"Stupid!" Xiefeng said: "The land of dragon veins is a peerless treasure land. Although there are naturally formed dragon veins among the mountains and rivers, the dragon veins created by using treasures are different. How can ordinary places bear it?" Live in the dragon veins?"

Qiao Ye said, "So?"

Xiefeng said: "This island is going to be bombed!"


Everyone gasped, Rong Bao hurriedly said: "Go, go, go, go, fortunately we have prepared the boat in advance."

Everyone didn't dare to delay, and immediately speeded up.

Xiefeng looked at Qingmei curiously while walking, "Who did you meet? It's worth your dragon veins?"

Qingmei said in a deep voice: "Liang Tieguai!"

Xiefeng was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise: "A member of the Heavenly Clan? The one who ranks third among the nine elders of Meishan?"

Qingmei nodded.

Rong Bao said: "No way? That's the boss. I know he is cutting off the sky, but he went there to protect Meishan's disciples and grandchildren, and he used an incarnation outside his body? He even came in?"

"He came in, but the situation is different." Qingmei said: "He didn't seem to help after being cornered after he was brought in. During the conversation, I felt that he knew something, and his tone seemed to make a deal with someone, and he offered to help. here."

Rong Bao frowned and said, "Is there Meishan's shadow behind this matter? Although the power of the Tianzu people is not small, they are far from offending so many people, right?"

Qingmei shook her head and said: "It's hard to say, maybe his personal behavior?"

"Huh? Personal behavior?" Rong Bao said contemptuously: "It's all a lie to children. If something happened, can a single personal behavior really take Meishan out? The Tianzu people on Meishan will definitely die!"

Rong Bao is the one who knows the way between the various forces. Tong Baozhai is a force that travels among the various forces to do business. Therefore, Rong Bao is the most familiar with the style of the forces. .

The matter of Duoling Jietian is such a big deal, involving creatures and forces from all sides, if Mei Shan is involved, it is definitely not possible to throw a dead ghost out to expose it.

Qingmei shook her head and said, "That's not very clear."


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