Qiao Ye thought for a moment, then suddenly asked, "Do you know the ancient gods?"

"Ancient God?" Rong Bao was stunned for a moment and said, "What is it?"

Xiefeng and Qingmei thought for a while, then shook their heads and said, "I haven't heard of it."

Rong Bao said, "Why did you suddenly ask this?"

Qiao Ye said, "Long Feixiong said it."

Rong Bao said: "Which one is Long Feixiong?"

"Which one else?" Qiao Ye said: "The Long Feixiong we met in Sin City, that capable subordinate of Partridge Boy, even shared 10% of the things in Caiyu Tower."

Rong Bao suddenly said: "The old boy is also here?"

"It's coming, and the state is very wrong." Qiao Ye said: "He has become a beast."

"Evil beast?" Rong Bao said, "A corpse monster?"

"Evil beast!" Qiao Ye said in a positive tone: "The guy we met on the boat, that huge octopus."

Everyone showed surprise, Rong Bao said: "Is that thing made by living beings?"

Qiao Ye smiled wryly, "I don't know either."

Qiao Ye has seen a lot of evil beasts, and killed countless beasts. The tide of evil beasts he faced can no longer be remembered, but the evil beasts turned out to be formed by other creatures, and this is the first time for Qiao Ye to know. with.

Qiao Ye said: "In short, there is nothing wrong with the fact that Long Feixiong has turned into an evil beast. I questioned him at the time, but his mood was not very stable, so I didn't ask anything. However, he mentioned the ancient god. "

Rong Bao tilted his head and said, "Young master is also well-read. After all, if you want to do business with all kinds of guys, it's not good if you know too little, but the ancient gods really haven't heard of it."

Qiao Ye said: "Maybe it's very old, think about it carefully?"

Xiefeng and Qingmei also smiled bitterly in thought, and finally shook their heads again.

Rongbao, Qingmei and Xiefeng have a lot of say in this kind of matter.

Rong Bao is just like what he said, although he is unreliable, but because of his business with Baozhai, he needs to get in touch with all kinds of creatures, so naturally he needs to understand a lot.

As for Xiefeng and Qingmei, they are also well-informed types, because both of them are beast clans, and they are the dragon and phoenix with the oldest inheritance.

The reason why the orcs are well-informed is simple, they live a long time!

Beast races can easily live for hundreds of thousands of years, and ancient bloodlines like dragons and phoenixes can live for three to five thousand years if they don't die in peace.

The other creatures have been passed down for more than ten or two generations, and others may have passed on for only one generation. Therefore, the orc race has the most say in the history of the past and present. If they live for a long time, they will naturally know more. Secondly, the orc race is still a minority. Creatures born from ancient times.

Qiao Ye looked at Qingmei and Rongbao and said, "If you two don't know about this matter, it seems that this matter is very old or out of the way."

Qiao Ye is not counted as Xiefeng. After all, Xiefeng is happy to pretend to be a little maid in front of Qiao Ye, but the meaning is the same. If Qingmei doesn't know, Xiefeng is also hard to know. On the contrary, if Qingmei knows, Xiefeng is very likely* *I also know that the inheritance and history of both sides are similar.

Suddenly, Yi Zhuo asked: "Could it be the age of the ancient Dharma?"

Everyone froze for a moment, looked at Yi Zhuo and said, "Senior, what do you say?"

Yi Zhuo said: "I haven't heard of the name of the ancient god, but when you said that, I remembered something."

Qiao Ye said: "I would like to hear the details."

Yi Zhuo said: "Do you know that when the cultivation base is increasing, there was no divine realm before."

This statement made everyone stunned, and this belonged to cold knowledge that everyone did not know.

Yizhuo explained: "In the ancient times, the concept of God was very great. At that time, only one blue star was born from the seven primordial stars. Even, everyone didn't know the existence of the primordial void, so, in that During the period, everyone held a high reverence for the gods, and there was no existence of the gods in the realm of cultivation, because everyone believed that gods were inviolable, but the supreme existence."

Rong Bao asked curiously, "When did you have the God Realm?"

Yizhuo shook his head and said: "Then I can't say it well, but it can be roughly divided into two stages. The first stage is the catastrophe coming and the world is annihilated. The second stage is that the human race leaves the blue star and enters the primordial void .”

Qiao Ye suddenly said: "Calamity is a cycle. When people are too powerful and try to see the way of heaven, disasters and catastrophes will appear, because everything in the world can only be seen from the way of heaven. When an era reaches its peak, it also means that everything will come to an end, and such a cycle can make people fearful, one disaster after another, the destruction of an era time after time, no matter how long it has passed, it will make people feel scared in retrospect, but , which also creates a problem.”

Rong Bao asked curiously, "What's the problem?"

"The way of heaven can be seen, but the gods are not omnipotent." Qiao Ye explained: "If the way of heaven is really invisible and the gods are really omnipotent, why bother to bring down disasters to destroy the entire era? So, this matter It’s indeed scary and frightening, but it’s actually telling everyone in a disguised form that the Dao of Heaven is not out of reach.”

Qingmei said: "As for the world of grandmist, this is easy to understand. Originally, everyone was trapped in Canglan Star, but after leaving, they found that Canglan Star is only one of the seven stars of Hongmeng. The world is far wider than they imagined. It is a natural state of mind will be elevated."

Yizhuo nodded and said: "In general, it is indeed like this. In fact, the later gods are divided according to this. Below the gods, they are confined to the big stars. Above the gods, they travel freely. Therefore, after the gods are Get away."

Everyone nodded, Qiao Ye coughed lightly and said, "Ditching the topic, what we're discussing isn't really the realm of gods, is it?"

Yi Zhuo said: "I just want to tell you that in the ancient times, the state of gods was not what it is now. At that time, the word god was the most lofty admiration. However, there were still four people who dared to be called gods in that period!"

Xiefeng said: "Which four?"

"I don't know." Yizhuo shook his head and said, "It's too long ago, even the historical documents of the Wu clan don't have many records, but I know one of them is..."

Yizhuo hesitated for a moment, and then said: "It's the witch god."

Rong Bao said: "That's why there are records in your historical documents!"

Yizhuo nodded and said: "It should be so, but I only know the witch god. The other three have a few words, but they have nothing to do with our witch clan, so naturally there are not many records."

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said: "The things of the ancient times are indeed old enough, and if the gods at that time were so valuable, it is not certain that the ancient gods that Long Feixiong said were referring to those four, but this is not the case. How many years ago, even if there are really four ancient gods, can this old monster still survive?"


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