Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 2001 Sea Beast Corpse

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When Qiao Ye jumped off the boat, there was the sound of freezing on the sea.

A large expanse of silver-white frost overflowed towards the surroundings, and immediately after that, the sea surface was immediately frozen.


Qiao Ye landed on the ice, threw the halberd behind her, and ran forward.

Rong Bao also followed closely at the moment. After falling from the boat, he directly transformed into a spirit body, and walked close to the front of the sea, breaking the sea water and rolling up white waves.

The two, one in front and one behind, quickly approached the battle circle.

The battle in the battle circle was more intense than imagined. Several sea beasts were attacking the ship. Besides the giant turtle, there was also a giant snake that looked like a dragon but not a dragon, two huge strange fish, and a fish with scales all over its body. It turned out to be square, but the other one was a swordfish, but compared with ordinary swordfish, its physique was completely a hill.

After Qiao Ye entered the battle circle, he took a deep breath and raised the halberd without any nonsense.

And the moment Qiao Ye raised his halberd...

The feeling of dead silence is pervasive!

There seemed to be an invisible force in the air, as if something was gathering in the direction of Qiao Ye. It was an extremely terrifying breath, as if it could crush everything.

Purple Lightning Fury Thunder, Void Blade of the Void: Call the energy of the whole body, penetrate the sky and the sky, draw all things in the world for your own use, coincide with the realm of heaven and man, shatter the void with one blow, and destroy everything.

At this moment, the aura emanating from Qiao Ye's body was extremely terrifying.

Then, that aura pierced through the world, and the aura contained in all things in the world gathered in the direction of Qiao Ye.


Almost instantly, at the moment when Qiao Ye's palm fell, the sky and the earth were torn apart, and a huge void appeared, in which chaos and haze appeared.

That blow was so terrifying that it tore a piece of this space apart.

next moment...

In the crack of the void, the incandescent light is extremely dazzling, like a shining ribbon, and like a flowing galaxy, illuminating the pitch-black color under the crack of the void.


A light blade carrying a terrifying aura directly broke through the cracks in the void, fell from the sky, and fell into this world.

The light was cold and thick, and there was an aura that could annihilate everything, making people feel trembling.

Even, the moment the light blade fell, the surrounding space began to tremble, collapsing continuously, peeling off piece by piece, like a smashed mirror, it was extremely terrifying.


Qiao Ye roared, and then the light blade directly hit the giant tortoise.



The giant tortoise struggled continuously, the shell on its back was shattered by a blow, and then the huge body sank toward the bottom of the sea.

On the surface of the sea, large patches of blood scattered.

"You killed a corpse monster, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 560,000 points."

With one blow, the giant tortoise was killed by Qiao Ye!

On the other side, Rong Bao also shot quickly, relying on his spirit body to float in the air, those sea beasts couldn't touch him at all, and they attacked continuously from above.

"Lingbo, Lingbo, Lingbo..."

Rong Bao drank in a low voice, and smashed one after another of Lingbo to the surface of the sea.

Boom, boom, boom!

The spirit wave fell into the sea, exploded continuously, and made a loud roar, and then, one after another, water jets rushed up into the sky continuously.

The arrival of Qiao Ye and Bai Ye finally stabilized the situation, and those sea beasts didn't even dare to raise their heads.

But, soon...

The sea broke up again.

Even at the moment when the huge wave hit, the frozen sea continued to shatter. Countless shards of ice shot up into the sky, and then fell down, turning into large hailstones, causing the people on the surrounding ships to run away with their heads in their hands.

Before the sea surface shattered, Qiao Ye jumped into the air, and then slammed down with one palm.

A large piece of silver-white frost and fog swept across, freezing the sea again.

Rong Bao fell from the sky and shouted at Qiao Ye: "There is trouble, those guys are hiding in the sea and can't come out. If they make trouble on the bottom of the sea, we can't do anything about them."

Qiao Ye also frowned. This is the troublesome thing about sea beasts. There is almost nothing to do if they hide in the sea. Qiao Ye and Rong Bao can go into the water, but they can still beat those sea beasts to death at sea. It's hard to say who the hammer is.

At this time, a ray of sword light passed across the sky, but it was Yuan Ke who stepped on the flying treasure.

Yuan Ke's face was filled with joy, and he cupped his fists at Qiao Ye and Rong Bao and said, "Thank you both for coming to help."

Qiao Ye said: "I'm afraid I won't be able to help. Although one of them was killed, the others hid in the sea. We have nothing to do with them."

Yuan Ke said: "It's better to hide in the sea and be crazy and make rain than come out on the sea..."


At this time, there was a loud noise on the sea surface, and then a wave surged into the sky.

Without further ado, Yuan Ke raised the sword in his hand, and the moment he slashed forward, a terrifying sword light with a length of more than ten feet flew forward, and slashed fiercely on the wave.

With a bang, the rolled up huge wave shattered, and was cut open by Yuanke's abrupt sword, and collapsed towards the surroundings, and immediately raised countless sprays.

Yuan Ke said: "As long as we can continue to break through the waves, we will be able to kill them."

Qiao Ye smiled bitterly: "Senior, you think too much."

Yuan Ke froze for a moment and said, "What?"

Qiao Ye said: "We are dealing with sea beast corpses now, not sea beasts!"

Yuanke is also a "native" born and raised in Hundred Yuan Sea, he is very clear about the affairs of the sea, and knows how to deal with those sea beasts.

And the current method is indeed a strategy to deal with the sea beast attack. As long as the sea beasts have no chance of overturning the ship, it is enough. When the sea beasts leave, they will naturally leave, and the ship will be safe. The problem is that they are not ordinary sea beasts, but sea beasts that have turned into corpse monsters. These guys are tireless and will never give up. If they don't kill them, they will keep chasing the ship.

Therefore, Yuan Ke's method does not work.

And while they were talking, there was another roaring noise on the surface of the sea, and a huge wave swept in again, carrying a heavy sense of oppression.

Those sea beasts stirred up wind and waves again on the bottom of the sea.

That huge wave soared into the sky, sweeping forward overwhelmingly.

Rong Bao quickly stretched out his hand and said, "Lingbo!"


A spiritual wave blasted forward, collided with the huge wave, and shattered the huge wave.

However, the wave was like a foreshadowing, it seemed to prove that Yuanke's idea would not work, as long as those sea beasts were not killed, the other party would continue to attack.


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