Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 2002 Fighting for the Front

"I come!"

At this time, a soft drink suddenly sounded.

That day, a radiance in the sky surrounded the figure and came, but it was Qingmei who came over.

Rong Bao said with joy on his face, "Let's forget about this great man."

Qiao Ye said: "What? Can the magic dragon enter the sea?"

Dragons can enter the sea, otherwise how can there be the theory of dragons soaring all over the world?

However, there is a problem here. The Dragon Clan has many bloodlines, and not every bloodline can overwhelm rivers and seas. For example, although Qinglong is in charge of wind and rain, it is not a water dragon. Rivers and lakes can swim shallowly, but entering the sea no.

In the same way, there is also the famous five-clawed golden dragon, which can soar in all directions and be followed by auspicious clouds, but it can only play in rivers and lakes.

And Hailong's lineage is the overlord of the sea.

So, can the dragon enter the sea?

Qiao Ye really didn't know about this.

"Can go to the sea!" Rong Bao said excitedly: "The magic dragon is one of the few who can go to the sea!"

During the talk...


Suddenly there was a loud noise in the sea, and a large piece of sea water exploded, and even, the center of the sea surface seemed to be pulled out by a giant hand to make a big hole, and a piece was directly missing.

There was a lot of wailing on the surrounding ships, and everyone tried their best to hold on to the fence or the mast to stabilize their bodies, so as not to be thrown out.


The corpse of a strange fish soon floated up, floating on the sea surface.

Qingmei instantly killed a sea beast corpse.

Yuan Ke took a deep breath and said, "It seems that you can relax about this matter."

Rong Bao proudly said: "With the help of a girl with green eyebrows, such things are nothing more than trivial matters."

Qiao Ye rolled her eyes, looked at Rong Bao and said, "Don't say that you did it, okay?"

Boom, boom, boom!

While the three of them were talking, there was another huge roar from the bottom of the sea, and then terrifying water columns rose continuously, as if they could connect the sky and the sea.

at the same time……

A huge dragon shadow swam across the sea, and then the corpse of a strange fish floated to the surface.

Yuan Ke was surprised: "Girl Qingmei is an orc? A real dragon?"

Qiao Ye and Rong Bao looked at Yuan Ke strangely and said, "Did you know?"

Yuan Ke said: "I haven't mentioned it before."

Qiao Ye said: "You fished her out of the sea and took her in for a whole night, so you didn't talk about anything?"

"No." Yuan Ke shook his head and said, "I thought it was just an ordinary girl who fell into the water, so I gave her a bowl of ginger soup and some food, and let her rest by herself. I didn't even know she was so powerful. Now It seems that I am doing too much? This needs my help!"

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "You can't say that, she might not be in a good condition at the time."

All the people who are thrown into the Hundred Yuan Sea need to cross the Chaos Void. The Chaos Thunder is not easy to deal with. Even, not everyone can come to the Hundred Yuan Sea safely and die directly in the Chaos Void. There are also many people.

Therefore, Qingmei's situation at that time was probably not as comfortable as it is now.

Yuan Ke nodded, and then asked curiously: "Where did you guys come from? With your abilities, if you are a member of the hundred-yuan sea and hang out in the surrounding seas of more than ten yuan, I shouldn't have heard of it." you."

Rong Bao grinned and said, "Du Liu Jie Tian."

"Duiliu Jietian? Where is that? It sounds familiar..." Yuanke gasped in the middle of speaking, and said, "Is that a place in the primordial void?"

Qiao Ye and Rong Bao nodded.

Yuan Ke said: "It turns out that they are distinguished guests from other big stars, but I haven't entertained them enough."

"Honored guest?" Rong Bao couldn't help complaining: "You think we are willing to come here and float on the sea? We are not cheap, and we have nothing to come here to enjoy the sea breeze."

The Hundred Yuan Sea is a place that everyone agrees is not a very good place. There are boundless seas everywhere. After the novelty comes, the environment of this place is actually very bad, and there are many dangers. When suddenly a sea beast appeared and attacked.

However, the thing is this, if you complain in front of the native aborigines, then it is your fault, so, Bai Ye kicked Rong Bao directly, but forgot that this guy is now a spirit body, Qiao Ye Kicked straight away.

Rong Bao proudly said: "I can't hit it."

"What a joke!" Qiao Ye cursed, suddenly felt something was wrong, and suddenly frowned, "There are four sea beast corpses in total, right?"

Rong Bao said: "Yes, what's wrong?"

Qiao Ye said: "I chopped off one head, and Qingmei chopped off two heads, so there should be only one head left. Is the last one so powerful? Is it okay after so long delay?"

When Qiao Ye said this, the others couldn't help being taken aback.

Qingmei completely killed the two sea beast corpses with the force of thunder, and it was obviously strange that the last one was delayed for so long. Could it be that the last one was given to the foreigner?

And at the moment when everyone was wondering...


The sea exploded again!

Rong Bao smiled and said, "Although it's a little later than expected, it's not too late."

But at the moment when Rong Bao's words fell, accompanied by the loud explosion, what came out of the sea was not the body of the sea beast corpse, but a huge tentacle, at least ten feet long, which was constantly swaying on the sea surface. waving.

Rong Bao was stunned and said, "What is this?"

Qiao Ye frowned and said, "Why does this thing look familiar?"


When the three of Qiao Ye were puzzled, the sea exploded again, and a blue light rushed into the sky, this time it was Qingmei.

After turning over in the air, Qingmei landed on the sea frozen by Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye and Rong Bao couldn't help being startled. Although Qingmei didn't seem to be injured, she was not in a good condition. She gasped heavily, obviously experiencing a hard battle at the bottom of the sea.

Qiao Ye and Rong Bao couldn't help asking, "What's the matter?"

Qingmei took a deep breath and said, "The state of the last sea beast is not quite right."

Qiao Ye asked curiously, "How wrong is it?"

Qingmei thought for a while and said, "From a sea snake to an octopus?"

Qiao Ye and Rong Bao looked at each other, are these two things the same species?

Qingmei said: "Besides, it wasn't very strong at first, but suddenly, the aura soared and became extremely terrifying."

At this time, there was another loud noise in the sea, and the sea water pushed away in all directions, and then the last sea beast came out of the water.

The sea beast was obviously a sea snake, but, extremely strangely, a crack appeared on the huge back, and then several thick tentacles came out of the sea snake's body, dancing in the air continuously.

Qiao Ye and Rong Bao frowned at the same time, as Qingmei said, the breath of this guy in front of him...

Very strong!

Then, in the next moment...


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