Rong Bao said: "What you said may also be the inheritance of the ancient gods, right?"


What Qiao Ye said was noncommittal, because Rong Bao's words made some sense, but in Qiao Ye's view, it was just inheritance, so there was such a big commotion?

Qiao Ye felt that things would not be that simple.

However, it is undeniable that what Rong Bao said is also a possibility.

"Don't talk about it yet." Xiao Ji suddenly said, "It's time to go."

While talking, everyone has already arrived at the seaside. There is a boat that has been prepared in advance. After boarding the boat, everyone immediately gets busy.

While working, Rong Bao complained, "I miss Qi Ling so much."

Yizhuo's Qiling is gone, when they split up, Yizhuo ordered his Qiling to go to the coastal city to find Tong Baozhai.

Without Qi Ling, the saddest thing is that they have to work on their own.

The most important thing is that Qiao Ye and the others are not doing very well. It is not an easy task to go out to sea in this rainy weather. Qiao Ye and the others obviously lack sailing experience, at least not as good as those spirits.

Rong Bao said: "Should we find some sailors on Tianming Island?"

"Are we short of sailors? We are short of sailors, captains, and navigators." Qiao Ye said, "Stop complaining, and work quickly."

"I really want to work!" Rong Bao looked at the rudder wheel and said, "It's raining, can't you sail? How should I drive?"

Qiao Ye spread her hands, how could she know that even though she is not a landlubber, it doesn't mean she knows how to sail a boat.

Qingmei couldn't bear to see the two of them singing the oboe, so she said directly, "I'll do it!"

Qingmei came to the back of the boat, and after a low growl, she pushed out her palms towards the sea, and then, the sound of a dragon's chant suddenly sounded, and the five-colored light overflowed in front of Qingmei, and then transformed into a dragon shape and rushed into the sea. The force of the rush pushed the boat forward.

This is definitely not a normal way to go to sea, obviously playing a rogue, but Qingmei has the capital to play a rogue.

Qiao Ye said: "As long as you get out of the area covered by the heavy rain, it will be fine."

Rong Bao said from the side: "Speaking of which, have all the people on Tianming Island evacuated?"

Xiefeng said with a slight sarcasm: "Master Rong still cares about other people's affairs?"

Rong Bao said: "What does this have to do with caring? I'm just curious."

Qiao Ye said: "Whether we withdraw or not has nothing to do with us. Anyway, we have already done what we can do. If they still miss the island and lost their lives, they can't blame others."

Qiao Ye's code of conduct is that I have already helped you, but after helping you, you have to loose the head yourself, so that has nothing to do with me.

Xiaoji's principle is that Qiao Ye will save him if he says so, and he will not save him if he says he can't.

Rongbao and Xiefeng are actually the same kind of people, they have done bad things, and they have done good things too, and whether they can be saved or not depends on their mood.

Those who are honest and kind can be regarded as a kind person, and they are only green eyebrows, but the majestic Demon Dragon has the most compassion among all the people.

at the same time……

While Qiao Ye and the others were talking, Xie Feng suddenly stood at the bow of the boat and said, "Young Master Qiao, see you soon."

Qiao Ye heard that when he reached the bow of the ship, he immediately saw the surging waves in front of him. Seven or eight large ships were floating in the waves. A huge wave was coming, with a height of hundreds of meters, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, which was extremely terrifying.

Suddenly, a beast cry appeared, and a huge sea beast suddenly drilled out of the sea.

It was a giant tortoise. The moment it got out of the sea, the surrounding sea seemed to collapse, forming a huge vortex, which sucked the surrounding ships over.

Rong Bao couldn't help but said, "Have those corpses landed yet?"

Qiao Ye rolled his eyes at Rongbao and said, "Not all corpse monsters can land, some sea monsters can only move in the sea, let's go, go help."

Rong Bao said: "What's our business? If they are obedient, they will evacuate before the rainstorm and the zombies come. How can there be so many things."

Qiao Ye said: "It's none of our business. We have to find some sailors who know how to sail. Otherwise, even if we pass this level, do you know which direction to steer the boat? What if you get lost?"

Rong Bao thought for a while and said, "It makes sense, let's go, help!"

Qiao Ye said to Xiaoji and Xiefeng: "You guys stay here to watch the boat, tell girl Qingmei not to go on, let the boat get involved, and I will go with Rongbao and return."

While talking, Qiao Ye threw Si Buxiang out of the beast cage.

Si Buxiang appeared, immediately jumped onto Qiao Ye's shoulder, licked Qiao Ye affectionately, then looked up at the sky, the pouring rain seemed to make Si Buxiang very unhappy, the rain would wet his hair, So, Sibuxiang began to sneak into Qiao Ye's clothes.

Bai Ye grabbed Si Buxiang's neck, grabbed Si Buxiang out of his clothes and said, "You're working, don't be lazy."

Sibuxiang let out a howl of dissatisfaction, calling out people every time is work, and the donkeys of the production team can't do that!

However, Sibuxiang obediently jumped onto the deck, and his body began to glow.

Qiao Ye took a deep breath and said, "Beast Soul Resonance!"

Qiao Ye raised his halberd to the sky and gave a low shout!

Accompanied by Qiao Ye's low voice, Si Bu Xiang also opened his mouth and roared.

In an instant, the sun and moon patterns on the forehead of the four different faces burst into brilliance instantly, and a large piece of light spread out towards the front, illuminating the surroundings.

The next moment, with the appearance of that brilliance, the surrounding temperature plummeted, and then, silver-white frost rolled up into the sky, spinning continuously in the air, forming a large area of ​​frosty sky, the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, revealing A chilling feeling.

The radiance spread out towards the surroundings, like the bright moonlight, with a softness and coldness, and there was an indescribable feeling in it.

Slowly, the black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand gradually turned into a moonlight white color, and a bunch of white hairs appeared under the halberd blade, fluttering in the wind.

With the horizontal halberd in front of him, Qiao Ye let out a low growl, and then there were two white lines on the left and right sides of his cheeks, like the beards of a beast, while Qiao Ye's forehead appeared completely different. The sun and moon pattern, on both sides of the sun and moon pattern, a faint radiance drifts away, gradually transforming into a pair of double horns.

At the same time, Qiao Ye's neck was covered with animal hair like clothes. At the neck, the slender hair formed a circle, like an extremely long scarf. The hair kept getting longer and gradually turned silvery white, like The four different hairs dragged all the way to the back of the waist, fluttering in the wind.

Qiao Ye grinned, revealing two canine teeth on both sides of her mouth, which looked a little ferocious!

Taking a deep breath, Qiao Ye stepped on the railing of the boat, looked forward, and said to Rong Bao: "Let's go!"

The moment the words fell, Qiao Ye jumped off the boat.


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